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Posts posted by Michealmas

  1. So here's what I have so far. This will be for an escalation league, starting at 500 points up to 2.5k.
    Other armies are likely to be: Gloomspite Trolls, Idoneth Eels, Ogor Mawtribes, Tzeentch Summoning, Lumineth, Cities Shooting. Battleplan, auxiliary objectives and realm are all chosen at random before the game starts
    So far I'm thinking of running this list:
    ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,500 (Order - Seraphon) [2,490pts] ++
    + Leader +
    Engine of the Gods [260pts]
    Lord Kroak [320pts]
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur [210pts]: [The Thunder Lizard] Prime Warbeast, Celestite Warspear, Fusil of Conflagration, General
    Skink Oracle on Troglodon [220pts]
    Skink Priest [70pts]
    Skink Starseer [140pts]
    + Behemoth +
    Bastiladon [220pts]: Solar Engine
    Dread Saurian [510pts]
    + Battleline +
    Saurus Warriors [180pts]: Celestite Spear, Saurus Warrior Alpha, Stardrake Icon Bearer, Wardrummer
    . 2x 10 Saurus Warriors: 2x Powerful Jaws
    Skinks [120pts]: 2x 10 Skinks, Skink Alpha
    . Boltspitter and Moonstone Club
    Skinks [120pts]: 2x 10 Skinks, Skink Alpha
    . Boltspitter and Moonstone Club
    + Allegiance +
    . Allegiance: Seraphon
    . . Coalesced: The Thunder Lizard
    + Game Options +
    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost
    + Malign Sorcery +
    Bound Endless Spell: Balewind Vortex [50pts]
    Bound Endless Spell: Geminids of Uhl-Gyish [70pts]
    + Scenery +
    Scenery: Realmshaper Engine
    ++ Total: [2,490pts] ++
    Created with BattleScribe
  2. New to Seraphon, looking for some help finishing off my 2500 point list for an escalation league I'm part of.

    I know Dread Saurian is sub optimal and pricey but honestly I just want to put a foot long T-Rex on the table.

    I've got a 2000 point list that I'm pretty happy with, but I need to fill up the last 500 points and I'm struggling with what to run.

    Here's my list so far:

    Coalesced Thunderlizard

    - Saurus Scar Veteran on Carnosaur (General)

    - Lord Kroak (if he still exists)

    - Engine of the Gods

    - Saurus Warriors x 20 (Spears)

    - Skinks x20 (Blowpipes)

    - Skinks x20 (Blowpipes)

    - Dread Saurian

    - Bastilodon (Solar Engine)

    - Balewind Vortex

  3. On 12/12/2020 at 10:17 AM, Honk said:

    It was a feast, sadly not mine...


    for a quick masked open windows game 1,5k vs Khornish something.

     I fielded Feast Day Deadwatch (6/6/3) with an extra infernal and an Archregent (Gk-proxy 😓), brought the chalice, but never casted it.

    He brought Khorne stuff and the extra SoD named character as general.

    After rolling for scenarios, we got diagonally two objective first, he complained (boring, bad for his list), then we got 5 objectives which lets his whole army reroll 1s to wound when within 12“ 🤔 where‘s my salt...

    he went first, walked up a bit, I summoned a varghulf, rolled a 10 for deranged transformation, shifted my whole army to the right and charged in. Destroyed the chaff, binded the crushers (one 😇) in combat, got brutalized by his general on reptile (he did like 20 wounds in one go, had a 3+ unrendable  2+ with prayer, rerolling 1s with CA, what a beast).... hoping for the double...


    one squad of flayer got wiped by his general(after mustering up 😳), crushers reposition, I‘m lacking in VPs as planned.

    his totem bloodsecrator whatever is brutal, +1 attack to everybody and rerolling spells is a bummer...

    but buckle up and


    refill second flayer squad and go for the kill... into his general 3+ rr1s 6+ invuln...5flayer and frenzy barely do the trick, 9dmg on the spot. But his bloodcrusher are looming doom with their countercharge, hoping, praying for the double turn...


