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Posts posted by Gitzdee

  1. 9 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    I actually think a Dark Souls or Diablo-esque game would suit AoS particularly well and I think it would have a bigger chance of being a success than more logical genres like RTS or TBS games.

    I‘m afraid for anyone trying to do a decent RTS game. As far as I can tell, no game comes close to SC and SC2 there and the genre isn‘t very popular these days either, turn-based strategy even less so (which I find would reflect AoS the best). 

    I think RTS can still work well. But i think the 1v1 part is the problem here. 5v5 or battle royale games are all the hotness and just dont translate well to RTS games. If it gets somewhat redesigned to a 3v3 or 5v5 format i think it could be very popular in esports. People like to play with their friend nowadays compared to the single player basement dweller i used to be years ago and put in the work to git gut and obtain the micro. The FPS and Moba genres kinda destroyed 1v1 games. I do hope it get popular again some day. But game developers have to take risks and with the current game industry i dont think its very likely. Mobile games with lots of micro transaction targeted to casual players make way more money than an expensive AAA game that a few hardcore gamers like. 

    That said. I do think small game studios with a passion for the genre could still revive it. How long has it been since we had a half decent RTS. I think SC2 was the last of its kind. I think it would have done better if it was just a single game without the expansions.

    People do like skins and i think that could easily be done in RTS games. SC2 has actually done this in a way where u could change the looks of units a bit. I also think the generals idea that C&C Generals had was perfect and could be expanded upon. Make up some nice characters and make them play very different. People like to connect with the characters they play instead of just playing around with a few units. Just to throw in some ideas. I just hope the genre doesnt die. 

    Blizzard did announce recently to have started on a new big game. I hope its an RTS and i hope they get to destroy some negativity surrounding the company and just make good games again.

  2. What do u think would be the perfect AoS video game?

    I would love to see a version of Warcraft 3/ Starcraft 2, but AoS. I just love base building and i think multiple races can be easily represented. Its an easy way of telling stories too and lots of cinematics. Give me some playable Fyreslayers, Ogor Mawtribes, Flesh Eater Courts, Idoneth Deepkin and some Slave to Darkness. Something a bit different from the basic humans vs undead vs orcs.

    I could also be happy with a AoS Monster Hunter. Let me hunt Chaos Daemons, Undead and God Beasts instead. SCE also lend themselves to the many weapon and armour options.

    And last but not least. Just because i love the genre so much. Give me a proper AoS Fighting game. Let me play Gotrek, Gordrakk, Archaon and all the other awesome characters we love. I think the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm engine would lend itself very well to what i have in mind here. That style of game could easily incorporate magic and other abilities. Soul Calibur style would also be great. Dont think a 2d style game would be good for AoS.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    I don't think you will look like a bad guy for pointing that out.

    However, I think a big multimillion pound company shouldn't still be  having stock issues after about four years. Yes we've had Covid and there is the mess of Brexit but they shouldn't be having the issues they seem to be having at the moment. It's either they are stockpiling for when the Amazon show comes out or there are massive behind the scene issues. 

    They must be printing so many 4th edition boxes just to beat Dominions staying power (i think its still sold in some places).

    • Haha 1
  4. On 5/12/2024 at 2:16 AM, Gitzdee said:

    1 Orruk Warclans

    2 Fyreslayers

    3 FEC 

    4 Disciples of Tzeentch 

    5 Maggotkin of Nurgle 

    I expect a Daemons release in the big winter release slot. I think we will be getting Chorfs the year after that. I think Warclans,  FEC and Fyreslayers will get a early tome because they already have been part of Dawnbringers and they wont be involved in much lore the next edition. 

    I want to change Orruk Warclans to GSG. Same reasons but i think it makes more sense for a new tome to drop when BS get squatted in 2025.

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, EntMan said:

    Hi modellers and kitbashers, I hope this is ok to post here as it doesn't seem worth it's own post and hopefully will be seen by the modelling minded of the TGA. And it is part of my project to get started this month.

    I have got myself a cheap Aleguzzler/Chaos/Mancrusher gargant via Stormbringer and I want to make it into a Tzaangor themed chaos gargant. For which it needs a bird head. I'm thinking of either a Lord of Change head or the head from a Freeguild General on Griffon (the griffon, not the general...) and my question is does anyone know how the size of these bird heads would look on a gargant?

    Or any other suggestions of bird heads that might work on the gargant that's fairly easily available on bitz sites/ebay?

    (I'm aware that with the squatting of Beasts of Chaos the chaos gargant is going, but I still want to make one...)

    Dont own either kit but i like the idea.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Absolute fantastic kit! I have 30 in the pipeline. 😆 I'm kinda banking on a gitmob expansion. 🤘🐺🤘

    Do u think they can split the weapon profiles? For a melee and ranged Snarlfang option? Or doesnt the kit have enough of both?

    I would like to buy Snarlfang Riders in the future but i cant really afford it ahead of time. I know rules dont matter most of the time but i like at least a subfaction to go along with my purchases. I also still like my Rippas Warband very much.

