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Posts posted by Captaniser

  1. I wonder how the reception from the old guard fanbase affects GW's decisions regarding TOW. The response to this new article seems to be overwhelmingly negative, and the new fanbase aren't exactly the type to invest in a TTG. The way GW is going about it seems to just make nobody happy.

  2. Dear, GW corporate spy who is assigned to monitor warhammer forums, i've just come back from watching the new avatar movie, it was pretty decent. It has a big whale in it that is cool.

    You know what else has whales and sea creatures? Idoneth does. As recent box office numbers show, the world desires more whale content and RIGHT NOW would be an impeccable moment to deliver that goodness, for once strike while the iron is glowing hot.





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  3. 27 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Not to get too off topic but what are the whispers on the winds saying?

    The Lion of the dark angels is coming back to the setting, so is the soul of Sanguinius of the blood angels. And they will have the largest spacemarine release ever following them.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    Every time I see wonderful Carden Sculpt go out of production a little bit of my hobby soul gets chipped.

    Sad to see such wonderful and Characterful miniatures disappear. Quite bizarre because all of those sculpts were released during WhFB. Would be odd to remove them prior to it’s relaunch. Especially the Hag unless she’s getting an update. But that would be optimistic and foolish. 

    Any more news on when we may be seeing those teased Lizzies? I want me new Slann so so badly. 

    My hope is that most of those beautiful resin minatures will be reborn in plastic at a later date, but the reality of the situation is that Forgeworld is now the Horus heresy subdivision of GW, with some special characters springled in for other game systems. Marines have such an extreme market pull they can essentially replace everything that isn't one in the blink of an eye. 

    And concerning the return of WHFB, i don't believe it. Atleast not in it's totality. Not even 40k is able to get the same level of support as GW have aluded too for the Old World with all races being in and getting updated. I predict that only something like 4 races will be in and get genuine support and the rest will be put in an index, that won't be updated after the initial launch or be given models at all.

    Lizard might be shown at LVO at the end of the month, but who knows with GW release schedules?

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  5. 59 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Oh wow, they kind of didn't succeed with this model, didn't they? It's been a while since I last saw a modern GW model that I thought looked bad, but this is just a skeleton covered in green chewing gum, right?

    The model has big magistus Amon vibes and his toothpaste cloak



    Forgeworld doesn't really do flowing textures well

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  6. 30 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    These are the most expensive Lucky Dips I have come across. You don't even know what faction you're getting (if it even is one faction)

    The savings on what you get would have to be phenomenal to even begin to tempt me!

    Someone posted last year on Reddit that they got nothing but old space marine kits and 3 Tor garadons in their lootbox, i don't want to make such a bet.

    The only one that might be tempting is the underworlds one, since you're guaranteed (?) to get complete packs of warbands. 

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  7. 33 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    So why did both HH and 40k get stills of the models with semi-explanations in their articles, yet AOS got nothing similar..? No still pictures of the models and no vague description for them like the other two... only the same generic roadmaps we've seen for a few months now.

    My guess would be that rumors go out of control in the 40k Sphere, and they need to do the bare minimum to quell them before they go out of hand. 

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  8. the layout of the new big dino kinda confuses me, the front half of it seems to just end. Short arms and no visible head, but i think it might just be turning it and keeping it at the same height of it's body. Also the rider seems to be bending over while some sort of platform is on the dino's back. Maybe it has a ballista on it?

  9. 15 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    How about a Fantasy MTO, GW? No? Okay I guess you can do Masters of the Chapter for the second time this year.


    To be fair, Masters of the chapter probably have more lifetime sales than WHFB in general.

    3 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I do like to wonder sometimes, hypothetically of course, if GW didnt have Space Marines in the 10th Edition boxed set, would the fanbase actively care?

    Why not Imperial Guard Vs Tyranids?

    Fingers crossed for Christmas Day reveal to have some AOS and New Years Preview for COS. 

    Yes they would and a large subsect of their fanbase would vocally accuse GW of hating their faction. The SM fanbase is a weird one, because most of their fans i've engaged with only care for marines and no other faction at all, iv'e even meet people who say that marines are currently in  a bad spot model wise, since not every subfaction has unique characters and units.

    I know it's anecdotal, but every encounter with a SM fan seems to go the same way with the same talking points.  

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  10. 55 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I don't care for the celebrity worship of Cavil.

    That is all.

    This is probably the thing about the whole situation i dislike the most. That day Henry posted a picture of himself painting warhammer, large parts of the online 40k community changed for the worse. Plenty of clickbait from warhammer youtubers, endless celebrity worship and downright creepy para social relationships were formed with this guy. 

    And all of this seems to be going into overdrive now...

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  11. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:

    I hope they make it obvious that the Imps are fascists, and importantly, they are not the good guys.


    While that is what I hope they do, to properly show the grim darkness and crushing bleakness of a monstrous totalitarian regime. 

    The issue is just that the narrative of the emperium = evil will rub a lot of fans the wrong way, and alienate a lot of regular consumers that won't be able to comprehend that humans are just as evil as all the other factions, since in their minds human=heroes.

    I am cautiously optimistic about the project, but i just fear that it will have no teeth about social commentary, the faults of intolerance and gore. Hell, a lot of recent books from GW seems to have drunk the kool-aid in those regards.

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  12. 37 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    Can we just take a moment to recognize that Grinkrak the Great, a git with delusions of grandeur, hits about as hard as a Knight-Questor, one of the fightiest of the Stormcast knight characters (who are themselves meant to be superpowered heroes). Not that I mind, it's just a little funny.

    The power of confidence, and a nice sharp shiv, can overcome all obstacles

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  13. Looks like this page will look like this for a long while longer...


    Drekki had a book before his model launched and this entire faction of space dorfs can't even get one? It feels like the LoV exists apart from 40k rather than a part of it.


    More marine books, yay i guess for the people who are into it i guess. The Gloomspite one looks very interesting and i do intend to pick that one up, the next chapter of Gotrek looks on par with what has been released and a vampire book, not too shabby of a reveal. But still no new bloodbowl books which is an utter disgrace.





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  14. I kinda hope they don't bring Felix back in AoS, one of the major themes in Gotrek's new adventures is to let go and make peace with what is. 

    Also i don't want more characters from WHFB to show up. We still know Malerion and Tyrion are around, just not a part of the narrative yet, but i feel like the setting will just be anchored too heavily to it's past if the only characters in it are those from ages past. Look at what is happening with 40k, every rumor is about which primarch/30k character will return next, which older character will get a remake next and yadayadayada. 

    It makes the settings feel smaller than what they are, newer characters being ignored or looked at with disdain by the fanbase. New narratives with new relations and dynamics to play around with is what i want, sure the occasional old face is a welcome surprise, but i am afraid that GW will just milk the character nostalgia to the point where other narratives will ignored. It's part of the reason i don't engage with 40k anymore to any real extent, it's just turning into a type of soap opera where the same 10 characters interact with eachother and ignores the wider universe. 

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  15. 10 minutes ago, Talas said:

    A guy is posting a bunch of info in AoS Coach Discord:

    1. GHB rumors about small heroes are true.
    2. Dawnbringer crusade is the spring Order release.
    3. Seraphon in summer.
    4. Freeguild is being replaced by all new sigmarite mortals. Phoenix Temple, old Dark Elves and Dispossesed stay. Everyting else is gone.
    5. New Khorne rules are playtesting way too strong.

    Disclamer: I'm not in Coach's Discord, I got these from another Discord. If someone could give us a better view, I'd appreciate it.

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