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Posts posted by Roberts

  1. Got laid up with a bad flu last year and didn't have much to do apart from listen to audiobooks on youtube. Someone had uploaded the devastation of Baal, and I sat through the whole reading without a break. Since then I've been hooked and getting up to speed with the 40k lore, and have even starred collecting some models with a view to playing some games. So far I've got a chaplain dreadnought,  some Tartaros termies which supposedly aren't that great in 8th but the models are awesome so I don't give a ******, and I'm slowly building a carcharodons army. Mostly because of Tyberos, partly because I have no interest in xenos or the traitor legions, and partly because they are ultraviolent bloodthirsty lunatics.  Tyberos  climbing inside a Nid bio ship thing and shredding it apart from the inside is one of the most examples badassery in the history of astartes., surely. Sadly I think his model sucks, but I bought it any for Hunger and Slake and am currently trying to kitbash something respectable using a gravis captain and a dremel. Which is kind of funny because truthfully I don't even really know how to play the game. Maybe I should have bought the rulebook first.


    Anyhow good to be on board. I'm sure to ask some spectacularly retarded questions about game rules at a fairly decent clip, so please Try and bear with me.

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