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Posts posted by KEIKAN300

  1. I would like to see the ability to shoot into melee.  Any misses on the enemy, could have a chance to hit friendly troops.

    I would like to be able to cast a spell multiple times.  Maybe some powerful ones could be restricted but the bread-and-butter spells could have multi-casting

    My biggest wish is that instead of making a new faction, requiring new books and cards and everything else.... how about polishing the current armies.  I play Death and I love me some Death Rattle!  BUT... I would like to see a return of Skeletal Archers that were in earlier editions.  I'm sure there are other units that were lost to time in each faction that could be brought back.

    Finally,  can we please not bring in units and then make them disappear?  I was thinking of trying to assemble a mercenary unit for the Gutstuffers.  Then, they disappear and are no longer valid.

    Honestly, I have bought anything new from GW for a while due to my distaste for their pricing, but maybe a new edition could draw me back in.

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