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Posts posted by NemesisScar

  1. EwAGeLfXAAQFdV8?format=jpg&name=large
    Here's an example of my Lumineth. I wrote a paragraph of lore about the kingdom they belong to. 

    "Ynnea Fianchu, the Dark Hawk, is a lesser kingdom on the Tyrionic side of Hysh. Its citizens are a dour folk, with a decidedly cold nature to them. Its rulers are likewise grim, determined men and women. All possess a connection with the vast, labyrinthine forests of their homeland and the Aelementor spirits who dwell there. The forest has left its mark on the Dark Hawk’s people, too. Clad in green and drab brown robes, they march in great hosts to do battle with all those that would dare defile it."

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  2. Thanks for the replies, all! I've played 40k before, but that's sorta dropped off, so my mind is wandering.

    1 hour ago, whispersofblood said:

    You can, but the Spirits bring a lot of utility that you can't get elsewhere. The Spirit of the Mountain is actually one of the best monster units in the game in terms of combat potential and its ability to make the units around it much better. For example pumping out -1 to hit in combat in an AoE so you don't have to be in Shining Company. 

    I guess I don't find Shining Company as onerous. My thinking is that my opponent may be faster, but I will survive the melee. That said, I am waiting for the 2nd Battletome to add those Bladelords to my army. 

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  3. Does a Lumineth army have to incorporate the big spirits to do well? I don't care for competitive play, but thus far, I don't like what's been shown in that department. I prefer the elf infantry. Here's my color scheme for them (please ignore the unpainted hands and face).


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