  7. On 4/23/2024 at 10:39 PM, Ganigumo said:

    Its not a statement on which armies should get updates, but I think there are a lot of signs for a gitz release. If it was based on need Fyreslayers and Ogors would be at the top. We all know popular armies get way more support though, and I think they underestimated the popularity of gitz before they released.

    I missed this Whitefang like, maybe we will be getting GSG sooner than i thought.

    I am also starting to believe the weird thing to logic is pointing towards Tzeentch. Blue Scribes are also Sold Out.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Fyreslayers should logically be be getting a lot. They're in due for an update and live in Aqshy, which is the primary setting for this edition. And there's the old Dwarfs vs Skaven rivalry to capitalize on.  

    I expect Kharadron Overlords vs Chorfs. GSG vs Skaven as Skragrott declared war on them. I also hope for a Dispossesed update for a CoS 2nd wave. Just think GW wont be covering Fyreslayers for such a long period, maybe to the end of the edition but not so soon.

  9. 1 Orruk Warclans

    2 Fyreslayers

    3 FEC 

    4 Disciples of Tzeentch 

    5 Maggotkin of Nurgle 

    I expect a Daemons release in the big winter release slot. I think we will be getting Chorfs the year after that. I think Warclans,  FEC and Fyreslayers will get a early tome because they already have been part of Dawnbringers and they wont be involved in much lore the next edition. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. Is it just me or does it seem like Warcry is getting more attention recently? Or could it just be some people waiting for 4th to drop? I am basing this on what im reading on tga and the increased activity here. Would love it if Warcry became one of the main games.

  11. 12 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Great advice. Yeah, warcry is the main game I've been playing this year. I'm more of a skirmish player than a mass battle one, and like narratives rather than competitive.  So it's nice to be able to do lots of quick games in a session, and really tell a story. i keep meaning to post the battle report from my last warcry campaign actually. I haven't even scratched the surface of the warbands I can build from my models, so lots of potetial there without spending any money. 

    We got really into x-grave games a couple of years ago and played most of them, but it's been a while since I dusted off the book. As you say the warband options there are even more varied than warcry. 

    We're also planning a full tilt tournament later in the summer and busy painting knights for that so no shortage of options even ignoring the GW hype cycle!

    Seems like u didnt need any advice XD.

  12. 1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Hmm, getting back into historical wargaming sure is looking tempting. I never played 3e AoS, i figured I'd wait for 4e and see how i felt then. Still been collecting my armies, but at this point I've pretty much finished my AoS collection for now. I just want a few more of the new Seraphon and then I've pretty much got multiple full armies in various states of building and painting to be going on with. So no need to start a new warhammer project just for the sake of it. I've been eying some ancient Egyptians from Perry miniatures for a while, so I might dive back i to that for the next year or two and see what GW is doing when I check in again!

    Im thinking the same. I want to at least try 4th and it seems like we can with free index rules. I can recommend looking into Warcry if u havent already. Fun small quick game u can try and the rules are still free downloads. Frostgrave could also be great if u already have a good collection of minis. No need to buy any. Both games let u build warbands which is kinda fun to gather and put together. Frostgrave can be played by just buying a single book that isnt even that expensive (i think it was around 20 euros when i bought it).

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Frodorowski said:

    I haven't read anything about warcry/UW rumours... Is the info in this thread?

    Havent seen any from a reliable source so far.

    I also cant see how pushing Spearhead has anything to do with Warcry or Underworlds. Warcry is a squad based skirmish game and Underwolds is a boardgame. Spearhead seems to be AoS light for people to get some games in easier with less investment. Like a stepping stone to AoS. So i dont buy the rumours about those 2 games.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. 39 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    I'm still hoping these see a release. The kits designed by Ray Dranfield (when he was still on Twitter to receive credit for his work) have all been bangers, and I was hoping to see a "AoS city" kit in the same vein as his phenomenal LotR output. Had lofty designs of bulking out some scratchbuilt stuff with bits of a scenery kit like this to "tie it all together"

    Unless it was not a great kit, I'd think "Warhammer Fantasy Cityscape" would be a no-brainer. Based on some of the images, it didn't seem as flexible of a kit as the Gondor kit, but tbh I liked the look of the stuff enough that I was willing to put in some elbow grease if needed. Despite my groaning about prices, I wouldn't be able to resist an AoS city; especially since I swerved the big Gondor bundles in favor of them.

    Are the lotr scenery pieces a good scale compared to AoS?

    Edit: nvm they are crazy expensive compared to Warcry sets.

  15. Just now, GrimDork said:

    I read this as, if the target unit has FLY or target unit charged, it would not get the -1 to hit bonus of cover. The end part of the sentence that says "that unit" I think is referring to the target unit mentioned in the first part of the sentence, not the attacking unit.

    So, if a flying unit targets a unit in cover it would be -1 to hit.

    If any unit targets a flying unit in cover it would not be -1 to hit.

    Would make sense, but dont think its clear at all.

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