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Posts posted by Vurtias

  1. Very happy with the changes, makes the army so much more playable and in general just lets us experiemnt with more units for fun given the spare points we will have.

    The lack of daemon changes is weird, and makes me wonder if their playtesting was more focussed on mortals for now as we just summon the daemons anyway.

    That weird point aside im still really happy with the changes. These are more than I was expecting by far and as such i dont want to get bogged down with thinking "oh but this unit didnt get changed" or whatever. This is an excellent start for us to move forward.

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  2. On 7/16/2021 at 8:50 AM, Fellman said:

    Wath is  mancrusher mobs? has it special rules?

    With the changes to reinforcing units and their points, you now either buy a single mancrusher or a unit of 3 called a mob which comes with a slight discount like it did before 3rd. Functionally there is no difference to how we had it before.

  3. Bit of a daft question but have people experimented at all with their Keeper of Secrets weapon setups with the new edition? Cause im thinking that the value of the whip has gone up somewhat given a lot of people want to bring monsters atm with the new rules and plethora of large monster special characters currently.

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  4. I think the Gordrakk story is likely hinting Kruleboyz will get a Voice of Mork special character to go with Gordrakk, likely from the flying monster kit given that is a trend GW have with their flying monster kits of regular leader + special character options.

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  5. The warscroll is rather dissapointing in it's scope considering the lore behind them, I was honestly expecting a lot more.

    Having said that, with what we have they dont seem bad and I can see people at least playing them for more than just the models (Which are stunning). When I have finished my backlog of daemonettes I will pick them up.

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  6. i dont think the army is built for point changes if they decide to change anything, they would need to significantly need to reduce costs of the models for us to even squeeze a mancrusher in and i think at that point you begin to tread into out units being undercosted.


    Way more likely that the warscrolls would recieve Errata changes if they feel the need to rebalance things. Which is a strange thing to be sure, but i dont see point changes working with an army that seems designed to be built using 500~ point blocks.

  7. Do Hellstriders curently have much of a place in our lists? Ignoring the points changes im not sure if the weapon changes combined with a plethora of fast cavalry options in the book currently make them a fairly lukewarm take. Are small 5 person blobs of claw-spears doing better still than whip units, or is taking whips in large units actually viable these days?

  8. Im ashamed to admit despite owning close to 1.5k points of slaanesh daemons now, getting the chariot in shadow and pain is the first time I've bought a slaanesh chariot. As a quick question can you, and should i buy another chariot kit (likely from somebody selling the same one from S&P on eBay) and assemble it as an exalted seeker chariot?

    I know such questions are not the best on these forums, but it's hard to know how good or bad the chariots genuinly are given how much we depend on depravity points.

  9. On the one hand I dont mind if slaanesh remains imprisoned as this Newborn seems like it will serve as an avatar of slaanesh, moreso than any greater daemon could, which is a huge bone to throw for slaanesh still being a major active threat to the realms.

    However, I dont know how many times I could stand slaanesh being close to being freed and them doing the same plot over and over again. Archaon was close, the new seekers warband find the gateway to his prison and it is highly likely we might see some sort of hedonite crusade lead by the Newborn in trying to release him, maybe with Archaon although it depends how they want to handle him since Wrath of the Everchosen.

    I dont think they will kill of this Newborn character in the Broken Realm series as it gives them a much more tangible way of demonstrating the threat of slaanesh in the realms.

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  10. 40 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Hellstriders with whips have been updated - they now have two attacks with the whips, and if they charged, they give -1 to hit (I can't make out the ability fully). They may have lost their soul hunters ability, but with the inbuilt extra attack it doesn't really matter.

    I'm unsure if clawspears have been updated

    From watching the BoLS video, all i could see is that neither appear to have the Soul Hunters ability and tha Claw Spears profile is unchanged bu they have gained the "Piercing Strike" rule, which i couldnt read what it does, maybe +1 AP and/or D on the charge.

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