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Posts posted by Gnawdwell

  1. Ok, found the bit where Rob talks about aos releases for the rest of the year and it's honestly just a bit of controversial guesswork and him saying the "rumor" is.....

    Wouldn't put too much stock in it, and I would be absolutely shocked if there are no new aos releases for second half of the year. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    According to todays honest wargamer show, the rumour is that there will be no new battletomes in 2022 after Sylvaneth & Skaven. 

    Aprox. where in the video is he talking about this? Haven't got the time to watch 2 hours of twitch right now unfortunately. 

  3. 17 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    I'm hoping we see the tides table and some news on forgotten nightmares for Idoneth. High tide is one of the most powerful allegiance abilities that they've ever made. Forgotten nightmares is niche, but with the number of shooting units in the meta also has potential to be very potent.

    Im fully expecting an A or S tier tome based on playtesters and competitive teams preparing for summer events.

    Who are these elusive playtesters? I would love to follow the ones who playtest aos on social media and see what's on the painting tables. 

  4. In other rumors, anyone got any indication on what will be in the smaller starter sets? I guess it will be 3 sets of differing sizes with some of the new terrain in the biggest one, but it could be fun to speculate on the actual units. Personally I hope the kruleboy shaman and the  crossbow orruks are included in one of the boxes. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

    Got an explanation for this part:
    "Reinforcements are 4 max in a 2000 point army. Take a unit from 10 - 20 is 1 reinforcement. Battleline units can be reinforces 2 times. None battleline only 1 time."

    I really hope more stuff will be updated to account for this, because my Stormvermin will be useless if nothing else is done for them than reducing max size to 30.

  6. 4 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Yeah, it's weird that we're a good way into october, and they are not even in presale yet.

    Also, the Orlock doggies and jetpack people.

    True, I'm starting to wonder if they won't be released before after the new BB edition comes out. Besides, BB is not AOS related in my mind although i see the overlap, it being fantasy,  Necromunda on the other hand can hardly be considered an AOS release :D

  7. So at this point the teased but unreleased stuff for AOS is the Shadow & Pain box as well as the Warcry Catacombs box and the new underworlds season? In that case looks very much like they have to make a new preview soon to keep the hype train going.

  8. Thanks for your Feedback Gwendar!

    I dont think there is anything i could have done to not get charged turn 1 there as he was 3 inches from my units before the charge and i felt like I had little room to deploy further back. However i could have done a much better job of screening my more high value units with the clanrats.  

    Based on your suggestions i will try to run a slightly different list next time by removing all the moulder stuff, bumping the stormvermin to 40 and adding 6 jezzails and 1 bombardier. 

    My list will then look like this:

    Warlock Engineer
    Warlock Bombardier
    20 clanrats
    20 clanrats
    40 stormvermin
    Warplightning cannon
    Warplightning cannon
    6 Warplock jezzails



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  9. Hi guys, 

    I played my third game of aos today and got totally noobstomped by an ironjaws list. 

    He had a maw krusha, 3 warchanters, 1 shaman, 10 brutes and a unit of 6 and 2 units of 3 gore-gruntas. 

    I had Thanquol, 1 engineer, 1 Clawlord, 1 master moulder, 2x20 Clanrats, 30 Stormvermin, 2 wlc, as well as 4 Rat ogres and 1 hpa. 

    He got the first turn and managed to charge 9 of his gore-gruntas as well as the maw krusha into 1 Clanrat unit, my hpa, and the Rat ogres  in the back of my deployment zone and wiped them out. My turn 1 my magic really failed to do anything I supercharged 1 wlc and rolled 6 1's melting the cannon and my second wlc only took 2 mw on the mawkrusha. Having killed non of his units and half my army dead after the 1 turn we decided to call it quits. 

    I would like any and all tips for next time I am playing this guy. Thanks! 


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