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Posts posted by justpayload

  1. 3 minutes ago, justpayload said:

    two cauldrons enables division to support both the 30 blobs, slaughter queen cauldron enables double attacks with devoted disciples to make the sisters output as much damage as the witch aelves while also maintaining the buff, the hag queen backs up the witch aelves to give them witch brew as well as being able to take an objective held by stragglers by itself, you also answered your own question a bit, due to iron circlet the avatar is almost always active, so you can use its weapons with rend to overcome armies that have armor saves. I've tested a list with two bloodwracks and a hag queen instead and didn't like it at all, not enough wounds output. TBH I think morathi is  kinda bad, she's too easy to gum up with 20 man units and can't chew through fast enough, I think two bloodwracks + another hag queen + converting the lifetakers into a heartrenders squad and adding 5 more might be better. 

    I also think having two cauldrons negates the stigma around losing one, it doesn't hurt nearly as much when your units are still getting blood save bonuses

  2. 8 hours ago, Graywater said:

    So what jumps out at me, and something you seem to have experienced, is you have a very noticeable lack of rend and almost 0 mortal wound output. You have the cauldrons and morathi. The cauldrons can put in work, but they're VIPs-you can't let them die. Morathi can do damage, but can also whiff horribly. Her damage is far from reliable. If you go up against anything with decent armor, you're really going to struggle. You have tons of attacks with the witches, but there are some armies that you can't weight of dice your way through, and mind razor being on a 7 again, is unreliable. You can get the boost from morathi, but that means she's staying small for the turn and is potentially vulnerable, and definitely not being a bully holding up enemy units and fighting. Some of this is just the struggle daughters have in general. It will simply take some creative play to overcome those shortcomings. 

    What is the inspiration behind 2 cauldrons? Daughters has been around long enough/has few enough units that 1 or 2 most efficient builds have been mathed out, but its rare to see more than one cauldron. 

    two cauldrons enables division to support both the 30 blobs, slaughter queen cauldron enables double attacks with devoted disciples to make the sisters output as much damage as the witch aelves while also maintaining the buff, the hag queen backs up the witch aelves to give them witch brew as well as being able to take an objective held by stragglers by itself, you also answered your own question a bit, due to iron circlet the avatar is almost always active, so you can use its weapons with rend to overcome armies that have armor saves. I've tested a list with two bloodwracks and a hag queen instead and didn't like it at all, not enough wounds output. TBH I think morathi is  kinda bad, she's too easy to gum up with 20 man units and can't chew through fast enough, I think two bloodwracks + another hag queen + converting the lifetakers into a heartrenders squad and adding 5 more might be better. 

  3. On 4/14/2020 at 2:49 AM, Graywater said:

    Neither of the links worked for me. Any chance you could put it into warscrollbuilder and copy/paste it?

    sorry about that, here's the list. 

    allegiance: DOK

    temple: hagg nar

    Slaughter queen on cauldron of blood 

    - general

    -CT: devoted disciples

    -prayer: cathcheism of murder

    Hag queen on cauldron of blood 

    -artefact: iron circlet

    - prayer: sacrament of blood

    hag queen

    prayer: blessing of khaine



    x30 sisters w/ blade bucklers

    x10 sisters of slaughter

    x30 witch aelves

    x5 khinerai lifetakers 


    Since then I've played a game against tseentch with archaon, really strong army I've played once or twice before, here's a breakdown for those who are interested.

    Battleround 1: Morathi got one hit by a charging archaon due to me forgetting how his attack works, he also killed the x10 sisters accomplanying her and took my primary objective, while my units split off to the objectives, but only made half the distance, nothing else really happened. score of 6-0

    battleround 2: all my prayers went off fine, my sisters of slaughter peeled and their cauldron peeled off from the right objective to challenge archaon, my witch aelves on the left continued and took the objective, wiping out the x10 pink horrors sitting there with ease. my cauldron and hag queen stayed half way inbetween the left objective and my primary objective, 3 sisters died to daemonfire cast by archaon, the sisters put all their attacks into him and dealt one mortal wound. on his turn he took the right objective and killed 2 more sisters with archaon, and dealt 4 wounds to my slaughter queen cauldron. score of 9-3

    battleround 3: heres where I start to gain the upper hand, prayers all go off again (ty iron circlet), i wipe out another 10 horrors on the left objective, only thing standing between them and his 4 point objective is 10 more horrors and 2 sorcerer dudes, my cauldrons and the hag queen smack into archaon with the sisters, if you're trying to kill archaon, smash a cauldron into him, its the only way without mindrazor to deal with him, archaon ended the turn with 5 wounds left, i lost another 10 sisters to archaon and my hag queen went to 1 wound left in exchange. My hag queen cauldron ran to the right objective, ready to take it next turn. on his turn, he didnt do much, killed another 5 sisters and summoned 10 more horrors behind the objective so he could attempt to take it and end the game due to lack of points next turn. score 12-6.

    battleround 4: I opened again, I wiped out the last horrors but left the sorcerers so i could backdoor retreat into his objective to take it. My hag queen cauldron wiped out the 10 horrors holding the right objective (thank god for battle rites) and took it, my cauldron smacked archaon for another 2 wounds and my prayers went off to protect the sisters, my right cauldron failed a prayer and took a wound. On his turn archaon killed the hag queen on foot as well as all my sisters but 5, who were lucky enough to survive with the cauldron and wipe out all but 4 brimstome horrors due to battleshock. end of turn 4 score was 13-11.

    battleround 5: He took first turn, the sorcerers killed three of the witch aelves leaving 27 to wipe them out on my turn. Archaon killed the hag queen and all but one of my sisters, the cauldron and that sister then wiping out the brimstome horrors that were left to secure the objective. on my turn, the cauldron slayed archaon and my aelves backdoored into his primary objective, leaving me with all four objectives, for a final score of 20-13. 

    Of note in this game, we were using Table top simulator even though we both own our armies, I completely forgot my unit of lifetakers which would have let me take his primary early and lead to a crushing victory.


  4. 3 hours ago, foxicious said:

    What makes you so sure about that? I am not up to date with all of the lore, so maybe it is said somewhere. They don't like each other, that is true, but that hasn't stopped Morathi in the past. I feel like Morathi would work with anyone, if she is able to use that to her own advantage.

    That being said, shadow path daughters might very well be a possibilty. Just curious to see how they would implement it so it doesn't mess too much with Malerions design space (His elves are described as being shadowy after all, aren't they?) or the role of Khailebron as our sneaky and stabby temple.

    morathi is incredibly jealous Malerion is a god and she isn't, she can't manipulate him and when she was at her lowest point he ridiculed her by giving her the worst part of Ulgu to rule(which she lucked out on and created Hagg Nar from), she would much rather destroy than help him and gain rule of all Ulgu. 

  5. Heya guys, I've been building/playing DOK for about 6 months now, I've played two 2000 points games casually as well as 6 rounds of competitive meeting engagement, Due to current circumstances, I'm looking at altering my 2000 point list to be more competitive and would love your opinions on the current build me and the other local DOK player came up with.

    I'm particularly interested in cutting morathi for x2 bloodwrack medusae and making that last unit of sisters a x30 horde. as I've heard lots of discussion from the high tier players that she's not great against experienced players and can be far too easy to play around for the points cost.  As well as a unit of 30 sisters being quite the killing force when mindrazor and witchbrew are slapped on them.

    Preview attachment IMG_3415.jpg

    any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
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