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Posts posted by ian0delond

  1. 17 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    1 in 10 may get a rend weapon on the new skellies and kind of bridge the gap between the two. 

    There is still these blurry units in the back of this pic that I'm assuming will be a bit more elite. 



    that's not a big weapon, just scenery made to look like a giant broken ribcage (perfectly mundain stuff in AoS). 

  2. This year I have accepted I already can't paint all the cool stuff I already have. Seeing cool new stuffs in previews is fun like watching a fashion show to me. Cool new executions, but not actually there to buy it.

    Didn't planned to buy CC even though I love the model. I don't follow new rules/Codex/BT because covid is too bad here.

    Stopping releases doesn't affect me especially since they somehow decided to not stop with previews.

  3. I am not betting on tail, looks more like wood on the right.

    1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    So the new warcom article lists Qulathis as a "large" size, and we know from previews that she's about the same size as the other humans... Critters n Keys confirmed? Bit weird to have regular humanoids as "large", when there's ogors and the new varghulf monster coming. This implies at least some amount of "medium" and "small" enemies that aren't zombies and skeletons IMO.

    In BSF the naming was already Small/Large/Huge.

    The difference in BSF, the heroes and mob had different rules (mob had size, heroes were 2 on a tile except for the ratlings). Looks like they are streamlining the rules so it the same for heroes and mob. Maybe even have heroes and mobs on the same tile.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    I wouldnt place any bets on that. And if that were the case that would be very sad for Warclans and the hobby as a whole. I believe personally after Soulbight we stop new Factions for a year or 2 and update existing ones. 

    I am not sure Soulblight really "deserves" to be called a new faction, they are just Legion of Nagash without Nagash and the miniatures that were already put in other AoS2 Death battletomes..

    There is not much "new" things in soulblight they are a AoS refresh of old miniatures.

  5. 14 hours ago, Sception said:

    except there are brown tones in it that you just don't get from a pure grey/black scheme.

    That can just be their recipe of black undercoat -> rhinox hide in shade consistency in the recess -> highlights with Eshin Grey then Dawnstone. Maybe even higher highlights with administratum or adding white to the dawnstone?

  6. I mean how you are presenting Destruction is already about not fitting in the other categories.

    Age of Sigmar is defined by the gods, it is in the name. The culture and gods are reflections of each other.

    Destruction have an extremely mythical understanding of the Mortal Realms with contradictory tales, a mythology where you get the idea, but doesn't make sense if you use it as a History of the Mortal Realms (like for the Sons of Behemats, undead don't have meat because Behemat eat all the flesh in Shyish in an eating competition against Gorkamorka). Gorkamorka isn't a complicated god, he doesn't have a big goal, you go gorkamorka for the ride. Thats why when talking about destruction it ends with explaining why they are neither chaos nor order (not Death is obvious, yet they both share the monotheist part). 

    Adding gods is removing gorkamorka as the thread that link the Destruction. Gorkamorka is loosely defined so loosely linked cultures can be attached together. So loosely that Gloomspite gits believe gorkamorka is the bad moon, and some of them believe the bad moon is an egg of the Spider God waiting to hatch. It is so loose you can add a Ur ghur god, but it can still be equivalent to gorkamorka for the silent people.

  7. 1 hour ago, Klamm said:

    However, the current lore sometimes falls into the trap of downplaying this coherent shared interest in favour of making Destruction the 'worships Gorkamorka' category. IMO, making Silent People insect-aligned humans that aren't in thrall to Gorkamorka would go a long way towards improving GA Destruction. 

    But at the same time, the joke with gorkamorka is no one agree what gorkamorka is. That's the difference with Order and Death where the Pantheon is extremely well defined. sons of Behemath believes it is a pair of giant feet stomping, Gloomspite, the bad moon...

    Making a destruction faction that worship a random deity, but doesn't call it Gorkamorka is removing the snarky thing circling Destruction and just make it the Alliance of armies that didn't fit in the other three categories.

  8. 5 hours ago, Siphon said:

    Looks like chaos to me.   Hoping it’s plastic Centigors and not horse marauders, which is a decent kit already.   Also the lack of armor makes me think Beasts and not Slaves.

    I hope you are right, but Centigors don't have hooves.

    • Confused 1
  9. I probably missed something, but do we have any confirmations the 3rd book is going to be Alarielle or we just following the logic of since the first two books were focus on Aelf characters, the third has to also be focus on one?

