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Posts posted by Garrac

  1. 19 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Legionnaires are not a Warcry unit, they are shown in the leaks. We don't know the other warband right now

    Hasn't Whitefang hinted at Legionnaires and hashut being warcry warbands? They do appear at that section of the index

  2. 3 hours ago, Cosmicsheep said:

    Looking at the new NightHaunt rules i'm hoping for something similar with subfactions. Lets say we can choose from Moulder, Skryre, Eshin or Pestilens subfactions. And all Skaven units gain that keyword unless they have another keyword on their warscroll already. So Rat Ogors have the moulder keyword, gutter runners have eshin but clanrats and stormvermin have none.

    So we can take a moulder subfaction which gives clanrats the moulder keyword AND makes them battleline. We could still take gutter runners but they would not gain the moulder keyword and wouldn't benefit from the allegience abilities

    I think i could live with that. You can still soup, or mono-clan but with added battleline. Crossing all my fingers and toes 🤣

    Edit: thikning about this some more, i'd like to see Eshin subfaction doing mortals on 5 instead of a 6 (if that's the way Eshin are going based on the new warband) Maybe the Skryre subfaction can take extra units with the warp-grinder (or come up 6" away instead of 9") The pestilens subfaction gives an extra rend, Moulder gets a ward save etc..) 

    Am i just dreaming ??

    That would be totally my preference, yeah. I also wouldn't like the anti-soup policy to hit skaven. We've kept being the soupiest race since 1986! The NH way would leave GW a feeling of control over the factions, and we could still keep a feeling of souping. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:

    Well, if it helps any with the guessing we at least know the total value of all next week's reveals (and that there is a chance to win the lot)

    9. The prize will consist of all items revealed as part of Warhammer Fest 2022.

    10. There is 1 grand prize to be won. All entrants will have a chance of winning 1 (one) prize.

    11. The total prize value is GBP £1340 (one thousand, three hundred and forty) / AUD $2369 (two thousand, three hundred and sixty nine) Australian Dollars.


    1561 euros. Wow, man, that's wild.


    We could sum up, but yeah, I think it points towards some great releases besides StD and Horus Heresy. Maybe it's the squats?


    Anyway, I still have my hopes. I'm just crossing fingers for the rat-release to be something more than a starterbox. Not everything on 2022 for AoS can be only starterboxes! But don't worry, just in case, I have my clown nose prepared

  4. I don't know. Seeing tiers and tournament rankings right now Big W doesn't appear a lot... and the times that it appear, it's like ironjawz with a few units changed. And now it's the time for ynnari at 40k, receiving another big nerf.


    What I see that's the tendency since 3rd and 9th started it's that GW wants the soups to end, and players to choose more specific subfactions. (I hope I'm wrong, skaven have allways played like a mix of clans)


    Btw, it has been leaked from the nighthaunt bt some spetial rules for reinforcements. I would expect the same for clanrats at least

  5. You see, if you don't already know it, the skaven were created on 1986 by Jes Goodwin and Rick Priestley. I don't know in what kind of drugs they were when they went on and said "COCAIMANIAC HORNED RATS" but that year a legend was created (quite literally because all the bases were already there. Council of Thirteen, the clans, Skavenblight...)

    So, Jes Goodwin, with the limitation at the time, made the first miniatures of this crazy hybrid people rat-like, having in mind that they needed to appear more rat than human


    With the years, and the success of the skavens (and Warhammer in general) came the first skaven codex in 1993. So Jes (let's remember, the co-creator of the race) continued making more rat monsters. I suppose his idea was to improve his ideas about rat people-and make them look dirtier, smellier, and rattier than ever. First part I'm interested here is in the formation. See the rats on the regiment? They look familiar... like a mischief running towards warpstone/cheese! Yes, I think Goodwin's idea with the models was to simulate the effect of a mischief of rats running to kill-kill you. It made the regiments cooler, and more terrifying. Or am I seeing too much?


    (If you look clsely you'll be able to locate Skrolk, the actual model of the Plague Priest! Says a lot about Goodwin's mastership that this miniature is still being fabricated)


    BUT on mid 90s GW changed hands, and I think they wanted to start making plastic kits. So, it came the turn of the skaven with the Mordheim box in 1999, and as plastic allowed for more versatility, they changed the looks of the skaven in terrain. And... it came the age of the monkey

    Night Runner - Warhammer - The Old World - Lexicanum

    Now, I don't think there was any malice here. This redesign was thought for allowing the skaven more freedom of movement in the arms and the poses. But nowadays it's not a well beloved age modelswise.

    First step to change that was with the Lustria campaign, where they changed the plague monks, and instead of making drug experiments, the arms stayed on a same pose, so the sense of a mischief moving could be recapturated.

    Aaaaand here comes in 2009 our saviour and lord Seb Perbet!

    Blog Page » Page 360 of 381 » Tale of Painters

    Now, he made an almost total rerange of the skaven models, bringing in new clanrats and stormvermins with improved plastic kits, and nicer models that had a better resemblance with Goodwin's original ideas. But this time all was improved: the poses, the arms, the rattier looks of the models, and, yes, the mischief feeling was back too! Nowadays I still think this is the best rerange release that GW has ever made.  (and don't forget the rest of the sculpters, Seb Perbet didn't do everything!)


    ... almost.


