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Blog Entries posted by Mikophant

  1. Mikophant
    A bit of varnish frosting/crystalization on the lord makes me sad, but broadly speaking I am happy with how it turned out. Probably needed to be more aggressive with the highlights on the bumps/warts/whatever on the fleshhound, and I am not pleased with how the 'comb' under it's chin turned out. Just feels sloppy.
    Also, my current WiP Bloodsecrator, have started working on highlights. 
    Edit : I managed to clean up the frosting quite substantially and retake some pictures, although he now has a bit of a sheen : http://imgur.com/a/wwEnn

  2. Mikophant
    Not perfect, but actually I'm pretty happy.
    A couple sausage edge highlights, but not too bad, really. Hair looks a bit flat, should have/should spend a bit more time on it.
    Not sure whether or not I should edge highlight the top/front edge of the whip strands, or similar. Not 100% happy with the blood on the ends of the whip - feels like too much, but it was hard to 'get' directionality.
    I love any sort of feedback. Excuse the lazy photos.

  3. Mikophant
    Slight varnish frosting because I am impatient. I should have spent time to make the claws more consistent. Painting flying things is seriously awkward due to holding them. I should have picked a higher contrast pallet.

  4. Mikophant
    Non-GW >>
    Warlord Games english civil war pikemen. The random bottle of vallejo yellow i chose couldn't cover to save it's life. It was nice to paint a face again, even if one of them is a derp monster.

  5. Mikophant
    Lazy photography, hoo!
    Pretty happy in a time:result sort of way, but otherwise nothing amazing.
    Probably overhighlighted bone bits, lost too much of the variation. Should spend more time on little gem-like bits. Unhappy with claws. Unbased.

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