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Posts posted by Atelus

  1. 12 minutes ago, begleysm said:

    Cool thanks for the write-up.  There is a lot of negative chatter about the Warriors going around.  Can you comment on their effectiveness (and on the Knights as well).  I'm basically got the SC Box and am getting started.  Happy to hear the Lord on Karkadrak is working out.

    Sorry for double post but forgot to mention Knights. I really like Knights, but the positioning failure that basically cost me the game was putting one unit too close behind the other and letting them both get caught in melee at once; typically I have one unit out front that gets Oracular Visions from the Sorcerer Lord, and with that they've typically been able to survive quite a bit of punishment, and the idea is to have one that can hopefully get an early charge or at worst get charged first, have that unit retreat then have the unit in back charge in, and just sort of repeat that. When they DO get the charge, especially if you have the Chaos Lord put his command ability on them, man do they just make stuff disappear. When I eventually got 4 lances to charge into the Seekers, which had been really obnoxious for multiple turns, they basically deleted the unit instantly and I no longer had to worry about that again lol. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, begleysm said:

    Cool thanks for the write-up.  There is a lot of negative chatter about the Warriors going around.  Can you comment on their effectiveness (and on the Knights as well).  I'm basically got the SC Box and am getting started.  Happy to hear the Lord on Karkadrak is working out.

    It might be my coming from Tzeentch but a 2 wound unit with a 4+ save that rerolls all their saves (admittedly with the 10+ model condition) sounds like an absolute godsend to me haha. They're basically here to stand in the way and be annoying to kill, and they did that job really admirably; even the random unit of 5, whose only purpose is to fulfill my requirements for the battalion, lived through far more than I thought they should. The Aspiring Champion from the unit was kind of randomly rolling around with 1 wound left poking wounds into things even in the last round haha. 

    I do kind of feel like I only ever want them in groups of 15, since it makes it take some real effort to remove their rerolls on saves, and at 300 points that isn't a cheap package exactly, but I mean... one unit facetanked 30 daemonettes and only lost a couple models 3+/3+ profile on their weapons feels very reasonable. My only real direct comparison, though, is Tzaangors, but they fill a pretty different role I think, as Tzaangors tend to die much more quickly but especially with a Shaman around they just blend through everything they get close to. I guess in the end, with only one real game to kind of base my opinion on them from, is I brought them in a list to screen, be hard to kill, and do a bit of damage, and that's pretty much exactly what they did so... A+ so far? haha. I've already started putting them into Disciples lists with the new rules; Pink Horrors are obviously quite a tarpit now but I like the feel of Chaos Warriors just solid presence wherever they are. Only real complaint I've had so far, and this is with two games (I did a 1400 point one a couple weeks ago as well) is they are sloooow. I think I'm going to default to taking Mask of Darkness on whatever Wizard I have available when using them just so they can get into a relevant position early instead of having to trudge there awkwardly. That said, since I'm using the new kit I don't have a Hornblower in there and it's possible that would help a little, I may find some bits for one or sculpt one or something just to maintain WYSIWYG on the unit and get that slight speed benefit. 

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  3. I just picked up the Tzeentch half of the Aether Wars box. Aside from some dallying with Slaves to Darkness, I've played primarily Tzeentch for a while but still building up my collection and I haven't had many of the tzaangors on discs up to now. I have 3 Skyfires already, which I've quite liked in various lists, but I don't have and haven't used Enlightened. 

    So given I've got 3 Skyfires, what suggestions does anyone have for the layout of the 6 tzaangors on discs that come in the Aether Wars box? Should I roll hard with 9 Skyfires? Build 6 Enlightened and keep my Skyfires in their sort of small unit assassination roll? 3 of each and have a 6 Skyfire option but only 3 Enlightened? Just curious what others with more experience think. 

  4. New to the forum and am mainly a Tzeentch player, but finally got a 2k point game in with the Slaves I picked up on release. Just wanted to try it out since it sounded fun. 

    Daemon Prince
    -Armour of Tormented Souls
    Chaos Lord on Karkadrak 
    -Helm of Many Eyes
    Chaos Lord on Karkadrak
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord 
    -Whispers of Chaos

    Chaos Warriors x 15
    Chaos Warriors x5
    Chaos Knights x5
    Chaos Knights x5

    Chaos Warshrine
    Eightfold Doom-Sigil 

    Godsworn Champions of Ruin battalion

    Think that was the whole thing. Played into Slaanesh with 90 daemonettes, Syll'Esske, The Masque, an Enrapturess, a bunch of Seekers, I think a Viceleader, and some Fiends. Was fun running kind of a lower model count, elite army into such a swarm, got to pick up lots of models. Was curious how tanky an army like this would be; I'm running Tzeentch marked, which I think is the weakest mark for the most part but... I'm a Tzeentch follower through and through, and the rerolling 1s on saves in the places I didn't get full rerolls was nice. The chance to ignore spells actually came up a lot but I failed the roll every single time which was a little unfortunate. The Chaos Lords on Karkadrak are so beastly; they didn't always have amazing turns output wise, although whenever the Sorcerer Lord was able to give one rerolls on hit and wound it was pretty vicious, but man do they just survive and get work done. The one with the Helm that was also leading the battalion killed The Masque and a Contorted Epitome that he summoned, so I got to roll on Eye of the Gods twice which was really fun. He got +1 to attack to his sword and summoned a unit of pink horrors.... wish he'd done that today now that Horrors are actually really effective even outside disciples 😜

    Doom-Sigil was alright, it consistently gave basically every unit I had the additional attacks and the buffer during my opponents turn was nice but didn't feel amazing exactly. Kept kind of wishing it was something else, but this was just my random thoughts after one game. Ended up losing due to a very small positioning error that kind of set all my movements back 1 turn, and the Gifts from the Heavens or whatever it's called scenario was not kind to me with its objective locations. 

    I really like the Daemon Prince but his effectiveness when I've used him seems to swing really wildly from game to game. I've had him just rip apart everything that comes near him in some games ,or do basically nothing. In this one he charged into Syll'Esske, did like 5 wounds really quickly, then spent like two more full rounds just wildly flailing and doing absolutely nothing haha. 

    Just my random thoughts from the game I played, I'm really hyped on both my factions right now and don't have many people to talk to. Huzzah for the internet. I had a super good time with it, I love my Disciples but it was kind of nice to just play a really resilient, hard hitting melee army rather than my usual wacky spell-based shenanigans. 

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