    You see, the rerange wasn't complete. There were still some miniatures from the other ranges left. Skrolk and the globadiers weren't changed, yes, but most importantly, neither were the night runners.


    You see my problem here? The runners were made back at the time to fit the aesthetics of a skaven 5-6th edition army. But now they just don't fit very well with the models that Perbet did. They just look very different, like some kind of monkey mutations made by a Master Moulder that ate too much warsptone, and not the cool silent assasins they are supposed to be. Heck, Perbet did redesign one Eshin miniature! And he's one of the coolest models avaible at our army, and for some reason GW didn't apply his idea to the rest of the Eshin catalogue.


    So, that is why I want the runners to change. I want GW to release a multipart- plastic kit that ressembles more Goodwin and Perbet's ideas, maybe with some of their own. But most importantly, with no monkey hands


    So that's it, basically. Sorry for the afteraternoon discourse :P

    • Like 3
  6. So, now it's almost/kinda/maybewhateverpercent certain that the Chaos battletome coming this summer it's rats (or at least I'll pretend it's rats) 


    I've already speculated about a much needed Eshin rerange release, but now I'm thinking more on the rules


    1- I think that right Skaven need better rules for Eshin/Pestilens/Moulder. I need to be able to put deathmasters that are actually useful. More powerful rat ogres outside of buffs. That the bearers become more dangerous. Basically, to power-up something rather than Skyrre, basically.


    2- Also, I'm geting the sensation that the clans are getting "orrukwarclansed". Like, that GW'll nerf severely the "soup" army (as they've done with Big W) and force us to use more the other clans separately. I don't like that scenario because right now the clans are not at the same level, but the good side is that I suppose they'll get rid of all those 2039 artifacts that only serve for occupying space on the battletome.


    Lore-wise, I want GW to start giving some new love to the rats. I mean, it's kind of disappointing to see the other factions getting new units, sub-factions and some lorelove like the orruks last year, while the skaven have stayed the same since 2014. I mean, come on! Let them do something important, not be just canon fodder. I mean, they obliterated 70% of the Old World, we need to keep using them as a scary big force, and not some weird Chaos corner that no one wants to play with


    4- More new spetial characters. I really miss the Fanratastic Four (Ikit, Snikch, Skrolk, Throt) but at least I expected someone new to cover up the hole on AoS. To this day, we only have Thanquol, Skreech (who, btw, needs better rules to represent he's a freaking monster at foot with Kragnos & cia) and the Underworlds warbands. That's sad. In fact, one of the reasons I keep saying the 6th edition was the worst skaven army it's because they eliminated all the spetial characters... and AoS did the same! Don't be mistaken, I like the battletome, but I deeply miss some new villains with cool miniatures... or maybe old! We already know Ikit is alive, so, put him on a tech-rat-dragon or something and I swear I'll literally throw you my money!


    5-Yes, the miniatures. I know I said I've already talked about this, but I need to emphatise the importance of this. In fact, I'm going to create a new thread talking about this subject, yeah


    So... maybe it's too much to ask for? I don't know. At this points I'm happy with a gunners rerange. Please GW?

  7. So, GW has revealed on the most recent roadmap that this year there'll be two new battletomes.


    Now, first understand this: I think it's Gitz + Ogors, and both of them need updates and rerange releases, very badly in fact. BUT one of the funny things of AoS is that every year they present a totally new faction. And, let's be honest, da boyz are really short on that matter! With only 4 (¿canon?) factions they could use moar boyz. So, I thught it could be funny to speculate about what possible new armies can come this 2022. Here my bets:

    -Gitmob grots. I mean, da grots could really use an independent faction. If it gets miniatures as cool as the kruelboyz grots, I'm in

    -Troggoths. Taking them out of the GG book to make a whole independent battletome, or a sub-faction battletome. Maybe with new spetial characters?

    -Something Kragnos related. 

    -Fimirs? I know the FW miniatures are out of stock, but, maybe they could do some new plastic kits?


    I don't know if current lore makes more hints, but I think a new destruction faction could offer some fun possibilities.


    First renew da gitz. Then the fun comes.

  8. 2 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I totally understand. Im just happy we havent had next weeks reveals spoiled!! It feels like we now know the end of 2022 or perhaps the beginning of 2023 but now we have all this stuff in between to look forward to!!

    We have 6 Factions releasing between now and STD and its highly unlikely every single one of them is a single model release!!

    I would say that at least Beasts of Chaos/skaven/spiders/ogors could get some fun. They all have some of the oldest miniatures in the entire game (in the case of skaven, Skrolk and the poison globadiers were made in 1993... just one year before I myself was even born...)

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, SirSalabean said:

    I cannot believe more is leaking. What’s up at gw that so much is slipping out 

    Yeah, we've been like half a year whitout any interesting rumour, and now BOOM! two entire battletomes leaked, one 8 months before the official release


    It's just bonkers, but I want rats

  10. Ok, now, that's better. I guess all my hype will go for that sweet rat-bt (as I said, I'm beginning to think that we won't have nothing aside from a hero, sigh) but at least GG and ogors are going to be renewed! Will we get new spider and ogors models? 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Arzalyn said:

    There still hope of some minor model release as Nighthaunt got. Eshin have 2 units, they could make a refresh for them, but that would mean no new units (other than a new hero).

    I don't know, if the releases were something we would have already got a "camera potato" preview 



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