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Evil Eye

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Posts posted by Evil Eye

  1. Whoops! I seemingly completely forgot I was a member of this forum. Well, seeing as I've remembered I might as well make the most of it!

    For the past however long it's been I've worked on my Gloomspite Gitz army, and have gotten a fair bit of stuff completed. Here's some slightly crummy photos of the army's fully painted members so far...


    Basic grots, clad in their grubby orange robes.


    My Boingrot Bounderz, Da Knights of Da Wonky Table. Bonus points if you recognize the reference with the colours.


    Two Rockgut Troggoths, with the third well on the way to being finished.


    Da boss boyz! From left to right, Krekzab Flagwava (battle standard bearer using Anvil of Apotheosis rules), Wurrklopz Deffgaze Badgoggla da Third (Loonboss), Skwoffit Skwelchfoot (Bounder Boss for Warcry, or an extra Loonboss or AoA character for AoS proper) and Krooklegs (Spiker for Warcry).


    And the painted models all together!

    As for WIP stuff, there's plenty of that too...


    Da Doomflinga, a counts-as Squig Gobba made from an old Kev Adams goblin stone thrower I found in a thrift store for £5(!). Still needs fully painting.


    Snaggit Skyshanka, a boss on giant cave squig counts-as riding his trust bat, Flapgnash.


    A few members of Da Looncourt, in the midst of conversion into some grot pyromaniacs.


    Some WIP Squig Hoppers to accompany the Bounderz!


    And finally (for now) the first members of a unit of shootas converted up with "handgonne" style black powder firearms.


    There's a lot more I'm working on but I need to take photos of them. And better photos of what I already have...

    • Like 2
  2. One faction I would like to see make a return and get their own army (along hopefully with nice new models) is the Fimir. They're currently in Destruction in the Monstrous Arcanum book, so it's not like they'd be Alliance-hopping, and honestly of all the forgotten Warhammer races they're one of the coolest IMO. Plus the FW minis are gorgeous. You could probably do a lot with their lore as well; perhaps have them as a race with a particular dislike of Chaos due to their mutant origins. On top of that, they could work very well as a foil to the other Destruction forces- whilst the Ogors and Orruks are strong and violent but brutish, impetuous and occasionally dimwitted, and the Grots are sneaky and conniving but also cowardly and individually weak, the Fimir are few in number, but immensely powerful individually and also both ambitious and intelligent. They'd know well their own weaknesses (mainly lack of numbers) and the weaknesses of their "allies" in the other Destruction forces. In addition, rather than instinct, simple-minded violence or the influence of an unholy celestial body driving them to tear down civilization, they have more of a vendetta. Being creatures warped by Chaos, forever shunned by right-thinking folk and condemned to a life of lurking in shade, the Fimir have a particularly spiteful hatred for the other Alliances; Chaos for twisting them into what they are today, and Order for shunning them (also Death, for much the same reason as everybody else- Nagash is a nasty piece of work!).

    In terms of gameplay, aside from being rather elite much like Ogors and thus an individual Fimir being a terrifying foe, being the "smart ones" they'd have access to much better equipment than other forces of Destruction, as they are actually capable of and interested in making their own things (as long as the outcome is the ruin of their foes). This also means actual artillery, be it scavenged or constructed themselves. I'm thinking they'd have access to a few nasty, gribbly monsters, but rather than straight-up big brutish beasts of the Ogors or Orruks, they'd have some of the weirder ones, perhaps even some of the other forgotten critters of Warhammer lore. Overall they'd be a funny combination of Ogors and Gloomspite, with the elite nature of the former and the weird and sneaky abilities of the latter.

    • Like 2
  3. 36 minutes ago, Dankboss said:

    I think a bluish dark grey with accents of orange on the weapons would work. I think the battletome has an example of a dark tone Rockgut.

    Right, that sounds like a good idea. And I know the one you mean- rather a nice scheme it has to be said.

