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Posts posted by taintedtyphoon

  1. 2 hours ago, Squark said:

    Okay, first question; Which variant are the Vanguard-Raptors, Annihilators, and Prosecutors? Their role varies depending on loadout.

    As far as proxies/purchases go, the main thing I notice is that you're light on ranged units, and you could use a knight-incantor. Having 6 Vanguard-Raptors or 10-15 Judicators is really helpful for list building.

    If you're looking for a competitive list, this is what I might try. You'd need another box of Vanguard-Raptors and have to use a Knight-Arcanum as a proxy (or just find one online for like ~ $10 USD)

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Knights Excelsior
    - Mortal Realm: Ghur
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs: Inspired
    Lord-Imperatant (175)*
    Lord-Relictor (145)*
    - General
    - Command Trait: High Priest
    - Artefact: Mirrorshield
    - Prayer: Translocation
    Knight-Incantor (125)*
    - Spell: Celestial Blades
    6 x Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers (480)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    5 x Liberators (115)*
    - Heavens-wrought Weapon and Shield
    - 1x Grandweapons
    5 x Liberators (115)*
    - Heavens-wrought Weapon and Shield
    - 1x Grandweapons
    3 x Annihilators (200)*
    6 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (480)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    Celestar Ballista (140)*
    *Battle Regiment
    Holy Command: Thunderbolt Volley

    Total: 1975 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 86
    Drops: 1


    This is really helpful! 

  2. Thankyou! i was waiting to see if anyone was willing, I have not played a game with stormcast yet and only played a few games of AOS in total. i dont mind proxying heros if it helps or getting a new box or 2 but would be nice to have a target. I have a fair amount but its very random stuff. Heres what ive got:


    • -Stardrake
    • -Yndrasta x2
    • -Bastian
    • -Gotrek
    • -Knight Azyros
    • -Knight Venator
    • -Lord Aquilor
    • -Lord Celestant on Dracoth
    • -Lord Arcanum
    • -Lord relictor
    • -Lord imperitant
    • -Knight Vexillor with apotheosis banner
    • -Knight Arcanum x3
    • -Knight Questor
    • 30 Vindicators
    • 9 Annihilators
    • 6 Praetors
    • 10 Liberators
    • 3 Prosecutors
    • 3 Retributors
    • 4 vanguard palladors
    • 5 Vanguard hunters
    • 3 Vanguard raptors
    • 2 Ballista
    • 3 Evocators on Dracoline

    Proper mish mash


  3. 14 hours ago, readercolin said:

    There are 3 ways this can go.

    Way 1, you only have 1 opponent, but you can't play particularly frequently.  Lets be honest here, if you got to play once a quarter, it isn't going to really matter that you are playing the exact same armies against each other, unless the power imbalance between the two lists is rather extreme (ex. top tier Lumineth list vs stormcast starter sets).  In this case, you can play for years and it still feels fresh, or one or both of you can get a new unit to add to your army and change how it works fairly significantly.  On top of that, you can expect a new book to change things up every 3-5 years.

    Way 2, you can only get out occasionally to play, and almost always against the same opponent.  But said opponent can play against other people (ex. I can get to the store at 7pm once a month, and Dave is always up for a game with me).  Here it is more similar to way 1, where each time you play isn't getting particularly stale, but one or both of you can spice things up by choosing a different subfaction, or changing out a unit or two.  Additionally, if you are playing from the GHB, you can make a point of trying each mission out, and even if you play once a week, you are still looking at playing each mission a grand total of 4 times before the next years GHB drops.

    Way 3, you have a regular opponent and you are playing 1-3 games a week with them (ex. a partner or roommate that you can play with).  Here is where things can get pretty stale, especially if you have smaller armies.  If I have exactly 2k points of Stormcast, and you have exactly 2k points of Orruks, games are going to start feeling pretty samey, and you can't really change much (especially since changing your stormhost has SUCH a BIG impact 🙄).  Here, I would recommend looking at a variety of ways to change things up.  Do a Path to Glory adventure, with some sort of start and end point.  Take and build an Anvil of Apotheosis character with a "slow grow" framework.  Try out siege battles, or do some sort of narrative thing.  Get the old Open War battleplan cards (or make new ones with the new Open War rules) to randomize things.  Try playing with some handicaps.  Or if games are consistently onesided, start at 1500 points, and then for each win the next game the winner has to play an additional 50 points down while the loser gets to play 50 points up.  Eventually you will settle at a "balanced" game for your respective armies.

    All this being said, the BIGGEST way to keep it fresh is to get more models, or after a point, more armies.  Going from 2k points to 2500 points is enough that you can swap 500 points out of your list each time and end up with 3-4 slightly different lists.  Going back to the stormcast example, if I have say, an Imperitant, 15 liberators/vindictors/sequitors for battleline, and then I have Fulminators, Longstrikes, an Ordinator + 3-4 ballista's, and 6 annihilators, I can basically choose 3 of the 4 packages, with the army operating a bit differently depending upon which package I choose to run.  This isn't forcing a huge purchase out of me to be able to field the different packages, but can still produce some variety when they hit the table.  That being said, while the above is fairly easy to do with Stormcast... it isn't going to help you too much if you chose Sons of Behemat as your army choice (if you chose that army though... you did it to yourself).

    However, with enough play, even some variety in a single list can lead to staleness, which is where additional armies come in.  Here you can make a drastic change - ex. having stormcast and Tzeentch, where it is a completely different playstyle and you can keep things fresh with something brand new.  Or, you can look to make smaller changes - ex. having stormcast and building Cities of Sigmar.  Here Stormcast can have 1/4 cities units be part of their army in a Stormkeep, and Cities can have 1/4 of their units be Stormcast.  So if for example I decide that I want some Irondrakes, I can bring a squad of 20 of them in a stormkeep to test things out, and then as I expand my cities army instead have my stalwart dwarves get some backup in the form of a block of Fulminators to act as heavy cavalry.

    Excellent advise and thankyou for such a thorough write up. We get together once a week and either paint or play. We are not yet up to the 2k mark just yet. I have idoneth and sce and he has orruk warclans.

  4. Ive only played 1 game of age of sigmar so ive not got much experience at all so any help is greatly appreciated. 


    I was thinking of a list like this, ive not put enclave as not sure what would suit.

    Volturnos 260

    Eidolon of the storm

    Ishlaen Guard 155

    Ishlaen Guard 155

    Ishlaen Guard 155

    Allopex x2 250

    Allopex x2 250

    Leviadon 280

    Aetherwings 65


  5. 10 hours ago, DocKeule said:

    In a FB group someone swapped the eels for Slaanesh seekers (just the mounts) so it looked like sea horse cavalry. It looked spot on but is kind of expensive. 

    Thats something ive not considered, thankyou for the idea

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