    Noooope... they charge in, 13MWs and Hack everything to pieces after that, my regent does the only sensible thing and charges into Skylla to finish up the wipe.

    still brooding how I should have played, maybe the left flank was weaker?! Not charging in the second unit to bind his general who hit like a truck and also binding the crushers who countercharge like crazy 🧐😖🧐 maybe fielding 9/3/3 (no a fan)

    i guess high risk high reward means high chance of getting tabled turn 3...

    with a double in either round, his flank would have crumbled with all the regeneration and feeding frenzy and he would be throwing around saltiness about imba fec with crazy rules attacking three times a round with more attacks then possible 


    next time I‘ll get the double and will devour your stupid little army whole, shred you to little bloody ribbons and fill the abbatoirs to the rim with tasty morsels

    Khorne Mortals seems to be one of our worst matchups. They are generally stronger and killer than us with high rend, double priest lists spamming Blood Boil wrecks our support heroes, they get a bunch of anti-magic shenanigans which further punish our force multipliers (hexgorger skulls etc.), they have way more bodies on the board (unless you're ghoul heavy) for objective control and they can summon more, they are highly resistant to alpha strikes due to blood tithe summoning and fight on death abilities, almost as mobile and they do pretty well against bravery in most cases. Things like Reality splitting axe, Crimson Plate, Bronzed Flesh Thronebreakers Torque etc. means they can tarpit and potentially delete a terrorgeist with a 140pt model and the Bloodsecrator can be wandering about with a 2+ re-rollable save. Not to mention Skarbrand or any other bloodthirster will kill anything we have if it gets the drop on us and hits us first.


    I play against them in my league and they are by far my hardest match up. Only advise I can give is to try to take out their Slaughterpriests and the Bloodsecrator early. If you can do that you stand a chance but it's an uphill battle even then.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. On 10/21/2020 at 12:52 PM, TitoFuente said:
    Hello everyone, I found the following list on the internet.
    I stumble a little about the hero "Mordant Hero" and his abilities.
    Do you have any idea which hero this could be?


    Allegiance: Flesh-eater Courts
    Grand Court: Blisterskin


    Abhorrent Ghoul-King on Royal Terrorgheist
    Command Trait: Hellish Orator
    Artefact: Eye of Hysh
    Lore of Madness: Spectral Host
    Mount Trait: Gruesome Bite

    Abhorrent Archeegent
    Lore of Madness: Blood Feast

    Mordant Hero Divine
    Prayer: Wrathful Invocation

    40 x Crypt Ghouls
    10 x Crypt Ghouls

    Mordant Hero here is from the Anvil of Apotheosis in GHB20. A custom hero you can build, some are good and would help plug gaps where we have a few significant weaknesses but as a rule they are overpriced for what you get. Also I've found a lot of people are really against using them in matched play.

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    I find Royal Mordants Blisterskin and Triple Dragon Gristlegore to be fun to play, so disagree that we have to play "boring lists".

    I just meant lack of diversity, our ally options are limited, out unit choices even more so and you get heavily siphoned towards spamming one particular unit type based on what court you choose. It's very homogeneous. Death in general seems to have very limited options across the board.  For LoN probably the inverse is true here; too many options none of which are good but NH, FeC and OBR all seem to suffer similar problems. A few autoincludes take up the bulk of your army and then the rest is just spamming one particular unit type based on your allegiance choice.

  6. 17 hours ago, Aietos said:

    Is there something I'm missing about them?  Are Flayers good enough in a Blisterskin army?


    The truth is none of our units are good as a standalone thing outside of Terrorgeists and Archregents. What makes FeC usable is the synergy but to really maximise that you end up with really boring lists. Blisterkin needs as many flayers as you can squeeze in, infernals, deadwatch, Spectral Host and at least one Distraction GKoTG to keep your opponent on their toes.

    And even with everything going in your favour it's still an uphill battle if you mess up the alphastrike, get your spells unbound or come up against something tanky with 10 bravery or high saves (which is everything at the moment in my experience).


    That being said, if you want an army with the best lore and flavour. You came to the right place.

