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Posts posted by Gitzdee

  1. My wife bought me half a Sylvaneth army for christmas and i dont know much about them to be honest. I know i need some more battleline options and im thinking of getting just a box of dryads to reach the minimum requirement needed. I am just a casual player and i dont really care for matched play but i do like synergy in my armies or a fun theme. I plan on choosing a glade and build around that. I need some advice on this army so i know what to build towards.

    These are the models i own now and i havent build anything yet:
    1 Treelord box
    1 Kurnoth Hunters box
    16 Dryads
    1 Qulathis the Exile
    1 Alarielle
    1 Warsong Revenant

    I also own a box of Wild Riders i want to ally in for open play.

    1. What glades could i choose based on these models? 
    2. Do i need to buy the trees? I dont mind buying a box but i dont want to buy multiples if i dont have to.


    Edit: Forgot to mention i also own a Branchwych.

  2. This is an interesting topic. What AoS army needs a reboot of the model range the most? I think there is great potential for Beastmen, Seraphon and Skaven. Skaven being the Eldar of AoS at this point are the obvious choice for a reboot imo.

    I think Cities of Sigmar needs to be redone from the ground up. Imo we lack a human army like the Empire used to be. I dont want the Empire back because i think the design is really outdated now. Models like the von Denst look great and should expanded upon. Its a relic from the whfb age. Its a collection of should be legend models with a fun story behind them because AoS would have many models without them. Many of the Order armies have already been replaced, Elves got DoK, Idoneth Deepkin and Lumineth, Dwarfs got Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords. I think the next logical step would be a human or even a mixed race army and call it Dawnbringer Crusades and remove Cities of Sigmar like Soulblight did with LoN. I predict this will be the theme of 4th edition.

    Also Wanderers should be replaced by Kurnothi and combined with Sylvaneth.

    Edit 2:
    With Idoneth Deepkin and Fyreslayers getting new models and potential new battletomes almost all new Aos armies have been updated already.
    Soulblight gravelords, Nighthaunt and Ossiarch Bonereapers put Death in a good place. 
    Orruk Warclans just got a massive upgrade and i think Gloomspite Gitz still have great looking models, Ogors could use some love at some point but i dont think they need it most at the moment. SoB are fine and will get a model + battletome at some point is my guess. Overall i think Destruction is looking good.

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    • Confused 1
  3. On 1/2/2022 at 12:23 PM, JackStreicher said:

    Let‘s spice this up shall we?

    I spent pretty much all of yesterday to put everything I have into Pile of Potential. I thought: Nah I‘ve got easily below 1000 Models - boy, I was so wrong!

    You can have a look at my collection here:

    My Pile of Potential

    Post your own collection via PoP below! :)

    P.S.: I decided to sell some models/armies, however I can’t decide which yet xD

    Took me a while but here are my projects: Pile of Shame.
    I really need to finish a lot more bases on the models i finished painting XD.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Hawke said:

    Hey all, I'm gonna bite the bullet and spread some rumours that I overheard whilst meeting up with some old uni coursemates over the Christmas period.

    Please note I have no idea if these are even Warhammer related as the person didn't directly say "Warhammer" or "Age of Sigmar" but some of the descriptions made my ears ****** up at the pub, you'll see what I mean I hope. 

    Also I don't know the person very well so I was eavesdropping whilst also trying to remain part of a different convo so I missed a lot of the details, but I remember their end of year project being a collection of Zbrush sculpts of various monsters.

    Anyway so they were talking about projects they were working on and the person was asked if they had sculpted any cool monsters recently. Here are the bits I heard:

    - "Lava lobber" made me think orc/gobbo siege weapon, but since they were talking about monsters probably something different.

    - "Spite King" something about big wings and I'm sure i heard "behemoth" used... or maybe it was just "moth" idk.

    - Some kind of big corrupted monster with horns with a stone shard (herdstone maybe) impaled through it's chest, I didn't catch a name for that one.

    - "(blank) the Twisted" can't remember the name but described as a beast wizard with overgrown horns and hooves so much that he can't walk and has to be carried around in a big bird nest type thing.

    And that's all I heard! Again please take with a huge grain of salt as Warhammer was not directly mentioned. Just the mention of "lobber" made me listen in as a Gloomspite collecter.

    Also if anyone knows better and can stop me from getting my hopes up please do!

    Either way I'm looking forward to whatever this project they're working on turns out to be as it sounded pretty cool.

    This sounds like fun.

    Lava lobber could be a Fyreslayers warmachine mounted on a monster or something fun.

    Spite King could be the new Nighthaunt model and they really need a behemoth.

    Big corrupted monster could be anything imo.

    Something the Twisted sounds Sylvaneth and they have an 3 year old battletome. Could be a new model + battletome release?

