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Posts posted by Gitzdee

  1. Im glad that the warcry box doesnt bring a new core book and that it does leave enough design space imo for more spiderfang in the future. I dont think ill be getting the box though. The terrain is a bit much chaos themed for my taste as i dont own anything chaos. The pirate looks awesome but i was hoping for a second ogor and not a reskin imo of the last one they made but i think ill still buy this one. It looks fun to play with. Was hoping for a surprise reveal this time but most things i guess were already known in some way shape or form. This reveal wasnt for me i guess but im glad for others that are hyped :).

  2. 1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

    I’d go a step further. Want an ultimate destruction elemental faction? How about a “void” faction. One that believes the old world is dead, the current broken reals of AOS are a pale shadow of the original, with souls eternally being recycled by the memories of selfish gods, and only by letting this new AOS world be utterly destroyed, can the souls of the dead pass on to the “true” afterlife. 

    So now you have mortals, cultists perhaps?, worshipping total oblivion. Make them high magic, give them raw elemental energy constructs as monsters, and flesh out the entire Oblivion cult and religion. They don’t want to just kill you, but to erase you from existence. That’s something even Chaos would fear. Imagine if they could destroy souls? Sigmar, the aelves, chaos, and Nagash would all have something to fear now, that’s for sure. And I could see a lot of mortals of all races joining up. “Want a better world? Join the Oblivion cult, and stop those pesky gods from stealing your soul and keeping you from paradise!”

    Isnt that kind of what chaos is in a way and what they did to the old world?

    I was more thinking about forces of nature that dont care for anything and are just pure destruction. Like hurricanes or earthquakes.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    The left guy probably will be warcry warband perhaps the second one of the new box, the center ogor Maneater pirate with a sharkteeth sword, the third a SM from HH.

    If our seer is confirming a Maneater pirate....


    • Haha 7
    • LOVE IT! 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, Ledgington said:

    If that was done right that could be a nice addition to the rules and help balance the game. Although personally I still think Varanguard would be a boring choice. WarCry isn’t supposed to be the elites fighting, it’s supposed to be scrappy warbands with maybe one elite fighter as the leader.

    Something like spider cultists are much more interesting. As nice as unmounted Varangard would be for StD players, I’d prefer they be added outside of WarCry

    Maybe its 1 Varanguard on foot + adds. Would make sense imo.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, RexHavoc said:

    They've already confirmed that it won't be Epic scale or anything other than the standard. They don't really use a consistent scale so they can't really come out and say that it is 28 or 32mm but they've confirmed that it will around the scale we have now.

    Thanks! This made my day.

  6. Hi all. I'm not that deep into AoS lore but i have a question about elementals/ titans. Do they exist in AoS and if they do do they have a purpose or allegiance? I would like if they have an army of elementals/titans joining destruction. I think it would be a great fit. But maybe most elements are claimed by other armies like Sylvaneth, Fyreslayers or Deepkin. do you think there is space for an army like this? 

  7. 5 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    I have the feeling this would have worked better with the Rules of 1. or 2. Edition in mind.

    The thing is, while in 1. and second edition all Command Abilities were activated in the hero phase, now the activations are all over the place.

    This is how this edition works so i want to stick to that. I dont want to rewrite all the rules. Just the way that they are executed.

    7 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    Have you checked "Age of Fantasy" a system of One Page Rules?

    The rules are quite slim, the core rules, armylists and some stuff like campaign rules or solo rules are for free (their is additional stuff if you support them on Patrion, and the system is with alternative activation.

    I know about one page rules. Its a whole different thing imo.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Greyshadow said:

    I think this is the way the wind is blowing out there in the gaming world. I am a massive dinosaur when it comes to this though. I LOVE my downtime, it’s when I get to drink my beer and eat my pretzels. I know I am a total outlier though!

    I dont want to finish my sixpack first turn though :P.

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I honestly wish they would stop doing this and just bake it into the Bravery characteristic. Mostly because I forget about  it every time.

    I agree with this. I also dont like being forced to build all options for msu. It made sense in whfb with horde units and siege style gameplay but i think it should have stayed there. A 5 model unit with full command just looks weird to me.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. I started thinking about this while reading the double turn discussion. Would it be so bad if we ditch the IGOYOUGO thing and do alternate activations like in Warcry. I actually cant come up with a reason why it would be so bad. Alpha strike wont ever be a thing anymore. Gunlines would be less effective because of buffs/debuffs. I actually want to try this and see how it plays out.  But i want to brainstorm how it would be implemented best. I want the books to be fully compatable with this.

