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Posts posted by rfkannen

  1. flesheater courts would be really interesting! My first impulse is to kitbash freeguild greatswords with crypt ghoul heads and hands (I like the weapons but like to go wysiwyg), make the crypt horrors into centaurs (use the horse half of free guild pistoliers and the top half of crypt horrors. For cypt flayers, add bat wings like a pegasus. And for the big general, take a dreadlord on black dragon, replace its head with a zombie dragon head, its wings with zombie dragon wings, and then replace the dreadlords head with a standard ghoul head. Does that sound first impression like it would work or are the models the wrong sizes?


    I actually have the sylvaneth vs skaven box unpainted but built sitting in my closet, so skaven would probably be a smart choice lol. That lore does sound REALLY fun! I should pick up their battletome! Skaven sound absolutly delightful!

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

    Yeah, it's the dawnbreaker crusades. I don't think it'll take until 2024, it'll likely be sometime like May or June 2023. They're showing off component renders and all right now, but that miniature range is actually almost certainly done, even painted or in progress with the studio, being manufactured and the battletome hitting print stages soon. Just because that's what they're publishing doesn't mean that's actually where they are in design.

    That sounds pretty perfect if that is the release date! Googling it though, it seems like gw has been fairly ambiguous on when they plan on it? Some people are saying that it would make sense to wait untill the next edition of AoS in 2024, what do you think of that?

  3. 9 minutes ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

    I'd personally recommend waiting and seeing what the new Cities of Sigmar stuff looks like. I think that's got a lot of potential for making your own city, its heraldry, its story, the color palette, etc.

    Thats the dawnbringer crusades right? Do we know when that is coming out? If its in 2023-2024 that would be really fun! (I really like the bit of lore they revleaed) but if its later than that I might just start with a different faction.

  4. After finishing up my deathguard speed-painting project, I want to do a 180 and take as much time as possible with an AoS army. My idea is that it would be fun to, before touching a single model, really read the lore and get all the juicy bits. Then I want to use that lore to make a custom subfaction,  with a thematic list, lore and a color scheme. Then spend ages painting each individual model (way longer than I usually do), and then finish it up with a massive diorama containing a whole 2k point army and a bunch of terrain.

    However, I am completly blanking on picking a faction to dig into for this project, and I would love y'all's help picking one!


    Here are my ideas for what I would find fun in the lore:


    • So far, my two favorite bits of aos lore I've heard are:
      • 1: an orruk cried when its favorite squig died in the end times
      • 2: Some bonereapers are considered disposable and know it, so they buddy up and agree to fix each other if one survives.
    • I want an army of people with thoughts and feelings who care about each other. For this project, I'd prefer to avoid mindless killing machines that can't love or care.  I especially like seeing the emotional side of evil or non-human characters, but all good is also okay.



    • My two favorite mini-painting projects I have seen were the eons of battle inquisitor kill team and the tabletop time space bears army. I really like the idea of kitbashing an armies models, deciding their place in the lore, and letting that influence their painting decisions!
    • As a part of that, I want to make an army that doesn't have any pre-existing named characters, I want any characters in this project to be entirely made for this project (from what I understand, there are some factions that are hard to play right without named characters)


    • I like having a history of a faction to draw on; for example, in tabletop time's space bears, I feel like knowing what happened to Lemun Russ, how the primaris got made, etc, really adds to the flavor of the legion, and helps tie it into things.
    • Again with the space bears, I like having specific characters to build lore off of (but not included in the army);  both lemun Russ and Guilliman are involved in their creation, but the space bears have their own chapter master separate from either of them and no primarch is actually in the army.
    • Also, kitbashing, I'm very inexperianced with kitbashing, , and I want to try it here with some greenstuffing and reposing, so if you know of any models that are better or worse for that I would love to hear!

    Bit of tragedy:

    • I'd like it if there is a bit of tragedy in the history of the faction, it makes them a bit sympathetic even if they are jerks.

