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Posts posted by Tzanna

  1. 22 minutes ago, Fred1245 said:

    Cauldron Guard is basically the same, not a buff. The lifetaker buff is...fine. They're still one wound models with a 5+ save at best. They exist to deepstrike onto an objective and nothing else. If they actually have to fight anything that means you've either already won or are in dire straights.

    Slaughter Troupe already did that, not a buff. Nobody used it before, with SoS getting nerfed, it's still not going to see any use.

    Shadow Patrol needed to get much better to still be bad. Doomfires are better, but not enough.  The battalion and the unit never saw play and they're still not good.

    We already had Scathcoven. No one used it.

    We already had Vyperic Guard. No one used it.

    Sisters of slaughter: Nerfed 60pts. Witch Brew nerf hurts more though.

    Blood Sisters: Massively worse. The Change of Crystal Gaze made it just about useless, Morathi's +1 attack buff is irrelevant because of how expensive she is and how expensive Blood Sisters are to actually get any value out of. Not to mention that +1 attack isn't even enough of a buff to make up for how much worse crystal touch got. Also the miniscule range. The Ironscale's CA is nice but it's not balanced out by Blood Sisters going up in price now that they lost the large unit bonus (a double hit when you consider that their new Crystal Gaze is much more dependent on unit size being at the end of the combat phase.) Blood Sister were good in the old book, bad after shadow and pain, and worse now.

    Morathi going down to Rend -1 means the Shadowqueen basically can't hurt anything with a 3+ save or better. Morathi-Khaine is still great but the Shadowqueen is a paperweight.

    It massively matters and has a huge impact on how Hagg Narr plays. You used to be able to cover half the board and keep that buff, now you're lucky if you can maintain it into the second combat phase or across two objectives at the same time. Especially with how slow Cauldrons and Shrines are. You can't run and charge because that takes you out of the bubble range. Which considering you probably failed witchbrew just means that squad is dead. Morathi is also objectively worse than she was post Broken Realms. Fair enough on Shadowstalkers, they didn't require much and are still really good. But they're good because they DIDN'T change, not because anything in this book got better. Lifetakers get slept on because you can wipe out a unit of 20 of them with liberator prime and even at rend -1 2 damage they don't hit particularly hard. Mindrazor going to an 8 to cast means that between unbinds and just straight up failures, you'll be lucky to get it to go off once per EVENT, let alone once per game.

    Other temples are irrelevant unless they affect shooting. For still trying to make melee DoK work, +1 to witch brew would make Hagg Narr the most powerful temple by itself. The rest is just gravy. Not having witch brew turn one is a death sentence, similar to how the nerf to witch brew is pretty much a death sentence for our ability to do melee. Sisters of Slaughter specifically are completely worthless with 2 attacks at 3+ 4+. You get more damage out of a liberator prime than an entire unit of sisters of slaughter, even including the mortal wound bounce.

     You claim 'every unit got better or cheaper' but then almost everything you say after that is combination of talking up stuff that hasn't changed at all or talking about how nerfs aren't actually that bad. You talk about 'exciting buffs' but then list a bunch of nerfs except for Lifetakers and Doomfires. You never even acknowledge Sisters of Slaughter getting HAMMERED losing their large unit bonus on top of witchbrew tanking.

    The witchbrew change alone was enough to kill off Witch Aelves, Sisters of Slaughter, and Large units of Blood Sisters, the fact that each of those units were nerfed individually was just salt in the wound. The Nerf to Morathi killed everything else melee. If you put anything but blood stalkers and bloodwracks on the table, you're building a fluff list.

    Ok but the codex is this, stop whining and play more.

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  2. Hi i'm a old player from Italy. I play Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40000, with End of Time i started playing more 40k and less fantasy.

    Now i'm full on 40k and Horus Heresy army and i want a AoS army (my Bretonnia army its too old and its not funny deploy and take off the models), this site is very cool and complete for every AoS army and i want choose a new army and learn Aos.

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