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Posts posted by YoghurtKobold

  1. That skaven is most likely from some new Underworld's warband. Because of that elaborate base. There is no other regular hero with full scenic base like that apart from Underworld's bands. If it was just  regular hero he would be running on some pipe protruding through base or something like that and there wouldn't be sculpted whole part of sewer underneath him.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

    So, the Sylvaneth Start Collecting is 70€, the Warsong Revenant is 42,50€ and the Hunters are 46€. Am I missing something or do they charge over 50€ for the artwork?! 


    There are 2 units of hunters. So basically the artwork is for free and you are paying standard amount for models.

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  3. 58 minutes ago, Aleser said:

    Check at 19:46. Vince is saying he is working on something that will come out february/march, he is very exicted about it and other people will be, and will prob lead him to start that army. Could that be something bigger for Deepkin or Slayers. We expect their tomes then. He is mostly painting bigger models for Warhammer Community articles.



    Finally some rumour-like information. And it sounds great. Given the time frame it is most likely linked with those two armies.

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  4. Although I am a Lumineth player I am more interested in future of DOK these days. What do you think the future holds for them? Somehow I doubt that they will be left as standalone faction if Malerion arrives (or his warband in Underworlds). It would be nice to have 2 Ulgu gods as opposition to two gods of Hysh.

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  5. 19 minutes ago, SilentSentinel said:

    I think I'm somewhat still firmly in the camp of Kragnos being connected to the Kurnothi, the red hair, fancy emerald/jade looking earrings. That and the bear-like face does give me a forest/hunt vibe.

    I do also like the theory that he's the offspring of Alarielle and Kurnoth, either way, hopefully we get some answers sometime soon.

    It would be nice to have destruction Kurnothi army. Something along the lines of aelves or sylvaneth overtaken by the wild hunt

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