    Models I can spend a bunch of time on:

    • I want to spend some TIME on my next armies models, all layering and glazing.  Any metals will be nmm (never done that before); I want to try some osl, etc. So if you know of models that are especially good/bad for practicing glazing and layering, or very receptive to haveing models that you take a long time on each, I'd love to know!
    • I also am going to experiment a bunch with these, so models that look good without looking identical would be good (aka probably not an army where everyone is wearing a matching uniform)

    Also, in case it helps, here's a list of things with lore I really like.

    • berserk-manga
    • chainsaw man- manga
    • hero, oh hero- webcomic
    • the Magnus archives- podcast
    • Spiderwick- novels
    • Gideon the ninth- novels

    Any suggestions for factions to look at?

  5. Good point about the rules changing for gloomspite, I might wait a bit and see if the rules change, but I'll definitely pick up the gloomspite starter set at some point in the future!


    I'm currently thinking the skaven vs sylvaneth box is the route I'm going to go. (though I also really want to pick up some blightkings and troggoths some point in the future after that) Do y'all know if that box is going to be available in July?  I could preorder it now, but I was planning on not getting anything till I worked through my backlog.

    Thank all of y'all for the advice!

  6. 18 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    Warcry is definitely a lot of fun to paint and going between the different warbands would give a lot of variety. The weird bit is modelling isn't great (they seem intentionally built to make conversions exceedingly difficult) and they don't mesh super great into AoS, but if you're aiming to use them in Warcry itself they can be a blast. 

    The vanguard box is a pretty solid start. The only part I don't like taking in an army is the Spoilpox Scrivener, but he works just fine for summoning later down the road. Otherwise everything in there is great in game, and yes the kings come with a LOT of bits. If you're handy with a little green stuff and a knife they're also pretty easy to do simple conversions with to keep everything varied. I have 20 of them so far with no duplicates although I did have to get a little more creative on my last box. 

    In the lore the Kairic Acolytes are actually a group of scholars, wizards, and huge nerds. However when it's time to go to war and fight for their secretive cults they don the masks and they change them into the roided out barbarians you see on the tabletop. Always loved that little bit of lore as it's kind of a nerd power fantasy, but I like it even more because I picture them getting all jacked and thinking they're hot stuff with all these muscles, but in reality they're beaten by almost anything in the game in close combat. Like even goblins can be better fighters haha. 

    Pink horrors are of course your standard multi part models, but blues are a little simpler and are usually only 2-3 parts. Brimstones are the easiest, they're all a single piece that you just glue to the base. If you decide you'd rather not go through there are always other options, but so far they are pretty important to the faction so it's definitely something to think of. 

    If you're good with Nurgle I'd say just start there. Either a vanguard box or maybe even just a Putrid Blightkings box so you can get a feel for it and see if you like building them/painting them up. 

    That's super weird about warcry, I would have thought that they would be the MOST customizable minis games workshop would have made!  maybe I should just buy the core rulebook and make a custom warband.

    Oh that's actually super cool lore! Thats hilarious and amazing omg! As long as I did all 3 types of horrors (and didn't just overload on pink) I think I would be good then!

    The main nurgle models I want outside the blightlords are the horticulous slimux (this is my favorite nurgle model by far, honestly one of my favorite warhammer models period) and  the beast of nurgle. I also really like the glotkin, but I'm not sure if its worth its price (Its hard to get a feel or the quality of a model that big from pictures)  If I got a box of blightkings and then the vanguard, would I still have room for all those models? Should I just skip the vanguard and only buy those models and the blightkings?


    13 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    Don't forget, you could also clean your Nurgle up! Give them all soap, scrubbers and towels and clean up the paintjobs. That's a big conversion project, but you will stand out.



    I wouldn't go that route but now I'm tempted lol.

    I do kind of like the idea of leaning into nurgle bieng a god of life, adding some green stuff mushrooms everywhere. Sort of like the guy in this comic  https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/crow-time/forest-spirits/viewer?title_no=693372&episode_no=39



    11 hours ago, Iksdee said:

    Gloomspite Gitz are the best, great models, fun to paint. U can go as crazy as u want with colours and u can ally them with Kruleboyz. 

    If i had to pick a new army for myself at the moment it would be a toss up between Skaven, Lumineth or Idoneth.