  5. I think some words are just words after so many years. Sure the term "Crusade" or similar terms have a historical origin but some of those terms just refer so the action itself more then the historical meaning behind them imo. I think it would be too much of a hassle to create new words to try and explain it in a fantasy setting without using those terms.

    I'm actually hyped about the new Maugan Ra model. I loved the last Howling Banshees and Jain Zar release and looking forward to this one and maybe some new Dark Reapers.


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  6. Finally finished the Squig Hoppers. I left the bases for another time when i decide the look for the whole army. Dont know if i want to go for swamp/ forest or cave bases yet. After that i was done painting for a bit so i build a Dankhold Troggoth and a Gordrakk on Mawkrusha. I magnetised the feet so i can also use him as a regular Megaboss on foot. After that i decided to paint up Mollogs Mob before the Dankhold to try out some things. Good month so far. Added some progress pics.


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  7. Unless they release something like a spidergod faction i dont see the Spiderfang units getting removed from the GSG battletome. Much like Bonesplitterz in the Orruk Warclans book. They are relics from the past that have nowhere else to go at the moment. And i dont think a spidergod faction is very likely unless they do some mashup with silent people in a way but i dont think its happening. They will probably just get a underworlds warband or a new leader en thats that.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Hey folks wanna see someone desperately grab at straws, with rumours of World Eaters on the Horizon what if this is a plastic update of Valkia the Bloody and she gets rules for 40k and AOS like Be'lakor?

    I think u are onto something here.
    Straws are used as food for cows.
    Valkia has wings.
    What cow has wings?
    And Rules.

    Something is confirmed. Again.

    • Haha 2
  9. 21 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Gobbapolooza is an awesome set, though it is priced way too high.

    I just use the 2 mages as Fungoid Cave Shamans that makes it actually cheaper than buying 2 Snazzgar models. As a bonus i got 3 leftover models that are awesome to paint and look great on the shelf.

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  10. 14 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    For about 180 Euro you can have a decent 3d printer (they are on sale every few months) and two liters of resin. Add some 20 for stuff around it that isn't already in the box (there is enough for about the first half a liter).

    A liter of resin would do some 60-80 28mm models so some 120-160 models total. Going for cheap GW models, that many Stabbas (though they are small and would get a little more mileage) would be 227.5 so is close, but add anything else and resin printing wins out massively. Especially heroes.

    Quality is good enough on my Photon that (if you don't mind a long print time) no striations remain after priming. Now that quality isn't really convenient for a company, because they want more results than two prints per working day.

    Effort is a concern I share, handling resin and cleaning the workplace with protective equipment is less fun than clipping off models from a sprue.

    My STLs are never out of stock, the diversity is massive and I can scale them up and down to a good degree if I want things to match other stuff.

    Yeah but u also have to buy loads of cleaning materials and maybe different kinds of resin. U almost need a dedicated ventilated space for printing/cleaning and curing. This also doesnt include the cost for spare parts needed along the way. Long story short it has a lot of hidden costs and the tech is far away from just plugging it in and press start. Sure it can be worth it for some people but its a hobby on its own for now imho.

    • Like 3
  11. 32 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    GW strength lies in their IP and they know this, its why their licencing of the IP has grown so much in the few years. 

    I do think something else they are good at is being at the forefront of new technology and leading the way in the industry. Look at companies now like scale 75 and army painter just bringing their versions of contrast paint out, 2-3 years after GW. 

    Im sure they are well aware of the 3D printing situation and I look forward to what they will come up with. 

    In regards to 3d printing I don't think it poses as massive a threat as everyone makes out right now (not to say it won't in the future). 

    I to browse esty and have bought a few cool looking models to paint but I've always been slightly disappointed with the actual model as the quality still isn't quite up there with plastic models or traditional resin. 

    I've watched YouTubers wax lyrical about being able to print and paint an army in a day  but the end results always leave me a bit cold. 

    Has anyone seen a fully painted 3d bretonnian, tomb Kings or chaos dwarf army full painted to a high standard? I genuinely want to see them to see if they can change my mind. 

    I've been looking into 3d printing a bit but for the average casual gamer this just isnt worth it. The printers cost a lot and that isnt including the resin u have to buy. Then there is the trial and error of getting all the settings just right and the massive amount of time u need to print and clean all the models. This also doesnt include the actual model designs u need to print. These also cost a lot and many dont even have bases included or the needed supports. Unless u plan to sell models or print massive amounts of models it just isnt worth it imo with all the cost and effort compared to just buying models. This also doesnt include the fact that i have absolutely no time to paint all the minis. One more thing is that i like building large kits with 100+ parts, 3d printing doesnt really work that way.

    I do think its a good thing GW has some kind of competition. Some studios make some awesome looking models and terrain. I think it is good for the hobby overall.

    Tldr: Dont think GW needs to be scared of 3d printing for a long time. 

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