    32 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    The other reason I don't think Azyr or the Anvil will get touched is that BR lore needs time to settle; the largest Waaagh yet is on the march, Order is fracturing, aelves are ascendant, Nagash possibly losing omnipotent control, etc. There is SO MUCH happening that needs to be tied up that breaking the Anvil feels like a waste of a plot point in this moment. Heck, I keep forgetting Slaanesh isn't even technically out of prison yet!!


    This is the big thing. Having new lore is supposed to be additive, giving more possibilities for the hobbyists. Kinda why no character ever get killed. Substractive big shocks are cool the time of  a reddit post, but long term it only makes thing worst.

    With Anvilguard/Har Kuron they still kept a loyalist Anvilguard has a nomadic/pirate subfaction in the lore.

    Destroying Azyr only sounds like a bad f- stormcast fanfic.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Greybeard86 said:

    Is that true? I guess I am from a different generation, but still, the claim sounds a bit much.

    I do agree, though, that TW WH was a massive hit and likely a big influx into WHFB. I wonder if the success might be behind the OW project, but that's not a "main system" for GW.

    WH TW and also Vermintide have been massive successes but no influx into the miniature WHFB game since both series got their first games in 2016 and 2015.

  11. I won't be surprise if the game will be made for 1000 points skirmishes because their audience is video game players from Total War who aren't going to spend the money for an entire army, paint and tools, and take weeks to assemble before playing their first game.

  12. Alarielle having a share in Slaanesh puke of souls would be an addition. I guess Kurnothi are Wanderers who worship Kurnoth because Alarielle isn't welcoming and get mutations because Kurnoth is a weirdo with a slight case of death-question-mark.

    Sylvaneth were simply created by Alarielle. We don't have a creation myth for the Wanderers, looks like they were present during the Age of Myth so they predate Slaanesh's imprisonment. There is still a lot of room for GW to write room for the Sylvaneth lore.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

    It is odd to see how many of the WHU rules for AoS are so rote and slapdash, particularly when an important feature of WHU as a game clearly is (was?) that the minis be actively usable in GW's flagship game.  Like, they're largely meant to be basic troops and heroes  but just something to make them that bit more interesting to play with would hardly be difficult, even considering how a designer might balance the rest of a battletome. Instead it feels like the designers just shrugged and went with the least effort option, knowing that no one would actually take them.

    It's a difference between what the impulse behind the overall design (more than a gesture, this seems to have been an important aspect of the development) and then a lackadaisical execution in the details. Same with Warcry as well, it does feel like when they've wound up interesting and playable - not even OP or whatever - it's been a fluke and completely incidental. They do sometimes provide options for getting excellent stand-in or pseudo-proxy heroes but again, that seems like it's separate to what was intended for them as a product. I dunno, the whole thing seems sloppy.

    From how they communicate about rules for WHU, Warcy or Warhammer Quest miniatures, it's very openly deliberate for the rules to be bad in the bigger games.  Use them for one friendly game, and never use them again because they are not meant to be part of the meta.

    GW really isn't in the business of making rules. Using the miniatures as proxy is much more how they view those units. Having one named unit from WHU of 5 miniatures with different weapons and purpose isn't how AoS is supposed to work.

  14. 11 minutes ago, dekay said:

    This is not unlikely, that's how Genestealer Cult update began in 40k few years back. And If I recall correctly, Silver tower was a first outing of both tzaangors and kairic acolytes.

    And Blackstone Fortress had a couple of regular CSM before the Vigilus update.

    But the WQ boxes have a lot of diversity, hard to say what is actually a hint for future releases. Cities of Sigmar, KO, Kurnothi... ? hard to conclude, very weak signals.

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  15. I am not going to be mad, they aren't responsible for Covid nor Brexit and this is just plastic toys. They never announced a Soulblight BT, they never announced a Darkoath BT either.

    Currently, with the very slow production, with store not even able to get primer spray, and 40k codex super delayed. I don't expect to see the Warhammer Quest before mid-late Spring. At least it looks like we are going to have a new Kurnothi model in that game.



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  16. Lumineth aren't secret chaos, like Crawl and Primaris aren't going to start a civil war in 40k.

    GW is just playing with the theme of Slaanesh and Aelves are interwined. The Aelves are made from tainted souls eaten by Slaanesh, but they are  guided by Gods who haven't been infected by Slaanesh.

    If/when they expends the Chaos Aelves, they are not going to be the ones we know as the Order's we got.

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