  4. That's a nice looking rat! I think you could get away with different cloth colours on the models if you wanted a less uniform look (some blue, some aqua, some lilac etc) but I'd agree brass would look good for the metal.

    Warpstone corrupted aetherquartz sounds like an amazing idea by the way! Perhaps paint the warpstone-y bits to look like they're glowing iridescently?

    • Like 1
  5. I'd love to see the return of the Gitmobs and their artillery- my GSG would love some of those spear chukkas! But yeah, more artillery in general would be nice. I will say, having recently read the Build-A-Hero rules in the GHB2020 I wouldn't mind a similar set of rules for custom war machines. Obviously no good for tourneys but for friendly/fluffy/Garagehammer style games it'd really add some extra fun IMO.

    • Like 1
  6. Having just built some Rockgut Troggoths (wonderful minis FWIW, insanely customizable yet still coherent-looking) I'm pondering what colours to paint them. My gitz are from Ulgu, and the average grot wears orange robes, so I want something that contrasts with that whilst not actually clashing. I'm tempted to go for a sort of beetroot-purple for the skin, getting darker on the rocky scales and transitioning to a dull beige for the bellies, maybe with a much brighter orangey-amber for the crystal details?

  7. Ahhhhhh right, that makes more sense. I thought it seemed a bit odd that I could pack that many gobbos into such a small list. Whoops! Thanks for explaining that though.


    And now that I'm aware of the joys of Warscroll Builder, here's an updated list.

    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz

    Wurrklopz Deffgaze Badgoggla Da Third (70)
    - Artefact: Wristbands of Illusion
    Kriksnik Venombludd + Poppy (100)
    Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
    - General
    - Trait: Tough 'n' Leathery
    Razzagog da Spider-Speaka + Charlotte (280)
    Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider
    - Artefact: Headdress of Many Eyes
    - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Venomous Spiderlings
    Ol' Woozlegogz (80)
    Madcap Shaman
    - Lore of the Moonclans: The Great Green Spite

    Muzgob's Maraudas (100)
    5 x Spider Riders
    Nazkrag's Jabbas (100)
    5 x Spider Riders
    Yezzik's Robbas (100)
    5 x Spider Riders
    Grubnukkle's Hakkas (260)
    40 x Stabbas
    - Stabbas & Moon Shields
    - 6x Barbed Nets
    - 1x Moonclan Flag Bearers
    - 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers
    Wiggear's Wakkas (260)
    40 x Stabbas
    - Stabbas & Moon Shields
    - 6x Barbed Nets
    - 1x Moonclan Flag Bearers
    - 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers

    Bouncealot's Knitez ov da Wonky Table (100)
    5 x Boingrot Bounderz

    Spindlespike (200)
    Skitterstrand Arachnarok
    Flowerfangz (200)
    Skitterstrand Arachnarok

    Spider Rider Skittermob (120)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Scuttletide (30)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 177

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. So this is my first real attempt at devising an army list for Age of Sigmar. It's largely a fluffy/fun/casual list based around the ridiculous lore I've been writing for my grots, hence every unit being named,  rather than an attempt to be overly competitive or whatever, intended for a points-using narrative game rather than the stricter limits of pitched battles. That said as I've no experience with the system, I'd like some advice on how it would perform, and also if I've made some mathematical blunder somewhere (I hope I got the points values right- I'm used to 40K's "per model" costings rather than AoS's "per unit" system).

    (EDIT: List obsolete, read the properly pointed and amended list below.)



    From the Realm of Ulgu


    Boss Wurrklopz Deffgaze Badgoggla Da Third, Herald ov da Evil Eye- Loonboss with Da Armour ov Many Eyes (Wristbands of Illusion): 70 points. (Trait: Tough 'n' Leathery)


    Razzagog da Spider-Speaka and Charlotte- Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider with the Headdress of Many Eyes: 280 points.

    Spell- Venomous Spiderlings.


