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Posts posted by Charsiupao

  1. Are Enlightened on foot a good choice for melee, or should you always put them on disc? It seems tempting to save points and playing 9 of them on foot rather than 6 of them on disc, and still have 60 points leftover for something else, but is that something Tzeentch players do, or are they only on foot when you have no room for the discs?

  2. Sorry to necro this, but I thought it'd be better than starting a completely new thread for just a couple questions.

    I am building my box of 10 Grave Guard now, and I'm going full GWB as much as possible (and yes, the assembly is tricky!) but I'm now down to Seneschal and 4 GWB, and the instructions have room for the Hornblower and Standard Bearer - both of whom use normal blades - and in fact as Grave Guards are a 5-man unit minimum, I can actually assemble two Hornblowers and Standard Bearers. Are they worth assembling for the 6" charge and -1 opponent bravery, or should I go for the full 9 GWBs?

    For the Standard Bearer, do the -1 Bravery effects stack if my Grave Guard, Black Knights and Skeleton Warriors are all within 6" of the unit I'm locked in combat with? If they are, then it might be worth considering the standard bearer, but if not, then perhaps I shall let the skeleton warriors carry the standards and I'll just ride off their debuff.

  3. I joined yesterday, mainly seeking clarification for Warcry rules - the global shutdown has resulted in my son and I picking up both Warcry and Underworlds, and there's quite a bit of rules which we'll need to seek advice on as our local Warhammer stores are shut.

    I started painting over 30 years ago during the Realm of Chaos era with cute little Keepers of Secrets and Bloodthirsters, but stopped after a year or so due to college. Never had a chance to get back into the hobby until last year when I tried to get both my kids interested in something which didn't involve a smart device, and they loved it. Younger son and I just love to paint, much to the frustration of the older son who really wants to play AoS. I'm slowly building a Tzeentch army (in between Warcry and Underworld warbands) so eventually he'll get his game. Really wanted to play Vampire Counts but as they're not that viable now Tzeentch will have to do for now. I'm pretty sure that if I'm still playing when Legion of Blood gets a "revamp" I'll switch over to a Coven Throne/Bloodseeker Palanquin without hesitation.

  4. Vampire Counts would be really nice, although I struggle to think why they'd ever end up at the Eightpoints from a lore perspective...

  5. I found the answer to the second question in this errata:-



    Q: The abilities ‘Split’, and ‘Split Again’ add new fighters to your warband. How does this interact with victory cards such as ‘No Mercy’ and ‘Dominate’?A: The new fighters are added to your warband but are not part of any battle group. This means that in ‘No Mercy’, these new fighters are counted when determining the victory condition, whereas in a battle using ‘Dominate’ or a similar victory card, they are not.

  6. When using Split (or Split Again), the rules say "Set up 2 (1 for Split Again) new fighter(s)...". Does this mean that the new Blue Horrors or Brimstone Horrors are treated as new, and have yet to activate? If I had a wounded Pink Horror, could I move him twice, activate Split, and have two Blue Horrors (within 3" of the old Pink's position) ready to continue moving forward during my next activation?

    Are Split Units considered part of the original unit for "protect unit" missions? If the objective was to, say, protect your Dagger (and take down the opposing Dagger), could I really frustrate my opponent by Split (and Split again), making it a nightmare for them to kill off my entire Dagger who are scattering all over the place, or do I lose the game the moment I Split my last Pink Horror in my Dagger? The rules say that "this fighter is taken down", so I do lose the Pink Horror, but are the new units automatically counted as part of the group which they spawned from (in which case the Dagger lives on)?

    Thanks for any advice! I'm new here and registered this account just to ask this, but I'm sure I'll have many more questions over the coming months! :)

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