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Posts posted by Gitzdee

  1. 4 minutes ago, Kadeton said:

    I'm not sure there's much reason to do this in the general case, trying to get some kind of "points to cost" ratio for an entire faction. The cost that's relevant is for building a specific army that you might actually put on the battlefield - there's no use in knowing that a faction has a super-cheap option if it's one that nobody actually wants to field.

    I'd start by tracking down some lists for tournament-level armies that have been performing well, and costing those out. Or, if you're thinking more along casual play lines, just writing up some thematic army lists that you'd like to actually paint and play, and tally those. Personally I'd include any Start Collecting or other boxed sets if they get you to your army list at a cheaper price than buying the relevant units individually.

    That would be true if u are running a tournament list. I'm actually not interested in that part of the game. I am more a collector i guess thats plays a game of AoS or Warcry a few times a year. Also rules and faq updates can drastically change what would be a tournament list would cost for an army. Maybe an army average point to cost ratio would be the way to go.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi all.

    I am wondering what the points per "insert currency" ratio would be for all armies. Can any sources be found with information on this subject? My guess is that it'll be the most elite/ low model count army that will be most cost efficient but i could be wrong. Lets do some quick calculations.

    The SoB are low model count but are around 350 euros for a mega gargant + 4 baby gargants gets around 1200 points. Ogor Mawtribes gets me a Stonehorn + 4x mournfang and 2x ironblaster for 165 euros and almost 1000 points. Bonesplitterz come in could buy me 40x savage orruks, 1x wurrgog, wardokk and big boss for 129 euros for 1000 points   That makes SoB twice the cost of the Ogors. The Bonesplitterz are cheapest while also having the highest model count of the 3. So less models isnt everything in this case. So what does this mean?

    I dont want to count Start Collecting boxes because they are more an added bonus if i already want to buy the contents. They are often changed or removed from the store and limits what i want to buy. I also dont want to include boxed sets like dominion for sure because those are limited runs. Lets just count normal unit purchaces for now.

    I think adding all units from an army and getting a point to cost ratio doesnt represent what an avarage army would look like. Some armies have loads of characters that i'll never all buy. But i think an army avarage is the closest i can get. 

    How would u calculate the best point per "insert currency" ratio for an army? Help!

    (I changed this post a bit because my english is really bad sometimes)

    • Like 1
  3. I"ll get the 2 new ally Troggoths for sure. It will be fun playing some new troggoths just because i can. As a bonus i can also run them along gordrakk and some orruks. I like that they are giving destruction some more options. The release of Kragnos also shows that they intend to mix things up imo.

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  4. I like to buy the books for my main armies although i dont like the new prices at all. I like to read stuff about the armies i spend a lot of time on. But i did like the free warscrolls for using them as allies or just to browse them before buying into a new army. It would actually give me less motivation to buy models from an army i dont already own. I think i wont be the only one.

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  5. 28 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    I'd say all the kruleboyz stuff is solid atm. For ironjawz 10 Brutes with the -2 rend option and a warchanter will be your starting point, the warchanter is 100% whatever you do for the +2 Waaagh points.

    Gordrakk is actually really solid in big Waaagh atm due to his CA multiplier being usable on destruction not just IJ.

    I'd always recommend a wardokk to go with your wurrgog, it's a combo I absolutely love and have used extensively since the first warclans book dropped. It only got cheaper now which is awesome.

    Allegiance: Big Waaagh!
    - Grand Strategy:
    - Triumphs:

    Wurrgog Prophet (170?) - General
    Wardokk (85?)
    Gordrakk the Fist of Gork (560)
    Orruk Warchanter (115)
    Total: 930 / 2000

    That gives you ~1100 points to fill out how you want. Your battleline options are gutripperz, savage orruks, orruk ardboys and orruk brutes.

    Ardboys would be your "I want to spend as few points on battleline as possible."

    A unit of 10 Brutes at 320 is scary as hell atm with a warchanter buff.

    Savage orruks would be your hard to shift huge blocks.

    Gutripperz are the slightly more expensive/threatening and less tanky large block.

    I would probably recommend a start collecting ironjawz, that gives you the warchanter and 10 (5+5) ardboys which combined with your savage orruks is the battleline sorted and you get 3ggs aswell.

    After that it's whatever you fancy

    Thanks that is really usefull. What would u do with the weapon option of the 10 brutes? If i can i want to dodge buying older ork models, just because i already own these since fantasy and could really use something new and shiny for the army. How would u rate the undergrounds warband options?

    Edit: Also would anyone mind if i use the old ork warboss bsb as a warchanter? Dont know the size difference to be honest.

  6. Please help me so i can focus on building a fun army for this edition. It doesnt need to be competitive, just a legal list thats not complete trash is fine. What would be the best thing to do with these models with the new rules? To be honest i dont really know where to go from here. What would u add to these models? I am thinking about adding a unit of Brutes because i think they look awesome. So that will probably put me in the big waaaghhh corner. 

    These are the models i own currently. I could also ally in almost any gloomspite gitz model.

    1x Godrakk/ Boss on MK (needs to be included)
    1x Wurrgog Prophet
    1x Savage Big Boss

    20x Savage Orruks with 1 or 2 units of Big Stabbas or 30x Savage Orruks. I was about to remodel these anyway so they can be any kind of Savage Orruk.


