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Posts posted by Gitzdee

  1. Just now, DoctorPerils said:

    I noticed that too - that's absolutely reminiscent of Nurgle models, the Death Guard are covered in them. But then, the rest of the picture looks nothing like something Nurgle would... Plus from the context I'm imagining it's from the new boxset.

    Perhaps leeches on the boglings? 🤷‍♂️

    Leechsquig confirmed XD

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    I like the idea of it as a named rule that could call back to this mechanic, but only if it functions very differently. Maybe it could be a buff that stems from rivalries but will result in d3 mortal wounds... creating a risk reward mechanic resulting from infighting. Or it could instead be a balance mechanic tied to command abilities where the Orruks/Grots feel animosity to their general if they do not share certain subfaction keywords, requiring the player to roll to see if the Orruks/Grots will take orders. So even though I agree the old rules are terrible and should stay gone they could be adapted into something fluffy and either tactically interesting or possibly better balanced. Also to clarify these are not the best examples as I am very clearly not a great rules writer... I just like when they are able to take ideas that didn't work well and tweak them into something enjoyable. 

    I think something along these lines could be fun. I dont think army rules should always be just buffing the army and force u to play in the same way every time. It could just add some flavour to the army as well. I get that some people want tournament rules to be better than the next army but thats not for me. I just want some casual fluffy and fun games. I've had some of the best times playing whfb where some orcs and gobbos started fighting and a troll started drooling while a hellcanon misfired/ exloded and killed itself with all kinds of artillery fire bouncing around through infantry lines and have them fleeing from battle. It was chaos in its best form. I am hoping some of these things find its way back to aos 3.0.

    (i know whfb also had a lot of crappy things going on but these were to good ones imo)

    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, PainfullyMediocre said:

    Or it could be generic Orruks? Ironjawz are might makes right, they even look down at the Ardboyz. It will be nice having something in the middle again, the old world Orcs worked so well as you could see where they branched off from, Big Waagh always felt a bit disjointed when i've seen it played as its just two very distinct styles of models with no real overlap.

    I can easily see small orruks being smacked around by the bigger ones. It could even be some kind of halfbreed orruk/gobbo/something else. I agree that we need something to tie everything together. I still cant seem to find a place for Kragnos in all this but we will see. I'm still team Gordrakk.

    • Like 1
  4. On 5/15/2021 at 11:49 AM, Whitefang said:

    Warclans may have new members! I doubt IJ will like these new lads!

    I could be overthinking this but is the animosity rule comming back to give us the old O&G feels? This rule and random movement made the old army feel really alive and fun. 

  5. 55 minutes ago, Deakz28 said:

    It actually feels quite Druid/classic wood elf to me! The quiver the fur beast trophy, maybe even on the verge of drow like hunter! But elves this soon? I don’t know about that one! 

    I actually think this could be wood elves or something alike. These rumours can take a year or more before we see some kind of model.

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    • LOVE IT! 1
  6. Since i've seen the trailer i am getting some serious swamp creature vibes from the Witcher 3. I can see GW making the theme fit the AoS universe with their own creatures and greenskinz. 

    Edit: Also the water hag reminds me of the troggoth hag and fits the theme. New plastic hag maybe?



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  7. 27 minutes ago, Sception said:

    yeah, but that was a case of very different units competitively invalidating each other, which happens, and being in the same faction to begin with was kind of an oddball fluke decision on GW's part.  grimghasts were better than grave guard, but in their core concept and aesthetic they weren't just 'grave guard 2, the newer better grave guard'.

    But yeah, stormcast range is already too big, and it's definitely a problem.  I don't collect non-undead factions, but while most armies in the game are still at least a little tempting (Idoneth in particular are cool enough that I still might be tempted into starting an army of them if they ever fix their internal balance problems), I wouldn't touch Stormcast with a 10 foot pole.  Not because of the models, concept, or play style, just because I wouldn't know where to start, and I wouldn't feel confident that whatever I did start with would still be a functional army 5 years down the line.  And with my glacial hobby pace, that matters to me.  Heck, I'm just now getting ready to paint the von carstein family models I bought back in like 7th edition.

    I can relate to this. I dont really care about replacing some older models with newer sculpts, but i dont like them invalidating older model by not updating their rules. I dont like powercreep. Imo people will always buy new sculpts because people like new shiny things. No need to remove old models from battletomes or dont update their rules to a new standard to keep older models relevant.

    (Still got Isle of blood Skaven to build) 

  8. On 5/8/2021 at 10:16 PM, Lowki said:

    Maybe I see things that are not there, but this from the hint:


    Looks a lot like something seen on the cover art:



    Is that something we know, already exist or...?


    On 5/8/2021 at 10:26 PM, Souleater said:

    What if the those guardsmen are actually surrounded by one big monster with a lot of eyes! 


    This + the mountainworms from the Hobbit + covered in eyes.

    Give giant squig(swamp)worm now plz!

  9. 1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

    I suspect Necromunda will be a more comprehensive look at the forthcoming Delaque faction book and expansion kit. Titanicus might be a new titan, they've ramped up mentions of the Rapier recently, but equally it could be the promised Traitor Legios book and possibly something to do with corrupted/daemonic titans. Idoneth is a slam dunk for WHU though.

    Warcry really is the wildcard though. Now they have books for the four GAs and a fairly brisk rate of online/WD updates to account for new faction expansions and BR campaigns, they have quite a bit of room left open for whatever comes next. Whatever it is, those sigils in the Catacombs book do seem pretty plausible as new warband leads.

    I would like to see some new themes in Warcry terrain sets.

    • Like 1
  10. 19 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    Let's be honest here - you are not going to win many matched play games by taking 680 points of random heroes. We can assume they won't have any battalions and their rules are simply symbolic. I really don't understand why they kicked their customers by making it obligatory to take all of the CC or none basically.

    Its never meant to be anything good for matched play. They just let u use them with some rules for people to have some fun with them in AoS. They cant force anyone who wants a comp army to buy cursed city or any other boxed games for that matter just because there is a limited run model that is OP in some way.

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  11. 13 minutes ago, Kadeton said:

    I don't understand how that follows. The Mortarchs wield enormous power, but they don't need to be physically large to do so. This seems similar to asking: If Jeff Bezos is so rich, why isn't he built like Hafthor Bjornsson?

    Anyway, Nagadron was destroyed and Arkhan is dead so I'm not sure that the Mortarch kit can really be considered "current". I would presume the vampire Mortarchs will get a model update at some point.

    I want to add to this that i dont mind each alliance getting a huge model. But i dont want every powerfull character to also have a huge model. I dont mind a bit of upscaling but i dont want AoS to feel like a skirmish game at some point. If everything gets huge it also loses its impact and they have to make even bigger models. We need the smaller models to be able to appreciate the bigger ones imo.

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  12. Spoiler


    I am trying to find something in this picture and wanted to mention the single Boggleye Gobbapalooza model behind the Ardboyz. Couldnt really find anything else and i am still hoping i can run the single models somewhere in the future.

  13. Yeah i'm also wondering about time frames. They are releasing new stuff at a ridiculous pace at the moment. Not that i'm complaining about that haha. I was looking forward to a bit more stuff on the Destruction factions and not only Kragnos. I'm keeping my hopes up for friday at the moment. 

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