    I have mixed feelings about gloomspite. On one hand, I used to play warhammer underworlds years ago, and zarbag's gitz and Mollog's mobs where by FAR my favorite warbands, I loved painting their models! Just some great characters with great personality. And with my orks in my current warhammer models I have found the two squigs I have painted to be super fun! The gloomspite are also tied in my mind with nurgle for having the most fun models in warhammer.

    But I don't love hordes, I prefer elite armies. Also, from what I have heard you can't really make a good army with a mix of the models? I would love to have one unit of each of the troggoths, some big squig riders, and then some battleline of grots. But it looks like you need to really lean into one species to make the army work.

    Having to go full horde and not being able to mix units turned me off them. Which is a shame since I love the models.

    Though as I'm typing this I realize I don't need to build a full army. It could be fun to just pick up a couple as a display project!

    8 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Sylvaneth isn’t quite my domain.

    but the skaven are my first and foremost love.

    If you truly want to start a skaven force, I would suggest to you to paint what ever you find worthy of your time.

    if you enjoy painting lots and lots of bodies, your definitely not wrong with the skaven.

    but you should also be prepared for a possible need to convert models into other stuff,

    unlike the sylvaneth, skaven are one of the faction still waiting for a refresh.

    lost of our models look painfully bad.

    Which isn’t great.

    now that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start them.

    there are lots of other companies that do some great rat-man like models, able to be proxied as the official rats.

    If you prefer to stick with gw, that shouldn’t  be a problem either.

    with a certain interest and enthusiasm in converting models, this isn’t a bad start either.

    For example at this point I personally am able to field not only models build from gw parts but also good looking models.

    And as for the less dorky kruelboyz, They

     may not be played to often, but at least they have the esthetics of the skaven, making and converting new skaven models much easier😉

    here are some inspiring pics


    Those minis look awesome!!! I love the kitbashing, that is super cool!!!

    I don't mind painting hordes  but I do mind the building, are the skaven horde units fairly easy to put together? If not then I would prefer models like stormfiends, hillpit abomination, verminlord, etc.

    I am up for trying out converting, I've never done it but I have been very curious (I also have wanted to try out some older warhammer models, I watched eons of battle's videos about old models and they looked really fun!)


    Skaven have a really great aesthetic to them, that army  you posted is tempting me into wanting to try them out!


  7. 16 hours ago, EntMan said:

    I was just thinking that both are intesting, and different from what you've done so far. And if you are starting from scratch the new box coming out soon might be worth a look.

    I forgot about that box, that could be fun! 

    2 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    Looks like you don't have any chaos in your list, so I'd suggest you take a look there. IMO they have the most diverse and characterful factions in the game. Maggotkin are a really fun faction to paint pretty easy to collect these days since the army has gotten so elite. There's some overlap with the zombies, but you shouldn't ever need to build 40 of anything. Blight Kings are also some of the best sculps I've ever painted and are pretty fantastic on the table to boot. Slaves to Darkness gives a huge amount of variety and they're looking to get even better later this year when their book drops. Tzeentch is another option as well, very different from what you've been working on. Lots of bright eye catching colours and fun models. The only thing I'd be worried about is you usually want to get a good number of horrors, but on the plus side building them is pretty easy and they're simple enough that even painting up 40 blues/brims was pretty painless.

    I hadn't realized I have been avoiding chaos by accident, I could have a ton of fun with that! 

    Part of me wants to get the warcry box with two chaos mini-factions in it, but from what I heard thats getting replaced sometime but we don't know when?


    Maggotkin are super fun! I will admit that level of grossness is a bit much for me, but I also objectively think that they are the most fun designs warhammer has ever made, some of those sculpts are hilarious and awesome!  I could see myself getting a warband or maybe like 1000 points of these.  Getting some putrid blightkings would be awesome, I have heard those also have a ton of bits for conversion! Would the vangaurd be the best place to start there?

    Slaves to darkness are really cool as well! the newer models in particular will be awesome, but I love their dark knight vibe with their current models as well!  I really like the idea of a warcry warband with a Chaos Lord on Karkadrak, its such a big model!

