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Posts posted by maaksel

  1. I am looking to start getting into AoS.  I am a former Fantasy player, with still quite a large Lizardmen army.  I haven't touched that as Seraphon.

    I used to play Dwarfs, Lizardmen and Vampire Counts (Dwarfs were my favorite!).

    The group we're in is avid 40k players, but we're taking a bit of a break before 9th edition rolls out in summer - we hear.  That being said, I was looking for what a good initial purchase would be.  Something I definitely wouldn't go wrong with in terms of units. 

    Stressing a point here... my group is *highly* competitive, even though they pretend they aren't. 

    Looking for advice on a 'standard' list, and I can branch out from there, while utilizing the bulk of the list in multiple formats once I kind of get a feel for how it plays and the game itself.  

  2. Hello all,

    I'm looking to start AoS with some friends.  We're big 40k guys, but with the state of the game and rules bloat, we're going to take a break for a bit until the new edition.

    I was initially looking into Overlords, but decided to stick to Nurgle, as I have quite a bit of 40k nurgle stuff.

    That being said, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction for list building and review.  I have a lot of Daemons I would like to take advantage of, and would love to run the Glotkin as well.

    We're a highly competitive group, but will take a bit of time to learn all the rules, etc.

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