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Posts posted by MrSc0tty

  1. Hey y'all, I have an interesting little problem for you.


    A while back I traded armies for an Idoneth army purely because they looked a treat to paint, and I find out that the shape of what I've got is basically...everything but what people consider to be the two most competitive units that show up in 99% of tournament-winning Idoneth lists. I ended up with a spare sprue of Namarti Thralls somehow, so I converted myself a couple of each footslogging Independent Character. What I've got in total is


    -2 Leviadons

    -3 Allopexes

    -6 Ishlaen Eels

    -30 Thralls

    -10 Reavers

    -2 Tidecasters

    -2 Soulrenders

    -2 Soulscryers

    -1 Lotann

    And I actually have 20 more thralls NIB that I was thinking of trading on rather than building, since what I have is well over 2k and I don't anticipate wanting to paint them. 

    I got the eels assembled and without the bits to turn them into Morsarr, and it didn't seem like a single unit of 6 was likely to lack the punch needed to make them worthwhile anyway, while a single unit of Ishlaen eels might be helpful to tank against ranged-heavy opponents.

    Is it possible to make a decent Idoneth list with no princes or morsarrs, or is it just going to be a bunch of pretty models to paint and maybe they'll be useful next edition? Also, is there any reason to ever run 2 turtles in a list?

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