    Tzeentch is a weird one for me tbh,  I loved lovecraft as a kid and am still huge into eldritch horror. I also just started using inks through my airbrush and I LOVE painting in bright colors, and I also love monsters! But I don't get the basic concept of the disciples, why does eldritch god of knowledge and magic translate to barbarians and birds? I feel like I am just missing the basic idea, which is a shame since the models are super cool! If horrors are easy to build I am up for it, the building was a lot worse than the painting, and the horrors would paint up QUICK with some inks.


    If I was to go for a chaos faction any suggestions on where to start?




  8. I'm on schedule to finish my backlog of minis by the start of July, which puts me just in time to start a new project when my birthday comes around, and I am thinking something AOS could be fun. However, I am not sure what to get. I know I want something different from what i have done so far. Any suggestions for a fun project would be super appreciated!


    Here's a list of all the minis I am currently working on or have finished (in various levels of completion, all have at least one model in the unit fully done). Also some thoughts on them because why not:

    soulblight gravelords battleforce (y'all helped me pick this out and it was a ton of fun!)

    • Deathwalker zombies: Great models with a ton of personality, some of my favorite sculpts, but I don't want to put together 40 of any one unit ever again.
    • Deathrattle skeletons: like the zombies but even harder to build. Painting was amazing, building 20 was a nightmare.
    • Blood knights: Simple cool sculpts that paint up well.
    • Lauka vai: still working on her but such a fantastic sculpt, I love giant monsters and weird things that are uniquely warhammer. My favorite looking individual model.

    kill team starter set


    • Ork kommandos: so much fun to paint! lots of personality and just big enough to really add detail to.
    • Veteran gaurdsmen: Fun models, great poses, though I am glad I only had to do 10.

    imperium magazine


    • Easy Build ultramarines: Just an all around good time, I like anachronism and these fit the space knight vibe I love perfectly. I didn't expect to like them as much as I did. Airbrushing inks on them looks really good and is a ton of fun.
    • Easy Build Necrons: the fastest models to paint up, I really love the techno-organic look! I think these are prob my best paint jobs.


    • Dominion stormcasts: Great models that painted up quick and look amazing, but I do feel like I am kinda painting the same model 20 times.
    • Dominion Kruleboyz: I JUST started on these but so far they are SO COOL! good variety in weapons and pose, contrast paint works wonders on them. My favorites so far.

    Any ideas for what might be a good next project to work on? I am looking for something that would be fun but also pretty different from what I have worked on so farl

    Thank you for any suggestions you have!

  9. Frost grave looks awesome! I'll deffinitly be picking them up! The warrior box would be perfect for having a bunch of bandits to swarm pcs.


    So in the end with Soulblight I will have the battleforce box, cursed city, a start collecting flesheater corpse and MAAAAAAYBE nagash if I am still in a skeleton mood after all that.. Anyone have any recommendations on what to build from those models? (aka lauka vai vs vengorian lore, should the zombie dragon have a prince on it, etc). Are there any other models that would help tie it together or should those work?

    • Like 1
  10. Based off of y'alls advice I bought a Soulblight Gravelords battleforce box  that I found for cheap! ($150)!

    after I finish painting that I'll try building a Free Cities warband. 

    If cursed cities is released when I am done with the warband I will pick it up. Between the zombie dragon I have, the battleforce box, and cursed cities I think that'll add up to a 2000 point army!

    After that I might flesh out the free cities army! I don't paint that often so it'll probably be a year or so, but it would be something to look forward to!

    Thank you all for the advice!

    • Like 5
  11. If underworlds warbands count as warcry warbands I technically own three! I really like warhammer underworlds, and I didn't realize it was compatible! I have  mollog's mobs, the grymwatch, and zarbag's gitz! Some of my favorite minis I have ever painted, Mollog's mobs was my main warband.


    I also have a start collecting flesheater courts box that I started 3 years ago and never finished. I made all the crytpt goals, and got 3/4 of the way done with one  crypt horror (I had based him and applied shadows but not highlights or details. I could deffinitly build a zombie dragon from that (and potentially rip the head and arms off the crypt horror and build some varghests)


    Would Sepulchral Guard be a good next buy?