    Things that roughly stay the same:
    Army/list building - I dont see a reason why this would have to change.
    Command points/abilities - I think there is no reason here to change to the dice system of Warcry.
    Starting player - Just do a roll off, it wont matter much anymore.
    Resolve abilities/ attacks like they would in AoS
    Battleplan/ setting up table/ scoring/ win condition

    Things that will have to change:

    Every unit gets 2 activation points. The warcry tokens are perfect for keeping track of things.

    Turn sequence
    1. Start of battle round
    -Both players receive command points
    2. Hero phase
    - Alternate activations between players
    - Doesnt use an activation point
    3. Activation phase
    - Alternate activations between players
    - Use command abilities only on your own activation turn unless its a command ability that can only be played as a reaction like all-out defence.

    4. Battleshock phase
    -Stays the same

    5. End of round
    - Both players are out of activations
    - Both players agree on passing the next turn

    Things u can do using an activation point:
    -Use a spell (opponent can try to dispell like normal)
    -Charge, Pile in and Attack -Attack like normal (opponent can attack back for free)
    -Attack when in combat or do a shooting attack
    -Free Monster Rampage after a succesfull charge with a Monster
    -Interact with objectives/terrain/garrisons
    (-use artifact? not sure if it should be free)

    Would u play this? Did i forget something mayor? Please comment i want to know if this could be something. Thanks!

    • Like 6
  11. 19 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I mean every time a new Warcry warband is released everyone jumps to try and find out which of the gods they follow or place them within a specific realm but the reality is always the same. They have been drawn to the Eightpoints due to their draw towards chaos and none of them have a traditional understanding of the Darkpowers, which as you mentioned Archaon then uses to his advantage building a massive army of cultists. I mean at least figuring out what realm they come from is much more interesting as they can at least hint towards aesthetics of their homelands. 

    If they are Silent People they are from Ghur with links to Beastgrave/Direchasm/other mountains. Would make a lot of sense in the era of the beast. It also fits with the first trailer, it could be about them hibernating.

    Edit: i've also wondered why the arachnarok is a monster in warcry, made no sense to me unless they had the spider theme planned already.

    • Like 2
  12. The old O&G army had way more character than any army in AoS.

    Gobbos shooting gobbos with wings.
    Squigs running wild around the table.
    Animosity / Stupidity.
    Orcs being tough like chaos warriors.
    Gobbos and Snotlings being silly yet frightening in their own way.
    All kinds of artillery.
    Foot of gork stomping friend and foe.

    It was pure madness and i loved it. I miss the feels of that army.

    • Like 6
  13. I'd run something like this. All the fun gitz stuff and some good looking models imho. Got some of everything to get used to the rules.

    Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110) - General - Moon-cutta

    12 x Squig Herd (160)
    10 x Squig Hoppers (180)
    1 x Boggleye (38) 1 x Brewgit (38) 1 x Shroomancer (38) 1 x Spiker (38) 1 x Scaremonger (38)
    3 x Fellwater Troggoths (155) or 3x Rockgut Troggoths (145)

    BEHEMOTHS Skitterstrand Arachnarok (200) (or a Dankhold Troggoth (190))

    TOTAL: 995/1000
    WOUNDS: 94

    • Like 1
  14. 20 minutes ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

    I am hoping the skull is part of the model, and if it is that it will be a lot easier to glue it to the base. If it is only the cape it will be a pain in the a** to glue it to te base.

    If it is a pushfit model it will be pinned to the base. Hope it doesnt have wobbly Lady O issues though.

  15. 12 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    Just by what I heard:

    • The price
    • Different cards backs than before which means you have to use opaque sleeves or not use them together with cards from older seasons
    • Different release schedule and GW hasn't said yet how that will affect rotation, as far as we know rotation could go down to one year instead of two with two half year seasons instead of two one year seasons which would mean after only one year your cards aren't legal for official play anymore
    • Changes to rules with mixed reactions (Do-over change, gloom hexes instead of lethal hexes on objectives)

    Also independently from Harrowdeep, there are many who couldn't really play in the last year so for those who bought stuff during Beastgrave their stuff is gone from rotation before they could really use it which also leaves a bad impression. 

    Also just many local communities who stopped playing during the last year and Harrowdeep isn't enough to bring them back now



    Do u also know whats better in Harrowdeep compared to others? I try to keep an open mind.

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