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Posts posted by Svalack

  1. I'm calling bs on the overwatch rule too. Unless there's some major rules changes. -1 to hit isn't significant enough. It would be 6's to hit surely. Ranged units can already fire in combat in AoS so giving them shots when charged and again if they survive to next turn seems unlikely.

    If it's a melee overwatch too well I would take fight first with a -1 hit penalty anyday for all my army's. Imagine trying to take objectives, you would only be able to shoot someone off or charge with multiple monsters/small units

    • Like 2
  2. Doesn't sound right to me, shooting is something people want adjusting in the game right now (be it improved look out sir or something else entirely) 

    Giving screens or ranged units a way of repeatedly avoiding combat each round would not help that at all. Infact i  would say it just makes the combat alround annoying if my opponent can retreat a unit that was just charged each turn? You would never be able to initiate a favorable combat. The game would just be all weak screens and ranged units as buffed blocks/heavy hitting melee then have no purpose.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:


    What do you think are the chances that Kurnothi just become a Destruction faction, instead of Order? Without knowing much about Kurnothi fluff, that seems like the way foreward if we want to have our cake and eat it, too.

    The problem with that is then they would have to associate with orks which I can't see happening unless they are very twisted feral and far away from the kurnothi we have seen so far. I think they need to remove the grand alliances it prevents some really interesting army concepts. Right now if you arent chaos, dead or just like breaking everything then you are order.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Doko said:

    That is only two hurricanuns box,the mage showed come inside of the hurricanum box.

    It is only they have put the battlemage from the hurricanum out.

    It is the worst box of all br box so far,only 90€ when the median was around 105

    they are webstore exclusive, atleast in the UK. So you are missing that 10-25% discount that you can get on the contents of the other boxes which means maybe its not so bad.

  5. Hard to tell if the book will be worth picking up for non lumineth players. For a new battalion (half a page) no. They said new allegiance abilities but cant tell if they are referring to lumineth or the warring factions. It seems lumineth are having new or rewritten allegiance abilities as per the battletome description.

    I assume they will show contents page during the week.

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  6. WIth regards to the cover: I don't think battletome art relates directly to model releases like that, the artists have freedom to repose and add detail that isnt there. I assume they just use the model as a starting point.

    There are artworks of terrorgheists in tomes that look way better than the actual model for example  and those came out years ago.


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  7. Do you think we will get a duel box and a few more bundle boxes for the teclis book revealed tomorrow at 6pm for preorder next saturday? Im assuming it will be like the morathi book. It would be a lot to release at the same time though if the lumineth are coming out with it all.

  8. I don't see anything dragon ogor on this reveal. The word mountain on the voice over maybe but that is a word used all over. 

    Also his 'fancy' shield people spoke about dwarf trophies -  why does it have to be the trophy of dead dwarves could he not have been given that stuff or they  made it for him? 

    • Like 2
  9. Someone can correct me if i'm wrong but i think a Vargskyr may be their newer trademarkable feral vampire, atleast by name. There are plenty of third party varghulf equivalents around and from the article they are basically the same thing. It might just remain as a wingless, seemingly more of a wolf than a bat type variation. The varghulf has wings and flys so they would never be the same ruleswise. 

    There are still rumours around that FEC might be getting squatted/merged into soulblight. 

  10. Just now, chosen_of_khaine said:

    I suppose there's a chance that the Dark Eldar Codex and BR: Teclis both release on the same day to "catch up" but unfortunately I'm guessing Lumineth are pushed back to April.

    I'm assuming the dark eldar codex is launching with their duel box vs sisters of battle and those 2 new characters. There is no way they would do that on top of an AoS release.

  11. Haven't all core boxes for both aos & 40k been new ranges and pushfit for many years?

    So unless there is a big orruk range release on the horizon i don't see it. I think its more likely wood/shadow elves, soulblight or even mortal chaos(marauder 2.0) at this point from what has been shown.

    They could be keeping something big underwraps though. Who knows.

  12. Isn't it the same article as yesterday? it even has the 3rd march as a date.  I'm not too interested in warhammer quest so it will be a long few months of previews. They haven't even touched on the rules yet in both WHQ or their AoS scrolls, just the background so far.

  13. 10 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    With Lumineth being the focus for this month, I'd say a VERY good chance of BR: Teclis preorder this month. With Drukhari up for preorder on March 20th it does make me wonder when BR: Teclis preorder will happen. I suppose they could announce it the following weekend with preorder April 3?

    I was thinking even earlier, maybe this sunday announcement and preorder 13th, release 20th? I cant imagine them having an almost month long gap with no releases, it is bad for business. 

  14. They confirmed on facebook that teclis is the next book still.  I wouldnt take that element games tweet as anything. They could be promoting it for weeks/months for all we know as it is obviously going to be one of the biggest sales of the year. 

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  15. I guess its worth keeping an eye on the broken realms website in case it gets updated with the Teclis book perhaps showing new boxes if they are doing them. If i recall the morathi one was updated prior to official announcements about the boxes/content and we saw the pictures first. They will have to put this animation on there too.

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  16. I thought the dark eldar codex + the sisters duel box was the next release or am i wrong?

    Also curious what do you think the warscrolls book in WHQ will contain if we are getting a release long before soulblight gravelords. Will it have legion of nagash keywords instead?If it has gravelords keywords surely none of the new models will be useable in AoS for awhile. 

  17. Just now, Feii said:

    I wouldnt be so sure, it seems kinda more crude than nurgle one and there seems to be some kind oof bony protrusion in the bottom left corner. (and there is so far 0 nurgle mentions in these past months) 

    Nurgle are in the BR teclis book aswell, i havent heard anything of them in the story though except links to the new stormcast character.

    They have one of the oldest battletomes which has a load of outdated mechanics as well as no endless spells so wouldnt be a surprise if they get an update. The DoK tome came out of nowhere i think.


  18. Bone flute must be nurgle surely? i think i have 2 or 3 different bone flutes in that army already,

    After todays reveals im starting to think the FEC spells being disc is not true, i cant see them joining gravelords. We now have confirmation that it will contain skeletons, wights, necromancers, bats etc. 

    If it was just vampire bloodlines sure i could see it but effectively removing the current rules and shrinking the lore to join a generic undead army? seems highly unlikely to me.

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