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Posts posted by Hamartia

  1. I realise a question like this has been asked before, but when it comes to modelling Bloodreavers as marauders how easy is it to remove khorne iconography?

    From a thematic point of view i would rather play a 100% slaanesh army (Im not a tournement player), and while i dont hate the old marauder models, Bloodreavers are way better. I realise if i went undivided or khorne marauders then i wouldnt need to realistically change the models aside from adding a shield.

  2. 2 hours ago, Naem said:

    Hey guys, I promised to paint up a unit of Warriors for a friend who is only getting started and now I am looking for a nice Slaanesh theme but without the typical pink or purple armor. Was thinking maybe bone colored armor with just a few purple elements or maybe black with purple highlights or something completely different. If you happen to have some good looking minis I would really love to see them (of course I looked threw Instagram, Pinterest and such, but didn't find quite what I was looking for =/ ) 

    A bright brass colour (Like Sigvald) with purple cloaks and shields (Brass/gold chaos star on shield) is a good look, while it is not the colour i decided on it definitly looked the part when i was experimenting for a slaanesh scheme. As a random shoutout, Phoenician Purple is a gorgeous purple.

    • Like 1
  3. I have seen convertions mixing chaos knight heads and shields with blood warriors and it looks pretty good, aside from their head options blood warriors work very nicely for any chaos god as they have little in the way of khorne iconography.

    It looks pretty nice but it is expensive. Granted it means you arent using old resin models.

  4. Is there a consencus on Marauder weapons in the new book? I was always a firm believer in hordes as a rule of thumb should take 2" weapons like flails, but the 2 attacks from the axe and extra save muddy the waters a little bit for me along with the potential use of the Darkoath Chieftan command ability making the loss of +1 AS not as impactful to damage output due to losing models.

    I'm also aware that currently RAW there is an interpretation that maruaders can mix weapons, but for the time being im gonna put a pin in that until we get an FAQ.

  5. 13 hours ago, ccconner777 said:

    Considering they have said the old warriors and the upgrade packs will stay in production as well as the new sculpts in the start collecting, I honestly see very little reason to hold out hope for a new multipose kit with weapons options anytime in the near future.  Pretty sure they would have come out with the battletome if they existed.

    They have done similar releases in 40k, I dont entirely understand why though. My gut feeling is we will get them with the new campaign book, although we have no clue when that will be. It all feels like a staggered release.

    There may very well be no plan. But generally when they release new push fit sculpts they adapt them into multi part kits.  If i can put on the tin foil hat for a second, the profile for great weapons is now  a "greatblade" and the current resin ones are axes 😎 which might be indicative of something (I mean this half as a joke).

    From a list building point of view i hope they do as it makes the whole processoif experimenting with different loadouts easier than using those resin upgrades.

    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, Jonko said:

    I'm wondering how people who bought the new start collecting boxes deal with the equipment of the new chaos warrios and knights. I'm a little disappointed that the new units dont have any horn blowers and standard bearers that are like basic on 1 in every 5 units in the game. I've been thinking how to solve this, i don't know if the old bits from the old set will look nice and even fit the new models.

    Any thought's ? 

    I was bought it rather tha purchased it myself, but the whole push-to-fit knights/chaos warriors with the equipment they have and lack of command was real dissapointing.

    I painted one chaos warrior up, but im not sure whether that was correct as I prefer the idea of bringing them in large units where halberds would be better which has hurt my motivation to continue with the warriors, i would rather wait for the campaign book to come out with hopefully a new chaos warriors box that i can use the parts for in hacking off the weapons of the Start Collecting! models.

    As someone who likes the idea of the army, its an annoying position as if i want to expand them now and be playable then it would be better to stick to the older chaos warriors using the old halberd conversion of using the old chaos knight lances. BUT there is no guarantee we even we even get a new multi-part warrior box, and its that not knowing which is really killing my motivation to move forward with the army. I dont mind the old marauders, but to me the fundamentals of the army even in fantasy as WoC was units of chaos warriors.

