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Posts posted by Captaniser

  1. 3 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    So they did 8 boxes but literally no Xenos.... Peak 40K support that is 🤣

    GW has really been hammering home the fact that most of the xeno factions are just filler. Can't wait for 10th edition where the Space marine line will increase by 35% and  cause even more unit bloat.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, elfhead said:

    Over on war of sigmar, Hastings ( one of the most well known rumour sources) stated in the comments that old bretonnia, tomb king and orc kits have been taken back in production and are probably getting new paintjobs for ‘the old world’ rulebook… 

    TK and Orcs i could see them reusing older kits, but Brettonia? That would be madness.

  3. 6 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Necron? I dunno.

    n4qODupP8DikbBdC (1).jpg

    I've seen someone suggest that it might be Tau related and it symbolises their castes. Circle for fire, diamond for water, square for earth and triangle for air, but the ethereal caste would be missing then. Farsight enclaves unique unit?

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  4. 11 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    I see lots of people panicking that a new 40k edition means next year will be a big year for 40k and we won't see much AoS. Except that isn't how it works. As we've seen with AoS 3, they will put out the new starter armies, and then most likely crank out codices with a few heroes for a year to get all the easy stuff up to scratch. Between that and the pre 10e narrative books it will likely be a quiet year for 40k and the perfect time for big aos releases.

    That is literally what's just happened the other way around, and it's been the pattern for the last two or so edition cycles.

    Our time will come.

    I see what you're saying and i hope that you're right, but it is just that i fear 40k just has too many things that are "confirmed" to come out soon.

    Imperial guard and world eaters are on their way right now, and they are both major releases on their own, then there is the Omens campaign which will probably feature some new stuff. And then there is 10th edition, which will give a lot of goodies for space marines and whatever other poster boy faction they choose, and those 2 will likely not overlap release wise. 

    It is looking very packed in releases for 40k as of right now, and i doubt GW wants another major release to cannibalize their golden goose.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I have not heard anything positive about Privateer Press new venture and Warmachine new edition though. It seem like it a desperation move and to reduce their market share, cut cost and layoff operation staff since they are really a shadow of their former self.


    Let just say they have had a couple of very bad fiscal years and they just trying to downsize to survive.

    You're right on the money, it is not some big and calculated move done to revolutionize the war gaming hobby, it is a last ditch effort to survive. In my city warmahordes died 5 Years ago and has never been brought back, 2 of the flgs i go around to don't stock it anymore and a third one i know can't sell their remaining inventory even with a 80% discount.

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  6. We know that a big chaos centaur, whom is not a relative of Kragnos either or the BoC, will come as a big monster for this edition, i wonder what other monsters will come aswell. Last time we had 3 and a box of smaller critters, hope we get that again, but this time i want them to be more faction agnostic than just pure chaos.

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  7. 22 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Yep those are going to be the warbands for this season, last season had 10 native warbands and there are 10 icons here too, great to have this kind of confirmation. No need to reveal a model or anything, just tell us what we can look forward to ind the future. 


    So we have the chaos undivied (?) in the HoH

    Nurgle in the nasty stinkmen.

    Soulblight in Dreadfang.

    Ironjawz in Kraktoof.

    Gitz in stinkhorn.

    Gitz again (?) in Spinecrawler.

    Maw lads in the pits.

    Tzeentch in Wyrd.

    CoS in camp fortune.

    ??? in Ven Talax.

  8. 2 hours ago, GenericEdgyName said:

    Alright, seeing the warband tome made me think that, most likely, warcry will see releases in the same style that kill team does. Basically every now and then they'll release a box with two new warbands, terrain and ryles for all of that. Then after some time they release it separately (though idk if kill team terrain gets separate releases). Come to think of it, that's how it is since Catacombs, but now I'm pretty sure. Means we'll get releases for warcry rather rarely, I preferred when they released a bunch of warbands withut locking them behind a box, but in the end it's just a bit of a longer wait if you want one specific warband

    Yeah, when they showed the booklet that goes with the set that acts as a "Miniature battletome for the warbands" i had the same feeling. If you want the warband you either need the big box, go to ebay or wait 3-12 months for them to go on sale seperately.

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