  7. 13 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    Swamboss price is  good , probably it is smaller than what appears

    Gobsprakk price is basically as Lord of change 

    Gutrippaz cost as beastsnagga boyz  but those are multipart kits 

    I'm actually glad if it is smaller than it appears. I dont like models getting bigger all the time. Imo it would look better in an army if its not huge we already got the bird/ gordrakk/ gargants and kragnos. I thinks about the size of a dankhold troggoth.

    • Like 1
  8. On 9/12/2021 at 12:21 AM, JanGret said:

    The Marshcrallaw Sloggoth costs 150 points and can be allied into the army. His major ability is giving a +1 to hit with melee 18' aura, but is also a Troggoth.

    The Breaka-Boss cost 180 points.

    I've seen several discussions where people seem to think these are made for a Troggoth army.

    Ok Marshcrawla is in the list too but it needs an adjustment.
    Fixed it.


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    • Thanks 1
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  9. I just noticed that the killbow and breakaboss are pushfit models. Whats the meaning behind this? Are pushfit models becomming a thing now? Are we getting another box set including the killbow? Are they doing the Nighhaunt thing of a monopose pushfit army? Are we getting reasonably priced models for the kruleboyz? Am i overthinking this XD???

    • Haha 3
    • Confused 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I mean that just furthers my point... troggoths are all pretty monstrous in my opinion. 

    Plus it seems like the term monster is defined largely by human terms as I am pretty certain that a Grot or Skink would consider a lightening wreathed paladin with wings of light to be a monster. 

    Also if i'm not mistaken they used to be monsters in fantasy. Dont really know what changed this.

    • Like 1
  11. On 7/13/2021 at 7:05 PM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Hello everyone!

    I have been meaning to start a thread about my Soulblight Gravelords/Tomb Kings army, and I guess now is as good a time as any :)


    Some time around two years back I got back into painting miniatures, mostly for games like Dungeons and Dragons at first. I had previously tried to get into Warhammer about 10 years prior, but only ever managed to paint one unit of Tomb Kings skeletons.

    At the time, I had optimistically purchased a Tomb Kings battalion box, and it seemed like a waste to let all those skeletons go unpainted, so I picked the army that would allow me to field them in an actual game of Warhammer most easily, which at the time was Legions of Nagash.

    By now that little project has certainly progressed quite a bit. I have written some original fluff for the army that fits into the Mortal Realms and have even managed to add a few conversions of modern models to the old Tomb Kings aesthetic. I hope to share some of my writing, painting and conversion efforts with you soon and hope you find them interesting!

    Very nice project!
    May i ask how u painted the purple cloak?

  12. 13 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I really empathize with this because I am also in a position to be working full time with a small child, so I basically only get to paint on weekends. And when I first started Warhammer, I burned myself out for a while by trying to paint to a too high standard.

    Since I do like painting for it's own sake, though, I don't feel the pressure to motivate myself as much as other people. I know that I will eventually get around to painting all the stuff I have, given enough time, so I don't get anxiety from having a pile of shame.

    What has helped me actually get results is to set reasonable expectations for myself. I slow grow my army by painting just about a box of models per month, less in the winter because the lack of natural light makes it harder to paint late in the day. I, too, mostly suck at blending colours, so I tend to go for impactful high-contrast paint jobs instead. Blending is just hard with acrylic paints if you don't have an airbrush. Instead, I focus my effort into techniques that I can do reliably without getting frustrated, like edge highlights and blacklining. The thing you mention about focal points of a model is also something I do: I put effort into the face and other important details, but boots are fine with a layer of brown paint and Agrax.

    I also think it helps to recognize where you should put in effort an where you should not. For those 30 battleline guys, it's probably not worth painting them all to the highest standard. In such cases, my benchmark for determining whether the models are tabletop ready is very literal: I look at them from about one or two meters away on a tabletop and if they look good, they are done. Centerpiece models and heroes are worth putting time into. Skeleton Warrior #37 just needs to get done.

    The approach works for me, and I have been able to paint more than 5000 points in two or so years this way. But still, I recognize that the effort I put into painting is more than some people are willing to invest, because I still shoot for a fairly high overall standard.

    It seems like we have the same style of painting for the most part. May i ask if u use washes? I am starting to question using washes or at least use it less because it dulls the color of the model if i try to go for a higher contrast paint job. Also where can i find something on blacklining. I've not heard of this before. 

    I have like 2 to 4 hours a week to paint, i've been busy with a black coach last 2 weeks and i think i have at least another 2 to go XD.  It is actually hard for me to lower my standards for painting but i really want to put some color on my pile of shame.

  13. While we are on the topic of painting standards i have another question. What are your standards for a tabletop ready model or unit?
    I am trying to figure out where the sweetspot is for me. I am taking way to long painting my armies imo. Although it is also because my skills are lacking for what i am trying to accomplish. I am horrible at blending colors and i have to put the time in to learn that skill at some point but i just cant find the time between work and having a daughter thats only 2 months old. I am thinking about spending less time on the details of basic troops and put some work into leaders and behemoths. I've also read something about saving time using the focal point of a model and concentrate on details there and less on the other parts. In a way i have been gatekeeping myself XD.

    I think i have to change my mindset of what is tabletop ready. Do u paint your armies using different standards or do u all paint them up to be the same level? 

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