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Posts posted by Macha

  1. Hey! I'm a newbie with this city, running some Units I quite liked. My favorite is sisters of the watch, style wise, but I am wondering if I understood their rules right, because they seem very strong indeed...


    ...is it correct that, if I set them up via hidden path, they count as not moved (Setup) and they get their attack bonus? I can't find any real clarification on it, and the only mention in this forum the search engine got me is the designer's commentary on the core rules, which just stated:

    Q: Some abilities allow you to remove a unit from the battlefield and set it up again, and say that this ‘counts as their move for the movement phase’ (or words to that effect). Do these units count as having made a move for the purposes of any other rules or abilities?

    A: No, it simply restricts them from making a move later on.

    Which seems hardly conclusive. On the other hand, most comments on the sisters mention "teleporting them in and putting on the hurt", which seems to stem from the +1 Attack. Was I playing it right?


    I quite like the whole idea of flanking and attacking from multiple sides, but I don't want to cheat, either.


  2. 4 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    Is it really good for the game that a new player to aos who picks up either Nighthaunt or Stormcast will soon discover they are far worse than ancient WHFB armies like cities of sigmar or skaven? 

    Examine it from the other angle.

    I'm a brand new (or rather returning - I had some Sororitas like 20 years ago). I picked Cities of Sigmar, because I liked the stuff I saw. Who doesn't like Javelin-throwing ladies on deer accompanied by steam helicopters and some silly astronomical observatory on wheels? The faction looked cool, and sounded like a good faction alongside wacky ghost hordes, silly bikini elves and treefolk.

    Is it really good for the game for a new player like me to soon discover that I paid quite a good amount of time and cash (My ~1000 points sure didn't assemble themselves, nor did they land on my doorstep for free, the kits were bought like any other at my local hobby store) just to play something that's intentionally designed to be far worse than other armies people buy for the same prices at the same store using the same ruleset?

    Even demanding that seems very toxic to me. You're trying to create a second-tier group of players just to make the group you're in more special. That's really not cool. :/  I sure hope this kind of attitude isn't very common in this hobby. It's very, very unwelcoming.

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