  7. On 1/1/2020 at 3:24 AM, JoltUK said:

    How is everyone approaching the modelling with their new SC boxes? It seems like the preferred options for warriors is a pair of hand weapons and the preferred weapons for knights is ensorcelled weapons. Obviously neither of these are available in the monopose kits. 

    Are people just dealing with it and building armies with lances and shields or are there any good conversions going on?

    1h or Halberd and Shield seems the best honestly, Sorcerer Lords are a solid choice and give rerolls, the mortal wounds saves are also more value than they appear.

    I havent personally used Halberds as im waiting on the new CW box (Which i assume will be released in the near future) but i would assume if you are running 15+ blobs then they would be better, although given the size of CW bases im not sure how much extra can be achieved by the extra 1". In theory the extra attacks especially when combines with a sorcerer lords rerolls should help with their weaker hit rolls.

  8. As someone new to SC are there any units in the book just straight up not worth taking?

    I'm trying get the force up and going using mostly models from the "classic" SC range (So not vanguard or sacrosanct) but im aware that as far as the meta appears, such units are not as common. Atm i only have liberators, lord relictor and celestant on foot and im not sure which direction is best to go given the classic range. I'm unsure how units like concussers, judicators or prosecutors perform in casual games.

  9. 6 hours ago, Maturin said:

    Swords are a treat for the eye but unfortunately, they suck (on paper). The reason why is that they wound on 4+. Sure they hit on 3+, but if you go the hammer way, and fight a unit with 5 or more wounds per model, then you hit on 3 and wound on 3, which is better than hitting on 2 and wounding on 4 if you were to fight the same unit with swords.
    If you've got yourself a buff, like azyros's, then you can hit on 2+ and wound on 3+ with your hammers.

    Fair enough! I figured the math-hammer was a little closer between the two.

  10. 18 hours ago, Maturin said:

    I took 2x10 liberators unit for a 1250pts tournament a two weeks ago. Liberators, IF supported, can be really tanky, but not if you just take 5 of them.
    Staunch Defender+ Castellant lantern's+ debuff enemy units close to them with spells and prayers, and they'll be really resilient.

    Resilient BUT lackluster in the damage department!

    Thats neat, was thinking of going for dual swords for celestial vindidcators for aesthetic reasons. So long as theyre not straight garbage im happy. Last thing i want is to invest in models that just dont cut it at all.

    I'm sure if i play against people that are playing more to win then i would naturally swap to sequitors.

  11. I was interested in starting a small celestial vindicators force, around 1k points.  I dont play competetive, just casual games with friends. Having said that i wanted to know how viable units like liberators, judicators and retributors are from the original line of stormcast. While i dont play conp, i would rather not out of my way to handicap myself. If they are viable thats all i need.

    On top of that what would be a decent 1000 point force roughly to aim for with initial purchases?

  12. 1 hour ago, Gdead909 said:

    So I decided to make new ghouls for the archregent to summon in. Finished 1 of the 20.


    My court burns away the tait of chaos so all of them are charred





    Very cool. Could even in lore wise fit them into Hollowmourne who burn away the taint of tzeentch in Chamon with metal, or Blisterskin for obvious reasons (Shockingly).

  13. 11 minutes ago, PUFNSTUF said:

    Is a GK on ZD or T not able to be in the royal menagery battallion?


    They've tried to make this clearer in the new book by referring to seperate TG's and ZD's as "Royal Terroghiests" etc which is what the battalion includes.

  14. Similar to previous impressions of the Ghoul Patrol, it seems perfectly fine to go above 40. Granted I'm not sure why you would as at 40 they already become unwieldy and are difficult enough as is to benefit from the Dealthless Minions rule.

  15. So ghoul patrol did not recieve an errata update. All other reinforcing effects in the errata were changed to explcitly only apply to slain models. Ghoul patrol remains as simply "add models". Hopefully this makes the battalion a little stronger.

  16. My gut feeling is that the base sizing for the ghoul king and crypt ghast courtier is an oversight and will hopefully be corrected, I wouldnt expect GW to supply a kit with a 32mm base and then tell u that they advise you use a smaller one. They do also emphasise it is a suggested base size. Also its different to the base sizes they show in official images of their models.

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