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Posts posted by Captaniser

  1. 1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Sometimes looking at all those cool rumours I wish I was a rumourmonger myself... Alas I live far from the Holy Land (Nottingham) so very unlikely to happen.

    Just make some rumors up as you go along, it is a time-honored tradition in this hobby. If you mention space marines in passing CM Valrak might even make a video of you.

    • Haha 6
  2. 5 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Hmmmm. A curious Rumour Engine,


    When I initially saw this one I thought it was an ascending staircase, but now I think it might be the bottom of one instead, and the perspective changes your perception. This isn't FEC, it is Bonereapers and I can prove it.

    Dead skeletons? Bonereapers love killing those boney ****** twice to harvest them

    Why is there only a single skull and the upper torso of another skeleton, and what is that weird texture below and beside them? It is magical flux that the Mortisans use when they craft skelebobs and other things.

    But what about the ominous text? It is a sign of a big and grand release for multiple death factions...maybe.

  3. 48 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    For me personally I hope COS Dark Aelves and DOK get put into Malerions Faction. Not everyone agrees I know but it makes sense rather than 2 Grimdark Aelven Factions.


    I am going to guess that the DoK will remain an independent faction, while the remaining dark elves in the Cities will be removed when Malerions faction emerges with spiritual successors to those units.

    • Like 4
  4. I'm putting together a team...To take down to the local Gregg's










    I love these more average-looking middle-aged fellows. Makes them feel more alive you know, not being these stereotypical warriors within the rank and file of the army.


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    • LOVE IT! 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Personally I hope we stop with new Factions for a few Editions after Chaos Duardin and Malerion.

    There are so many ranges that need refreshes; Ogors, Beasts, Flesh Eaters and Skaven

    Wave 2's; Fyreslayers, Idoneth, Ossiarch, Kharadron, Lumineth*, Ironjawz and even Daughters.


    There is also an upper limit to how many factions GW can support. If we assume that chorfs and Malerion's pointy ears are the last factions to join AoS, then we are looking at 26 factions in the game. Supporting so many at the same time is a herculean task even for a company the size of GW.

    In the next edition, I could see one new faction joining the fray, but the other releases will be new additions to already existing factions.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Could also indicate that they are getting ready to release new Kruleboyz/Stormcast that were designed at the same time as the Dominion models but not previously put into production. I can't prove it, but I have a feeling that this is a thing that sometimes happens with commemorative models.

    Undoubtedly, Peachy from the Painting Phase claims the entire Primaris Spacemarine range up until Leviathan was designed at the same time, and those models were released over the course of 5 years. There are some updated Stormcast and new Krule lads waiting in the wings.

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  7. Bit sad to see some of these kits go away for who knows how long, but the Phoenix units had their days counted when the lumineth arrived with their own firebird insignias and the fact that Tyrion is called the Lord Phoenix. I am going to say that when the Lumineth get their next tome in 3 weeks, those units will rise from the ashes in the Lumineth style

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 minute ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

    For me what is lacking in the new kits so far is some kind of priest since there seem to be so much religious symbols etc.

    I will almost bet that a new warrior priest will be released, or at the very least the excelsior warpriest will be coming into rotation again.

    • Like 2
  9. Various RTS/general strategy game content creators have been given some hands-on experience with the new AoS RTS and have uploaded videos of some multiplayer battles

    LionHeart is one of the more laid-back youtubers, and is good at giving a general overview of a game. 


    • Like 4
  10. 16 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    Listening to 2+Tough's harbinger lore videos.. the new Trogg we're getting is sounding really big(?) I mean it's from the perspective of a dwarf but referred to as "the size of a mountain" 

    I'm really curious if it'll be a hero, a unit or a dual kit to make both and how that might affect the GSG book. We have dankhold, rockgut, felwater.. what do we think the theme for this one would be? Could it be the return of the sour breath? Or maybe something fire/life related? 

    I wouldn't put too much weight into the described height. It's from the perspective of a Dorf, an adult pony would fit the same size description.

    • Haha 5
    • Confused 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Flippy said:

    I’ve just checked the reveals. Very thin on AoS content.

    CoS: Manticore is really nice; of course, in a typical AoS manner, the stuff on the top is too busy – but this seems to be the CoS general aesthetic. The Wizard is great and top spot for me. 

    Skaven: Very good. Now, please do something with them in the main game.

    Kruleboyz: With every release, Kruleboyz solidify their no. 1 spot on my list of never-buy factions. This time, they went with the monkeys (what? why?) and orruks with arms so lanky that they only deserve one question: Do you even lift, bros? 


    Strongest Mork Fan


    Weakest Gork enjoyer


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    • Haha 8
  12. 11 minutes ago, Ledgington said:

    They’ve used pillers to represent the grand alliances before in road maps. A strange thing about our current road map is that the image behind the mystery battletome uses the Order piller. Even though you’d assume it would use the Death one if it was Flash Eater Courts. Could just be an over sight.


    The new one is just a generic AoS one that could be anything, I suppose they switched to these because the fanbase was able to guess what the battletomes were very quickly.

    • Thanks 1
  13. So if the wanderers are going out, then I would assume they end up becoming the Kurnothi with the Sylvaneth. The Phoenix temple will probably become a part of the Lumineth with new kits for the bird and the guards since phoenixes are a motif the Lumineth hold. If the leftover dark elves stay, that could mean that Malerion is still far away and there is no point in priming the fanbase for their inevitable removal right now. 

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