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Posts posted by Captaniser

  1. 44 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    "Okay you two, show me your Warhammer Day miniature designs! Jenkins, you and the AoS team first."
    "Yes, sir! We concocted a new gothic, unique, distinctive Vampire Lord!"
    "That looks great Jenkins! Leroy, have the 40k team made for us?"
    "Oh, uhhh, well, I... err... we... well w- we changed the head on a Bladeguard Veteran and..."



    6 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:


    This primaris guy has to be the most low effort one to date. Barely any different from the bladeguard and is overshadowed in every single way by the vampire lady.

    • Like 1
  2. 22 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:


    You just wanna ignore the sheer amount of creativity poured into AOS minis, especially non-Stormcast? I feel you on them all being Hammer, but c'mon now. We know new edition = new poster faction releases. There'll be this one single Stormcast warband and then everything else in the season will be amazing, fresh models for other factions.

    I don't ignore the great creativty that goes into the other factions, it is the key reason why i am a big fan of AoS, it's just that i look at all the cool factions and wonder. "What could the Idoneth, Maggotkin, Ogres, BoC, Gloomspite, FeC, etc. have gotten if the stormcast didn't get so much themselves". 

    Look at the new dragons, their lore is that they were saved from kragnos imposed extinction by the Seraphon, and now they are ready to be released in the realms again to reclaim their identity and forge a future for themselves. Do they get an army on their own like the SoB? Do they become a part of the Seraphon? Do they become a part of the CoS, even though it would help a model starved faction and also be a neat way to tie in the lore of the newcomers of the realms, and their quest to find a home among this new world? No, they just become a part of the stormcast eternals.

    Also gameplay wise, the stormcast do already have dragons, both with wings and without.

    I dunno, maybe i am just tired of the stormcast and the new warband just made be boil over a little bit.

    • Like 4
  3. 38 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    Teaser for new SC warband. This bird reminds of the Liverbird and I can't tell you how much I need this. Like, my lawd this is perfect. 

    A Knightly themed SC warband too would be amazing, that hooded Knight in the artwork tease looks interesting! 




    Oh look, more stormcast. I am starting to think that all other factions are made with immense disapproval since they must shove them into freaking everything. 4 warbands already, but don't you worry, a fifth is sure going to be fun. Another issue is that they are all the freaking Hammers of Sigmar, c'mon GW, you can't even give enough creative leeway to use one of the other stormhosts?

    I am so tired om stormcasts it is actually unreal. Seems that the disease of the spacemarines has fully enveloped AoS now. Guess the only real saving grace is that stormcasts are allowed to lose in the lore. 

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  4. I just hope the 40k part of the preview is somehow Xenos related, but there is not really any 40k races outside the Imperium that regularly uses the divine, unless we discount Orikan the diviner but he's a necron and they just got a huge release. So people might be right to assume that the inqusition is going to be the next big thing in 40k.


  5. Quote
    7 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Dead: vampire

    devine : witch hunters

    although it seems more likely to be a both 40k and AoS preview. But I don’t know what’s happening in the far far future 


    It is going to be a joint preview, i think every single preview has had at least a little bit of both in them. Also i think a large portion of the GW fanbase would feel a little cheated if they didn't show some 40k since it's quite a bit bigger than AoS.

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