  12. I'll try out playing gridless! I still want to prepare for if I keep using a grid, but I'll give it a shot!
    Tournaments are not a priority, so I am super up for focusing on big elite units! What got me re-interested in getting an Age of Sigmar model was seeing Nagash used as the mini for a villain in a dnd stream; the big models are super cool!

    Cities of Sigmar has some great soldier minis, but I will admit I am somewhat underwhelmed by their monsters. If they are not beginner-friendly, it might be best to avoid them; the rules of AOS are a bit intimidating to me, ill admit.
    Ogors seem cool, and I could always use a couple ogre minis, but ogres aren't one of the minis that you use a lot of in one campaign; I have trouble picturing myself running an encounter with more than 15. Can you make Ogor Mawtribes with a reasonably low model count?

    Both gloomspite gitz and soulblight gravelords look like a ton of fun! 

    I painted a couple grots I got from a friend, and they were a lot of fun to work with, but from what I understand, getting a gloomspite gitz army is pretty complicated? I have heard that the starter set isn't very good. My ideal would be to get both grots and trollogs, with a couple squigs and spiders thrown in for fun, but am I correct that you need to focus on one?

    Can you use all types of undead with soulblight gravelords, or is it better to focus on one?? Because I would love to have a combo of zombies, skeletons, wolves,  a couple vampires (I prefer to not use 32, but I am up for a couple), and a couple of the big set-piece models (the zombie dragon, in particular, seems pretty rad)! If I had to focus on one skeletons would work, but I would prefer to have variety. I am up for painting swarms of undead; I like throwing my players up against groups of enemies! Is the starter set a good purchase for this army?

    Any recommendations for a list that might work? 

    Thank you for the advice!

  13. Hi, y'all!

    I have wanted to get an age of Sigmar army for a couple of years; I don't plan to play much (maybe a tournament game once or twice a year), but the minis are some of the coolest I have seen and seen like a ton of fun to paint! Also, I just really like the idea of having an age of Sigmar army!

    However, as you all know age of Sigmar is an expensive hobby. It is hard to justify a $500 expense for a game I don't even play in my budget this year. HOWEVER, I play DND every week, and I can justify getting an age of Sigmar army if I can also use the minis for dnd!

    At first, I thought it would be as simple as buying a normal army and using it in dnd, but then I realized scale is a thing. Dnd works on a 1-inch grid. So anything that is 25mm base works excellently, anything that is a 32mm base is unusable, and anything on a 40mm base or higher is a large creature (size of a horse or an ogre)

    This makes some armies a lot easier to re-use than others. All kruelboyz are 32mm, so I can't really use them. Stormcast Eternals fit in dnd as large creatures and look awesome, but I am not sure what I would make them represent; dnd doesn't have many 10 foot tall creatures that wear golden armor.

    I have divided models into how useful they would be to a dnd game:

    • One star: any model that is on a 32mm base.
    • two star: Hard to justify scale: any average person on a more than 25mm model.
    • three star: Models you get a lot of that would be hard to use in that quantity. I can absolutely see myself using a model of an ogre riding a strange creature; I have trouble seeing myself using the 40 that are in an oggor army.
    • Four star: common dnd monsters on a scale that works. Stabbas work as goblins.  Deamons as demons. Plague monks as rat folk. troggoth are trolls, ironguts are ogres, etc, crypt horrors as any big undead, etc. 
    • Five star: Individual models I can use to represent big villains. Nagash as a lich, thanqual as some sort of fleshwarp abomination, karazai as a red dragon, maw crusher as a dragon riding ogre, etc.

    I am looking for an army that has any many 4 and 5 star minis as possible, and as few one stars as possible (though some are okay)

    Any recommendations? My goal is to eventually have a usable 2k point army (it doesn't have to be strong though, just technically playable), and I would rather keep things on the cheaper side (I am willing to spend for a set-piece model, but want to avoid the ones that are 60 bucks for like one 2-inch tall dude.)


    thank you for any advice you have!

