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Posts posted by Gitzdee

  1. Hi all. I want to strip some paint of some minis but i have never done this before. All topics i can find that relate to this are like 5 years old so i can imagine that maybe some new products are being used nowadays. So what product should i use to donthis with plastic minis and what are the things that i must be aware of before i ruin my minis? Thanks.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    I'm looking forward to it as well, I love the look of the kruleboyz and ironjawz together and as always, models and how they look come first. Rules come and go and change, awesome looking models will always be awesome looking models!! 


    It is kinda funny that i kept my bonesplitterz and spiderfang gobbos on square bases for so long that i can maybe use them again if they release the old world warhammer XD. 

    (they can really use some rebasing though haha, they look like i dropped them on a soccerfield or something)

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Whitefang has been quite silent lately actually!!

    K good. I need some time to catch my breath and save some money before someone drops some more destruction rumours or we start talking about gitmob grots again haha XD.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  4. Thanks! Thats really soon :D.
    I cant wait to see what kind of fun stuff i can put next to the Gordrakk i bought recently.
    I'm hoping for battleline savage morboys, i didnt like it when they changed that from fantasy.


    Also what has Whitefang been up to lately?

  5. I love the ranged boys and the shaman. Going to buy these for sure. They will look great along gloomspite gitz imo. Will also paint gordrakk in these colours with a red mawcrusha to lead them into battle. Hope the rules wont clash too much :).

  6. 1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

    Daemon Tzeentch could be an option?  Pretty heavy magic focused and allow you to go a bit wild on colour scheme too.

    What would such a list look like? Never played a super heavy magic list before.


    2 hours ago, AaronWilson said:

    Orruks are very agressive and tend to be low model count, Gloomspite Gitz tend be quite hordey and heavy on magic, both lack much shooting.

    For me, something like Khadordan Overlords would be completely different shift in mechanics and playstyle. 

    I'd go for Arakanauts in boats, it's the only way.

    Like the idea of a more ranged playstyle.

  7. 12 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Oh it would have to be absolutely massive. That's why I also think the Giant Ground Sloth would work well. It's a creature that I've definitely not seen used in a war gaming setting and fits the Ice Age/Prehistoric aesthetic. It would also be awesome to see an AOS version of a Carnivorous one.

    Love the ground sloth idea. Could also have them riding killerwhales/ mosasaurus like a warship?

  8. Hi best AoS community around. I'm looking to start a fourth AoS army and i am in need of some more information. I've got around 2000p Orruk Warclans and 3000p Gloomspite Gitz and a small Nighhaunt army. I like almost all AoS models so that doesnt really help me much. Now i'm looking for new fun ideas and inspiration for a fourth army. So here are my 2 questions for u all.

    1. What would be the army most opposite of the ones i own? (mechanics not looks)
    2. What would u run if u could build a new 1000p army?


  9. 18 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    Based on the last two years of lore, with Gordraaks ultimate goal of challenging Sigmar, there’s no way he’d bend knee to Kragnos. If he does, I’m done with AOS lore forever, I’ll just go paint my orks and sit in the corner.


    kragnos already feels like a last minute addition to the story. A “hey how we sell this neat model” moment from GW. There’s no way Kragnos was planned in the excelsius arc from the beginning. 

    if GW really wanted a big god thingy for destruction, Gordraak avatar of Gorkamorka, or a newly empowered Rogue Idol we’re much better options. 

    Or they make a Mordrakk character first and let them do a fusion dance.

    All kidding aside, i dont like them doing this to Gordrakk. It is like replacing Kroak by a random horse dude. Its just random.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
  10. 21 minutes ago, zamerion said:

    AoS RumourEngine9 May26 Image

    This is one giant looking skull. I really hope its not a balloon, i'm not really in camp flying units with destruction factions. I like to smash face with wyverns/ snarlfangs and boars. I would make an exception for a balloon pulled by a wyvern ! !

  11. 3 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    The rumors ive read suggest some of the new orruks are called "fellwater morruks".

    Id love a new fellwater troggoth as I think the kit could really be brought up to the other troggoth levels. Its not bad per say but there are definitely aspects about it that drive me bonkers like the head to neck connection, it's very visible and looks atrocious. 

    They Could even update the size to help differentiate it like between the rocks and dank, 2 per box, all fat and bloated. 🤩

    Wishful thinking. 


    I actually do like the look of fellwater troggoths. The dankhold troggoth ties it together with the rockgut troggoths imo. The kit also allows for a lot of different looks, i could build 6 totally different ones.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    However we call or describe it, it doesn't solve the problem of people wanting model support for their faction. People don't want soups, they want models. We as customers can tell gw our expectations. If they don't have plans for expanding Fyreslayers and Ironjawz maybe they should change their attitude? People want to give their money for new models. What other incentive are they waiting for?

    Because it takes a lot of time to develop new models and they cant release updates for 24 armies in one edition. Combining books is a way to keep things fresh i guess while waiting for something new.

    Edit: I also give my money for new spiderfang/skaven/bonesplitters but i dont expect them any time soon. I'm still happy they havent been scrapped yet.

  13. I dont think looking at past books matters at all. LoN was a filler book to give them time to release nighthaunt en bonereapers. Now they are their own thing and it became gravelords. Its is more interesting to look at what the future holds imo. They just released a new super villain in the form of Kragnos and a new breed of evil to go along with it. Order got all the Avengers for now and nagash has been dealt with for the time being. The way things are going now we will most likely see a new dwarf Avenger and new units to go along with it. I didnt expect kragnos to unite all destruction models and i think its easier to unite dwarfs than the destruction factions. Now that i think about it sce could be asgardians or something similar. Ok i lost my train of thought.

    edit: Ah yes i dont think u can compare old soup books to decisions they are making at the moment because the state of the game is totally different now. The Whfb days are kinda over by now.

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