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Posts posted by Dresden

  1. I could be wrong, but I read the shining company rule to mean as long as each model in the unit are touching 2 bases minimum in the unit it is a shining company. Even after you move the first turn. I think it just means that any time you break rank and file formation, you lose the shining company buff, but it lasts as long as you move and reform into essentially rank and file again. 

    Example: I deploy my unit of 10 spears in 2 rows of 5. They'll all be touching 2 bases. Once I move, if I stay in the formation they are all still touching 2 bases and remain a shining company. However, if I surround a big monster unit with 10 spearman and a couple die and the ring of spearman doesnt reach all they way around, making the guys on each end only come in contact with one guy next to them, the buff is lost. Or if the surrounding "ring" of spearman doesn't reach all the way around to begin with it would be lost as well. 

    This would make that 3" range a massive deal, because you wouldn't have to go for a full surround or spread your models in any given unit too thin to get attacks off. 

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