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Posts posted by Gitzdee

  1. 13 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:


    Well, case closed I guess ? 


    He/she still took the time to sum up a few things people were already talking about for over a month and put them down as rumours. Didnt put in some originality, did put in some effort.

    That being said, i do think there are some issues with the warscrolls. Imo keywords can fix some of the problems with rules bloat. MTG has thousands of cards and rules and still i can pick up a card after not having played for a few years and play the game. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Verminlord said:

    I'm scared for our savages with the rumors of battalions getting axed in 3rd ed. Will have to wait for the big picture I guess.

    Bit of wishlisting here: what would you guys think of spiderfang joining bonesplitterz (with updated scrolls of course)? As it stands they do not fit in aesthetically or synergize well with GG.

    A savage greenskin book would be very cool imo. White fang has hinted that gitmob will be joining orruk ranks like the old days. I could see a split here between the orruk tribes.

    Imo Bonesplitterz should have gotten a book with Spiderfang a long time ago. Makes much more sense to me than including them with Gloomspite Gitz. That being said, i dont see them putting Gitmob and Spiderfang in a Warclans faction together as the Spiderfang models used to be a bit similar to Gitmob imo. I also dont see them making a third Greenskinz faction. But one can hope haha, i would love some new spiderfang battleline units.

    • Like 3
  3. 10 minutes ago, Kronos said:



    Thats a very fancy monster skull on the base... with horns...of a race possibly mostly extinct.  


    I think u are onto something. Looks a bit like something i saw a few pages ago with a face that looked similar. If i remember correctly it could look like Kragnos. (cant seem to find that post)

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Dreddships said:

    Skeletor and Morathi turn up, beat back the Waagh! but oh no, final moments as Gordrakk decides to mad-lad, goes full GorkaSaiyan and crashes through the Gates of Excelsis.

    I can totally see orruks go GorkaSaiyan (or is it MorkaSaiyan). Seems Legit 👍.

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    BTW I think next Monday for the last Broken Realms models Preview, we'll see Kragnos. If he is really meant to be the last book with an epic showdown around Excelsis, then it's only logical to end the preview series with him. 

    This part makes me wonder if the old warmachines will make a comeback if Gordrakk will siege Excelsis. I also cant wait to see the Kragnos model.

  6. After browsing around in the rumours thread i think any new Gitmob units will be joining Gordrakk in a Great Waaagh! style faction.
    Maybe joined by orruk or gitmob chariots and warmachines. Many rumour engines hint to at least a chariot type model. If Gordrakk is attacking Excelsis this would make sense imo. I dont see Gitmob units joining the Gloomspite Gitz because they already have enough similar units and dont really need anything added to the faction at the moment. They also worship the sun and are more combat/war focussed.

  7. For some reason i cant shake the feeling that Orruk warclans will become a Great Waaagh faction again including Gitmob Snarlfangs and an Orruk/Gitmob Chariot. Them joining the war driven Gordrakk makes more sense to me than adding them to Gloomspite Gitz. They would feel out of place worshipping the sun and GG already have similar units in Spider Riders and Squighoppers/Bounders + bosses. What do u all think about this?

    • Like 3
  8. 16 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

    I agree, nowt everything in destruction has to be greenskinz and giants of different heights (ogors/trolls/gargants) Personally I'd like to see a destruction faction with humans in it. Perhaps some sort of tribal or nomadic culture. A human/lycanthrope faction perhaps, with werewolves, beastmen, centaurs and other such creatures might work. 

    I wont like it if they do this. I could see it happen if Chaos wasnt a thing already. They have the barbaric/cultist side of humanity covered imo. They also have access to Beasts of Chaos that already have the beastmen/centaur thing covered. I dont see greenskinz ally with humanity. They just want to smash stuff. I also feel like the kurnothi/centaurs (underworlds) are too much like an Order faction. It would hurt the image of the Grand Alliances if thing get spread out. But this is my opinion.

    16 hours ago, Feii said:

    Kinda sad to see people wish for a new destruction faction to be just another green men. Cmon you can have Centaur/Bear beasts with some interesting now gone culture and you wish for gnoblars? 

    I would love gitmob grotz after they released Rippas Snarlfangs. I wouldnt care as much if they had just let it die off but they didnt do that. They made new models and also kept them alive in the lore. Its not weird if people want to have new models. Also Centaurs are already a thing and bears will probably be a Kislev thing when the Old World stuff gets released. 

    I'm not opposed to a new faction in Destruction at all. Something like living nature things like golems, elementals, spirits or shamanic/druid things wanting revenge for some reason. I'd see something like that being allies with Destruction.

  9. 3 hours ago, Jator said:

    Sadly, no. Truth is, regular goblins and hobgoblins kinda overlap, the latter double down in the mongolian themes, but both were wolfriders of the steppes and treacherous. Goblins even got nasty Skulkers, that looked a lot like Sneaky Gitz, the only special thing Hobs had.