  7. Basically gristlegore terrorgeists  are the only half viable list. Feast day if you don't want a grand court. We're pretty much the best of the bad armies now. Not completely garbage tier but not good. Options are way too limited, very few unit choices, low rend, low saves, bravery mechanic's that don't work against anyone anymore, a reliance on spells and synergy against way better magic heavy armies and everything is over costed apart from the archregent and the terrorgeist.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    4 battle line at 2000? Interesting... why have they decided that? 

    I would drop the horrors and go deadwatch with the below maybe? Any chance you can go back to Blisterskin?



    TGA.PDF 554.95 kB · 0 downloads

    No idea, guess it just stops people taking too many monsters. Could probably go back to Blisterkin but honestly I much prefer the way Feast Day plays. That being said, taking a block of 9 flayers could be interesting...I'll try to test your suggestion out.

  9. 28 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    As FEC my understanding is that you build to kill the opponent and/or pin him in his deployment whilst you win the game over the first 3 turns. That way if you don't kill them they only have 2 rounds to score and can't catch you up.


    Theres no reason you can't have two terrorgheists (or a TG and a ZD) alongside a block of 40. In your current list you have points tied up in units that you don't want (2x3 flayers, foot King, crypt infernal) but you can ditch them going forward if you plan to stick with the army.


    I have 3 lists I'm experimenting with, all slightly different and its a blast.



    I haven't yet entered into the 1500 bracket, there's a couple of games left so it's not completely set in stone. I could drop any 1 unit from my current and add units up to 1500. The AGK, AA and Berserker were just my current selection for it.

    Current army is:

    1x GKoTG

    1x Internal Courtier (General to make Flayers battleline)

    1x10 Ghouls

    2x3 Flayers

    1x6 Horrors

    Battleline requirement is 3@1500 and 4@2000

  10. 1 hour ago, Liquidsteel said:

    Basically your options are awkward (as I'm sure you know) because you have redundant parts of the list regardless of how you change it.

    I would get a second Ghoul King on Terrorgheist, because after this escalation is done you will want to run two of them at some point. Buff them with the extra attacks and hope for 6's for those MW's.

    Once the league is done you can write and take more cohesive lists.



    My first instinct was to take the GKoZD (or the new gatecrasher gargant for flavour) so I have another big threat on the table to divide focus away from the TG and just go full on shock n awe but i can't help but wonder if having a big brick of ghouls to tarpit half the table is a better strategy. From a competitive standpoint am I better off trying to kill my opponent or trying to make it so they can't kill me?

  11. From what I've found, OBR were godly for a week but otherwise are onetrick ponies, FeC are like the minimum bar for entry they are good against the other bad armies but otherwise get hammered by anything remotely strong, LoN is probably the worst army in AoS and Nighthaunt are just really niche and not very good.

    • Like 2
  12. 16 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    Ah yeah okay I understand now.

    Do you have an example of the list you are planning for 2000 points?

    Deadwatch is an option (never played it myself), as is Royal Mordants (stick the 6 horrors back in).

    Are you allowed to merge the 6 flayers in to one unit?

    Toying adding either of these at the moment but honestly don't know what's a good way to go with the armies I have to play against. I really struggle to deal with saves, theirs are too high or mine are too low:

    - GKoZD (because once the Terrorgheist dies i cant seem to kill anything)
    - 50 ghouls and a chalice (so i have a pile of bodies to throw around)
    - Deadwatch/6x Flayers/Chalice (for the extra artefact/CA)
    - Gatebreaker Gargant (because flavour and i want a zombie giant to stomp things with)

  13. 3 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    Your list isn't very well structured, in that you've kind of just taken a random bunch of things.

    You haven't mentioned  what spells you're taking, nor the mount trait for the Ghoul King on Terrorgheist.

    I would recommend Feast Day with Ghoul Patrol with 2 x Ghoul King on Terrorgheist, Archregent, Crypt Ghast Courtier, 40/10/10 Ghouls and Chalice as a relatively simple and balanced starting list for FEC. You get a big block of ghouls which can be surprising punchy, and two huge threats with the Terrogheists. Make the Archregent your general and stick the casting trait and artefact for a reliable caster. Feast day means you can do all of your summoning without worrying about CP for Feeding Frenzy, or clutch battleshock immunity/charge reroll.


