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Posts posted by nurglish

  1. On 9/4/2021 at 8:15 PM, Dolomedes said:

    BoC lurker here. It's a shame that in 3.0 we can't run big Nurgle beast armies anymore - I'm hoping this will change in the near future with the rumours of a new chaos book that's likely to be BoC or Nurgle. There's a lot of Nurgle Beast armies in the fluff (particularly in Ghyran) so I think they should be represented on the tabletop. I've got a nice stack of Maggotkin models that I painted up in the End Times that are sorely missing the company of goats. 

    Anyway, this has caught my attention:

    Bullgors are good but they take finesse to use. You have to plan ahead and keep them well screened. Everyone knows that Bullgors with great axes pose a serious threat, and they will be targeted. They got better in 3.0 with access to all out attack, as their old weakness was the 4+ to hit that could make them unpredictably swingy. You don't usually get them into combat until the mid game, so when you send them in to smash something, you really want them to maximise their damage output. Keeping them safe from shooting/magic can be challenging. They work well if you hold them back behind 2 screens of chaff, wait for said chaff to get charged, then send in Bullgors as a counter charge. Their 5+ save makes them squishy in combat, but the Harbinger might be able to help out there. Ideally, you want to send in Bullgors as buffed as you can get them, and make sure you get to attack first. If you get it right, they can kill most things. Unfortunately taking them in Nurgle means they don't get their 'Primal Instinct' battle traits - Mortal wounds on the charge, and healing if they destroy a unit. I don't think it's worth taking a Doombull in a Nurgle army for this reason. Doombulls make nice buff pieces that can fight well, but they don't have many attacks, so they aren't the 'hammer' that you'd expect them to be. They're most effective when they have access to their allegiance abilities. There's better ways of buffing Bullgors in the Nurgle book. Orghotts Daemonspew's wound reroll is particularly good, as Bullgors do MWs on 6s to wound. Glottkin's +1 attack is also an obviously good choice.



    Thank you for your advice! But can harbinger buff bullgors? Or you mean it buffs chaos warrior or blightkings to guadrd bullgors?

  2. Is here anyone using bullgors as their main key hammer in competitive game?

    Frankly, for me, it seems like there isn't any main dealing unit for pure nurgle. 

    plague drones could be one of the candidates, but I felt it is quite hard to keep it 7'' of nurgle daemon hero except Lord of Afflictions. AND LOA isn't also stable dealing hero. Blades of putrifaction or curse prayer by plague priest can be the answer for plague drones to use its multiple attacks, but I don't want to rely on my army's main dealing to 7+ spell or 4+ prayer.

    Blightkings were my main units in my army before AOS 3.0, but without rend by blight cyst it cannot defeat 3+ save battlelines. And munificent wanderers are super good now. So mortal units seems to stay back from main roster.

    Beast of nurgle is... kinda good. It's moving like nurgle chariot or nurgle wolves by reteat and charge. It is good sub-hammer, but it cannot be main dealing unit.

    Bullgors with great axes are the only unit that can deal 3 damage by its own warscroll excluding heroes. And now they can be nurgle marked without battalion. They can give additional mortal wounds, and they cost only 140pts. With glottkin's attack buff and minus hit aura, it can be key dealing unit for nurgle...probably....?

    So before I add new cows to my army, how you guys think? Is here anyone using bullgors or dumbull in AOS 3.0?

  3. hi, I have a question from the rules of plaguetouched warband battalion in S2D.

    Can I use plaguetouched warband battalion in MAGOTTKIN of NURGLE allegiance by using Allie points?

    I know I can use the battalion in S2D allegiance, but I wonder I can also use it when I play Maggotkin Army

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