  14. 5 hours ago, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

    Side note.  Not sure whether you love painting small details (if so feel free to ignore) but when it came to the Crypt Ghouls I found contrast paints to be a lifesaver.  If you start with a lighter tone for the body a lot of the details can be easily done using a darker tone.  FEC was the first Army I completely painted on my own, and I doubled down on difficulty by having a tournament deadline I had to meet.  Wouldn’t have made it without that little trick as it made the first base coat so much less stressful.

    Ill try those out! I  have one contrast so far, Guillman flesh, and it has been a lifesaver, ill try out another one!

    3 hours ago, Sgtmjrcain said:

    I did my FEC with two layers of Contrast Skeleton Horde (two layers so it was darker) then picked out the "hair" (?) with Contrast Goregrunta Brown and the rest of the details with various Base or Layer paints from the other Citadel line. Not real hard to do, especially if I could do it. lol It's a quick paint job too, but there are lots of bodies to paint for a 2k army so time can be a factor still. I have 80 ghouls overall plus heroes and terrorgheist and zombie dragon. 

    Heavily recommend the Varghulf Courtier... he's a good fighter on his own and has got some serious regeneration properties for the rest of your army. The Archregent is also most excellent for his spell casting and summoning abilities. 


    Ill give that a try! I want to do something where I divide my whole army into squads and paint them diffrent (not sure what the divisions will be yet) but Ill try that for one!


    oh that sounds cool, giant bad monster is laso rad!

    49 minutes ago, XReN said:

    Depends on how big collection you want, if you are one of the maniacs like me who want to build huge armies - than you will want to have at least 2 Haunter and 1 Infernal Courtiers to be able to field Cannibal Court battalion which is over 5000 points. If not - you better search for spare model on the internet or split a box with someone. But no matter what way you choose - for your first couple of units don't build courtiers - instead buy a Varghulf, this way you'll be able to rise your point count faster.

    Ah yeah I was mostly aiming for 1000 points first, stay there for a bit, and then build up to 2k, so I should probbably wait on that

  15. 44 minutes ago, whiskeytango said:

    Well, i'm not saying don't do it, i'm just saying be cognizant of what you're doing when you do it. Double attacking, striking first monsters don't usually make for a super fun play experience for your opponent, so if thats a concern of yours, Gristlegore (or Reapers of Vengeance Tyrants) might not be for you, despite having battle line TG's and ZD's. 

    Oh yeah I don't want to play something that would be annoying.

    Would the army whiskeytango be unfun to play against? I don't really understand the rules of the game (I haven't bought any of the books yet, plan to do that next month), I mostly just want some fun models to paint lol.

    Btw, is it a bad idea to build one of each type of thing a model can be? Like I would rather build 1 crypt horror, 1 cyrpt flayer, and 1 courtier, so I could have a variety of models. but it sounds like that isn't a good strategy and it is better to build them all as one thing?


    also is there lore about how to paint them? Like is it tied to the courts? If it is, what do the gristlegore look like?

  16. 22 minutes ago, whiskeytango said:

    Well, now that the Arch-regent is available on it's own, definitely grab him and the Bone Throne. From there, you could probably buy another SC, and a 20 pack of ghouls, and call it good for a lonnnng time.

    Cool! How many points is that?

    13 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Beat me to it. xD

    Flesh Eaters are fast to collect and have a massive amount of options for the models you use.

    Once you got the Arch-Regent as your super durable spellcasting hero and the throne then it's just a matter of choosing which Grand Court to focus your noble army on(deadlier knights? Faster troops? Zombie dragon battleline?) and begin the royal banquet in your realm. ;)

    zombie dragon battleline sounds rad! any tips for making that work?

  17. So I have decided to start the plunge and start my first warhammer army by getting a start collecting flesh eater courts. It was a toss between them and gloomspite, and after figuring out gloomspite would have costed like 10000 times as much it was an easy choice lol.

    My plan is to get a start collecting box. I know the terrorgheist is a better unit, but I think I am going to build the zombie dragon as I like the model more. Not sure how ill build the rest of the models (would love tips)

    Any advise? What should I get after the start collecting box?

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