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Posts posted by Pariah255

  1. Mournfang discussion: 

    I feel that Mournfangs are sort of struggling for identity in a BCR force right now. But, I think they have a forgotten function in the form of their Clubs/Hackers and Fists loadout. With AoS 3 only really allowing one or two big horde units on the table, I feel like the Spikefist has an underrated form of utility, where you can just charge your Mournfang into your opponents one (maybe two) horde unit(s), and wait for them to swing with it. Granted, bouncing a wound back on 6s to save is NOT (Repeating: NOT) a good plan for a unit, but its probably better than letting your 430 point FLoSH get bogged down by a unit of Clanrats or Marauders. I wonder if they aren't just a speedbump for our opponents to deal with.  I've had a good long think about it and I cannot seem to grasp how to best utilize them. Let me know where the hive mind is at. Cheers!

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  2. Hey gang, quick question: 

    If I am not mistaken, Huskards on Thundertusks can chant an Everwinter Prayer plus the one on their warscroll, correct? If this is the case, do we get another prayer for generic prayers as well (Smite and Ward)? I've been combing over the rules and I feel like there could be some merit to running a Huskard on Thundertusk or two as a supporting Hero/Behemoth for both Beastclaw and mixed lists; Giving that unit of Ironguts a 6+ ward and healing a Stonehorn every turn seems pretty sweet to me! (or even giving a dual FLoSH list the ability to hit and wound on 2s for two turns in a row with Finest Hour)

  3. Question (for those smarter or more informed than I am): 

    How do the new battalions even work for "Monster-Mash" style armies like Beastclaw? I've been looking them over for the past few days, and I can't seem to find a useful loadout for any of them, and other armies like SoB don't seem to fit the criteria for the majority  of the battalions either. It just seems like armies that can afford to take a Warlord Battalion (for the enhancements) are going to be very far ahead of other armies because they receive free value from being able to do so. Not complaining, I'm genuinely curious as to how these battalions are supposed to work for more elite armies. 

  4. Interesting consideration for Beastclaw fanatics: 

    Odds that Mournfang gain the Monster (or Behemoth for battalion purposes) Keyword in AoS 3? I feel like that would really make Mournfang a VERY solid choice. Not that they're horrible now, but obviously they are kind of sub-par. Not sure how they would affect listbuilding or whatever, but people smarter than I am can discuss this! Just a thought!

  5. Howdy all!

    With AOS 3 around the corner, I thought I would post some pictures of my first (of many) Start Collecting to inspire y'all to get some paint on your chonccy bois! Enjoy some cool (If poor) pictures of the Rubblebelt Raiders! Comments and Criticism welcome, Cheers!

    Lord Choncc.jpg


    Lord Choncc Zoom.jpg

    Mournfang Zoom.jpg

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  6. Ahoy hobbyists!

    Longtime lurker, first post on this thread. That being said, I'm thinking about buying into Mawtribes (the Destruction itch is real) and was curious if a mass Thundertusk list has any legs, or if I'm better of trying to build something else. To be honest, I think my competitive days are well behind me, but I do enjoy actually playing the game and not getting dumpstered every match.  

    That being said,  let me know how this looks at first glance:

    Mawtribe: Boulderhead
    Mortal Realm: Chamon

    General: Huskard on Thundertusk w/Blood Vulture (300)

    • Everwinter Prayer: Pulverising Hailstorm
    • Command Trait: Lord of Beasts
    • Artefact of Power: Plate of Perfect Protection
    • Mount Trait: Rimefrost Hide

    Frostlord on Stonehorn (400)

    • Artefact of Power: Brand of the Svard
    • Mount Trait: Black Clatterhorn

    Huskard on Stonehorn w/Blood Vulture (320)

    • Mount Trait: Metalcruncher


    • Thundertusk Beastriders w/Blood Vulture (270)
    • Thundertusk Beastriders w/Blood Vulture (270)
    • Thundertusk Beastriders w/Blood Vulture (270)


    • Torrbad (120)

    Total Points: 1950 (or 2000 if I want the CP, but I have no clue what I would use it for; I think a potential triumph is better)


    I feel like the list does a lot of mortal wounds (Hopefully at least 5 per shooting phase just off of the Vultures), and could be a lot of fun. Just let me know if this is an "Auto-lose every match"-list or if there is a generic "Hey do this if you're buying into Mawtribes"-build. (My memory is foggy and I won't read all of the pages here). 

    Thank you all, cheers!

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  7. Ahoy Lads and Lasses, 

    Long time lurker, first time poster. 