    The list is Feast Day,  but it started off as Blisterskin - my escelation league has some very strict rules for army construction (cant remove units between brackets except 1x unit at 1500, cant change spells/artefacts/CA/allegiances between games, no Anvil heroes, only one allegiance/army change each - yes its stupid, no i cant do anything about it) so the army has slowly changed away from Blisterskin throughout brackets as i learned the game and realised i really didn't enjoy being pigeon holed into one unit.

    I cant actually take anything else out and what has been added has got to go in to meet point requirements per league bracket (500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000).  We are currently 2 games away from finishing the 1250 bracket (which is the same list but i have used my unit drop to remove x6 Horrors @ 1500 to add the AGK, AA, Berzerker) so i have two brackets left to play and the final bracket is worth double points.

    The GKoTG has Gruesome Bite as a mount trait and as for spells, the list has a lot of access to magic due to running 4 wizards - Blood Feast (GKOTG), Spectral Host (Courtier), Derranged Transformation + Miasmal Shroud (AA), Monsterous Vigour (AGK).

    Obviously it changes based on Battleplan and opponent but usual strategy in a vacuum would be to Buff as much as i can get off,  Flayers and Courtier attacks one flank, Terrorgheist attacks the other, use the AA to summon a Varghulf wherever he is needed on the table and then AA goes to support Terrorgheist. The 10 ghouls hold an objective on my side, AGK summons 10 more ghouls to reinforce them and then helps Flayers. GKoTG summons an additional 3 Flayers and then goes to attack a weak spot. Berzerker just goes wherever some extra killing power is needed.

  14. Probably not in the least bit viable but i toyed about with this for a while:

    Allegiance: Death

    Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (200)
    - General
    Abhorrant Archregent (240)
    Necromancer (130)
    Scarab Prince (80)
    Crypt Ghast Courtier (60)

    40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
    - Ancient Spears
    40 x Chainrasp Horde (280)
    40 x Crypt Ghouls (360)
    3 x Tomb Scorpions (240)
    1 x Corpse Cart (80)
    - Unholy Lodestone

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Chalice of Ushoran (50)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 169


    Basic idea is to put a huge number of regenerating bodies on the table and then a few heroes to buff them. Tomb Scorpions and Scarab Prince sitting in reserve for ambush shenanigans if things start to go south or if you need to kill a priority target

    • Thanks 1
  15. Playing in an escalation league and getting hammered every bracket. Largely due to my own mistakes but i find im significantly weaker than my opponents in a straight up fight. Between the low saves and the lack of decent rend half my matchups i really struggle. Everyone i seem to play against has high saves, high bravery and easily rend through the FeC bad saves. I know its an odd choice but i added the Berzerker in just for a that little extra punch, -2 Rend, 4+ save, and a 5+ shrug is pretty useful, he gets a few extra attacks so doesn't matter if he cant be buffed. I use him to pick up anything that slips through  my charges or as a defender.  Next bracket is 2k so im debating what to add and im torn between: 

    - GKoZD (because once the Terrorgheist dies i cant seem to kill anything)
    - 50 ghouls and a chalice (so i have a pile of bodies to throw around)
    - Deadwatch/6x Flayers/Chalice (for the extra artefact/CA)
    - Gatebreaker Gargant (because flavour and i want a zombie giant to stomp things)

    Opponents are  Gloomspite (Squigs/Troggs), Khorne (Goretide), Stormcast (HoS), Slaves to Darkness, Sylvaneth (Winterleaf), Lumineth (Iliatha) and all of them seem to be bad matchups with the exception of Gloomspite Gitz. 

    Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts
    - Grand Court: Court of Delusion - The Feast Day


    Abhorrant Archregent(260)
    Abhorrant Ghoul King (160)
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (420)
    Crypt Infernal Courtier (120)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Dark Acolyte  
    - Artefact: The Flayed Pennant  

    10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
    3x Crypt Flayers (170)
    3x Crypt Flayers (170)

    1 x Grimwrath Berzerker (100)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Suffocating Gravetide (20)

    Total: 1500 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 100 / 400
    Wounds: 73

    Any tips?

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