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Rozza the dogga

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Posts posted by Rozza the dogga

  1. How is everyone thinking mono-nurgle daemons are looking with the new AoS 3 rules? Shame to lose the battalions I think, as we had an easy 1 drop, but the GUO looks like he's gonna be decent (as grimrock states above) and we can still have a 30-blob of bearers to enhance with the new and improved sloppidy bilepiper.  

    Also think plaguedrones might get a new lease of life, because 5 wound models count as 2 on objectives now, don't they? 

  2. On 4/21/2021 at 6:23 AM, Kasper said:

    Probably Pinks most of the time. Keep in mind banner/horn guy is per every 10 model, so since you are summoning 5 you can not field a banner guy which is a bummer. 5 Pinks is still 25 wounds vs 10 wounds on Plaguebearers. Sure you got the 5++ on PBs, but theres a 6++ on all the 25 wounds on the Pinks.

    There might come a situation where you want to use the 10 PBs as a screen or want 10 bodies right away on an objective but otherwise 5 Pinks is worth more than 10 PBs pound for pound. It is also significant since more wounds means more chance of the unit living until your next turn where the D3 return might kick in - Even if you can only return 1 Pink rather than D3, 1 Pink is 5 wounds.    

    Just as a heads-up, only the pinks get the 6++, not the brims and blues.

  3. Good morning gents,

    I've recently been putting together a box of those beautiful plauguedrone models and I've found that when following the instructions for the banner bearer the model it's so close to the ground (even with the longest flying stand) there is no room to put the stinger in his tail.

    Does anyone know what has caused this?  Have I built it wrong?  Do I have the wrong flying stand in the box? 

    If not, does anybody have a workaround?




  4. 8 hours ago, Roark said:

    Yeah, your get both saves one after the other.

    Ah, excellent!  definitely gonna try a block of 30 near my general for double 5+ fnp. 


    Think I'm gonna give this a run at 1000 points as soon as lockdown has eased:

    ++ **Pitched Battle** 1,000 (Chaos - Legion of Chaos Ascendant) [1,000pts] ++

    + Leader +

    Changecaster, Herald of Tzeentch [110pts]: 1. Bolt of Ruin, Staff of Change

    Poxbringer, Herald of Nurgle [120pts]: 2. Armour of the Pact, 2. Echo of Hatred, 2. Ruinous Aura, General

    + Battleline +

    Daemonettes [110pts]: 10 Daemonettes, Banner Bearer(s), Hornblower(s), Icon Bearer(s)

    Plaguebearers [320pts]: 3x 10 Plaguebearers, Icon Bearer, Piper

    + Other +

    Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch [100pts]: Exalted Flamer

    Flamers of Tzeentch [120pts]: 3 Flamers

    Flamers of Tzeentch [120pts]: 3 Flamers

    + Allegiance +

    Allegiance: Legion of Chaos Ascendant

    + Game Options +


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  5. Evening gents, 

    This army has really got me inspired,  it'll be amazing to only need 1 army to cover AOS and 40k, and having the ability to easily jump into the various chaos god factions once the army is built up is a nice bonus too!

    My first list is nurgle/tzeentch,  but I had a question about the dpr save: will my plaugebearer unit get a DPR from disgustingly resilient, and the LOCA DPR from the allegiance ability?  Seems like a solid combo for my objective holder block of 30. 

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