    I've been in and out of the hobby for almost 10 years, and I could not have been more ecstatic to see the release of these big, dumb idiots in the fall. Suffice it to say, I've been paining up my Big Three and now that they're (mostly) finished, I thought I would share the background on them and how they look! They were a blast to create and I hope y'all enjoy the models! (Credits to my lovely girlfriend for picking out the names of the stomp and the Big Three!)

    The Big Heel of the Hellbender Stomp is an ancient gargant who goes by Igor. Hailing from the swamps of Ghyran, Igor would travel throughout his territory (which is everything he could see) and utterly obliterate anyone or anything he found.  For decades, tales were told of a gargant so strong, that he would rip two trees out of the earth and smite entire armies in his path. So fiery was his wrath, that he gained many titles from the cities in the area; Oakbreaker, Lakemaker, Twinclub, Citycrusher, and finally the one that stuck: Igor, the Berserker. His campaign against seemingly everything in his path was finally halted when he came across a travelling circus and met the first addition to his Stomp, Fernand. 

    Fernand had been travelling with The Runik Cirkus, although, he was more of a sideshow.  Poor Fernand had been tainted by some foul magics that had caused him to be born with horns.  For many years, and in fact, as long as he could remember, Fernand had always been in chains, locked up and dragged around by the circus beasts and kept from fleeing by the mages in the group. Clumsy, foolish, and far too large to be of any other use than to haul equipment, Fernand was oftentimes whipped or tortured for his seemingly endless ability to cause chaos. Fernand became horribly disfigured during this time, and he covered himself with the rags of tents that were too old and ratty for performance, or that were simply left behind after a show.  Fernand grew to hate civilization, and over time he became silent, refusing to speak to the circus performers or even to himself. 

    It was by happenstance, then, that one day Igor was chasing a pack of wild boar and stumbled across The Runik Cirkus, Fernand in tow. As Igor began stomping on the performers and crushing their equipment, the Ringmaster released Fernand from his chains, ordering him to fight the Oakbreaker. As the chains fell from Fernand's wrists and he stepped forward to combat Igor, he paused. A wagon flew past his shoulder as he watched Igor simply pick up a member of the troupe, and bite off his head. Fernand was dumbfounded. He had never considered such a simple solution to his problems before. 

    As he snapped back to the situation at hand, he felt the whip of the Ringmaster at his back again. This time, however, Fernand turned around, snatched him up, and devoured him whole. He was....delicious. 

    "Fernand, you cannibal!" shrieked Delilah, the  circus acrobat. "You can't do this to us!" 

    Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Fernand stomped her flat.  After the massacre of the Runik Cirkus, Igor marched over to Fernand and grabbed him by the shoulders. 

    "Oi, youse dun reel good back there, reel good beatin' dem runts; YA STOMPED EM GOOD! WHATS YER NAME?"

    Fernand paused. He had never had to introduce himself before.

    "Fernand....Cannibal." The words seemed to crawl out of his mouth like a tortoise, but they were finally out there, his first words as a free gargant. 

    "Roight, Ferman," boomed Igor, "I been lookin fer new fings ta smash, and yer the first new guy I come acrosst. Howdya like to smash moar stuff?" 

    Fernand smiled. He nodded his agreement, picked up a piece of the rubble and wrapped his chains around it. His prison was now his weapon. 

    In the following weeks, Fernand the Cannibal became a travelling companion to Igor. They terrorized the settlements they came across, and chased wild boar throughout the highlands of Ghyran.  During their travels, they encountered a terrifying new ally in Yosef, who was known in the area as the Jagged King. Fearsome, ruthless, and arrogant to a fault, Yosef sought to take control of the surrounding towns and villages, then collect their warriors' trinkets to add to his own.  When Igor began another rampage through one of his towns, Yosef challenged the new intruder to single combat. Igor, blood-mad and reckless, saw red and immediately charged the Jagged King. They fought a brutal and bloody battle for hours, until Fernand, who did not understand the rules of the duel, smashed Yosef with his massive flail, cracking his skull clean open. He collapsed to the ground as Igor stomped on him again and again, bringing Yosef firmly under his heel. 

    From that point forward, Yosef became embittered. Losing a battle was bad enough, but now with his injuries, he knew he could never challenge Igor again, let alone fight two mega-gargants. Instead, he would incite Igor's rage at the times when it was most opportune to him, so he could collect more trinkets and furs for his collection. A king, he reasoned, should have someone else do the dirty work. 

    ...And that's pretty much where I'm at right now! Storyline is lacking some specific details, but the ideas for all the gargants just kind of popped up as they were getting assembled and painted. I did a little bit of kitbashing and some extra modelling, hopefully this can inspire a few of you to make your own lore for your stomp, or try new modelling ideas! Cheers!

    Fernand, The Cannibal.jpg

    Igor, The Berserker.jpg

    Yosef, The Malcontent.jpg

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