    Da Poison Rainbow- Spiderfang Skitterswarm: 160 points.


    [Scuttleboss Kriksnik Venombludd and Poppy- Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider: 100 points.


    Muzgob's Maraudas- 10 Spider Riders: 100 points.


    Nazkrag's Jabbas- 10 Spider Riders: 100 points.


    Yezzik's Robbas- 10 Spider Riders: 100 points.


    Snaggafang's Skreechas- 10 Spider Riders: 100 points.]


    Grubnukkle's Hakkas- 40 Stabbas with 34 Stabbas, 6 Barbed Nets, Gong Basher, Flag Bearer and Icon Bearer: 130 points.


    Skwisheye's Snikkas- 40 Stabbas with 34 Stabbas, 6 Barbed Nets, Gong Basher, Flag Bearer and Icon Bearer: 130 points.


    Wiggear's Wakkas- 40 Stabbas with 34 Stabbas, 6 Barbed Nets, Gong Basher, Flag Bearer and Icon Bearer: 130 points.


    Spindlespike- Skitterstrand Arachnarok- 200 points.


    Flowerfangz- Skitterstrand Arachnarok- 200 points.

  9. Thank you very much! I've acquired the rulebook (for the fluff and lack of battery as much as anything) and the GH. Alas, MS and the battletome weren't in stock but I should at least get the latter next week.

    Also nabbed a Loonboss, who's (probably) going to be converted into the overall general of my force; Wurrklopz Deffgaze Badgoggla Da Third, a maniac who believes the Bad Moon is actually the eye of Gorkamorka and wants to build a tower to reach it so he can be witnessed in person (well, in grot!). Nice little mini, though the face that's almost entirely concealed beneath the helmet is odd. I'll be removing the helmet anyway and giving him some new headgear, but still, a weird choice.

  10. My planned Gloomspite force is going to be heavily based around spiders of all shapes and sizes, because 1: I like spiders, 2: the Grot Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider is a great model which I want an excuse to paint, and 3: an army of grots on all manner of arachnid beasties is an awesome idea (I've got an idea for an Arachnarok converted and painted to look like a Nephila spider).

    However, as much as I like the Spiderfang Grot line, it is somewhat limited, and as my FLGS permits non-GW minis, I'm considering using some other manufacturer's models to diversify the look a bit. So basically, what are some good spider miniatures (of any size) for use with the Gloomspite Gitz? I'm aware of the Heresy Miniatures Giant Spider, and from GW (albeit a different line) the Shelob miniature, but that aside I'm a bit clueless. Any advice?


  11. Hello everyone! I'm Evil Eye, who those with inclinations towards the 41st Millennium may recognize from the Bolter and Chainsword forums.

    I've always loved wargaming and the assembly of tiny plastic men and monsters, but have confined myself to the grim darkness of the far future up until this point. However, no more shall this be so, for following a move to the Realm of Norfolk and discovering a very nice little FLGS in Norwich (The Games Table) with an active AoS scene, I have finally broken and decided to double my number of unpainted models by starting a force to conquer the Mortal Realms!

    Well, at least in theory. I know a little of the lore thanks to copious time spent reading stuff on the internet and in WD, but I haven't actually started the project yet, or indeed bought any books or models yet. That will likely change soon, and I've decided on the faction I want to collect (Gloomspite Gitz, as I've always rather liked goblins/grots, especially when paired with spiders) but I am something of...OK, a complete newbie to Age of Sigmar, to the point I don't entirely know what books I need. Obviously I'll need the core rulebook and the Gloomspite Gitz Battletome, but do I need anything else? Coming from 40K with its veritable mountain of books, supplements and indices (not to mention annual adjustments) I suspect the answer will be "yes".

    As a side note, I'm very much a casual/fluffy/"Garagehammer" player, with little interest in competitive/tourney style play, if that's of any use whatsoever.

    Anyway, I look forward to posting here and meeting you all!

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