    So I think Rippa's Snarlfangs where the nail inthe coffin for Hobgoblins, at least as we know them. These "hobgoblin-looking" army is most likely Gitmob grots.

    I do like that they bring back the style of gitmob grots. But wont it make them look like they are from the same region as the rumoured Kislev old world army? They also got something like a mongolian theme right? Could this be on purpose? I'm not strong in lore-fu i'm sorry haha.

  10. Im still hoping on a savage style greenskins faction.
    Put in all the spiderfangs and update the spider riders. Add the wolfriders and give them back some kind of pumpwagons and doomdivers/spearchuckas with some age of sigmar sauce. Oh and bring back some snotlings too. And while im at it let me be able to include bonesplitterz haha.

    • Like 1
  11. Haha its been worse than i thought. Lets hope things get better.
    I do like the faction the most for death and i really hope they expand upon the idea in the future.  
    Something besides the generic ghosts like more haunted vehicles (black coach) would be awesome.

  12. This would be ok if thats the case. But i just did a quick search and they have made 3 guardian of souls sculpts and not one of them is a single model release. I think this in kind of weird. They could easily make one for a release.  And i think they made some more alternate sculpts for other leaders too. I wouldnt care as much if its like the Underworlds models where they just slap some half decent rules on a model for AoS and call it a day. But these are really good units that get played by many people as far as my knowledge goes on Nighthaunt armies.  I just dont get why they would do this to be honest.
    But we are getting an awesome looking new model at least :D.

  13. Thanks this is really helpfull. I will be aiming to get some more bodies (ghosts?) on the table.
    I think i'll run the Spirit Hosts 6x/3x and add another unit. Dont want my army to look like only spirit hosts for now :P.
    I'll be playing these models for fun until i get some more models. I'm having a blast painting these characters.

    I also have another question. Does GW plan on ever releasing the Guardian of Souls and Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed models?
    Any other limited models out there? 


  14. My wife got me a black coach for my bday and i'm wondering what to do with it in 1000 point games.
    I dont own many Nighthaunt models yet but i could run something like this.
    I also own the Spirit Torment + Chainghasts and an Executioner.

    Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief(200)
    Reikenor the Grimhailer (160)

    3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
    3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
    3 x Spirit Hosts (120)

    BEHEMOTHS Black Coach (220)

    TOTAL: 940/1000 WOUNDS: 53 

    How would u run a Black Coach?
    Would this be any good? Thanks!

  15. If i put this in Warscroll Builder it centainly looks like a legal list to me.

    Clawlord (100) - General
    Warlock Engineer (110)
    Warlock Bombardier (120)
    Master Moulder (100)
    20 x Clanrats (120) - Rusty Spear
    20 x Clanrats (120) - Rusty Spear
    1 x Warpfire Thrower (70)
    2 x Rat Ogors (90)

    TOTAL: 830/1000 WOUNDS: 71

    What fluffy/different units could i buy to make this a fun small army for the leftover 170 points?

  16. Hi,

    I recently got hold of the skaven sprues from the old isle of blood set and i've got some questions about them.
    Does anyone know what units i got? I havent received anything besides the models and i dont know anything about Skaven to be honest.
    Are these units are still playable in AoS? How many points would this get me at the moment? 
    Would be awesome to display some skaven next to my older orks and goblins models.


  17. Im going to start with the underworlds vampires and maybe the start collecting skeleton horde. 

    I just like them as vampire lords for now and i"ll make me some hexwraiths out of the skeleton horde and magnetize the mortarchs and keep the skeletons.

    I also plan to buy the new bats when they get released.

    • Like 1
  18. Sorry i wasnt clear but i meant the Spirit Hosts on the Mortarch models.

    I wanted to say that they could have put most older models everywhere with a different story because they were not designed for the armies they are included in now.
    The hexwraiths are also a good example. They are old units and gw made them fit somewhere. They could just as wel have been put in Gravelords with a different story.  Same with the Black Coach.

    Edit: It just made me wonder what they are going to do with Spirit Hosts.

  19. I thing the old fantasy centrepieces just need to be somewhere and the mortis engine is in a weird spot at the moment, just like the Mortarch models. They (the mortarchs) have Spirit Hosts on half the model but isnt Nighthaunt playable for some reason. This makes me wonder if Spirit Hosts will be included in the Gravelords book.

    I wouldnt mind some more haunted objects like the Black Coach in Nighthaunt though.

  20. 59 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    I think they can fit multiple build types in.  Orruk warclans would be a decent example  one can go elite pure IJ, horde with Bonesplitters. 

    I like this kind of thing a lot.
    What i care about more is that i can use all of the models i like in friendly games and dont care about all the themed lists.
    If i want to run skellies with vampires and rats/bats/cats i want to be able to do that, even if its not winning any tournaments or doesnt make any sense fluffwise.

    I also like running squigs with a scuttleboss and fellwater throggoths, i even ally in some orruk morboys if i feel like it.
    I just want to be able to do all the things and have fun.

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