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Posts posted by Nico

  1. Quote

    Something I was thinking about was that it would be great to have an allegiance ability that gives bonuses depending on how many units you ha e in combat. If you don't have many units you get the current destruction ability, but as you get more units in combat you get other bonuses like bravery and extra rend. I think that could keep the flavour of the ironjawz at the moment while giving them a boost.

    While in principle I like this idea (some kind of buff related to being in combat while keeping the mobility of Destruction), I don't think Ironjawz need any more encouragement towards MSU for combat.

    They are already between a rock and a hard place where MSU Brutes means that the later units to attack will be severely depleted before they get to do anything (or put another way mid-sized Deathstars with stacked buffs crush MSU in melee, e.g. 30 Stormvermin with 2" reach over their 25mm bases, +1 attack each, -2 rend and Daemonic Power for rerolls). Whereas a larger block of Brutes means that the default command ability will likely fail (command ability that only works on a dice roll was such a bad decision) and they become so susceptible to Battleshock (let alone Bravery debuffs) that you have to use inspiring presence anyway.  

    • Like 1
  2. Quote

    I hate going on about it so much, but it is fundamental to the way I play the army and also it's survival in a meta which is ever drifting further away from us I fear.

    The meta hasn't done Ironjawz any favours at all lately. Stormcast have mutated from good honest Mace to the Face alpha strike, which Ironjawz could deal with, to Raptor plus Judicator bunker plus stack defensive buffs with Fanatics Aetherwings to wreck all the Ironjawz charges. Blades of Khorne are horrible for Ironjawz to deal with (although the move away from more models helps a tad). Skyfires are another serious problem for Ironjawz. 

    • Like 2
  3. Models do look Ace. 

    I was close with my prediction of Female Soulblight on yesterday's Warhammer Weekly.

    Hoping for Krell to come back as a new Mortarch. #BringBackKrell

    Implications for timing of any AoS Death release are interesting. 

    • Like 3
  4. Quote


    Right then guys, over a month since the last proper update...

    It's definitely ime to raise this leviathan from the depths! After a brief hiatus and spending some time with my eye being drawn elsewhere,

    I have returned to my one true love; the Ironjawz.


    I've made the decision to take Da Black Sunz to the South Coast Grand Tournament in April and have firmly re-installed them as my army and indeed project of choice. So not only does this mean I'm back playing them again, it also means that I will be doing some hobby around them in due course.


    Good to see you back!

    Great post and probably the right decision! 


    Go get it. Let me know what you think. The "General must be a Leader" thing is super interesting as I just feel there is probably bias from both sides...it's just that those making the decisions happen to fall on the opposite side haha. I guess it frustrates me as it's always been in the game and was so recently confirmed via FAQ.

    I feel similar. The bias from Stormcast Eternal players is palpable (who simply cannot or don't want to deal with horde lists  - they never want to have to take Decimators and struggle with Death lists). 

    For SCGT at least, the narrative theme of the event and the logic of the Battleplans and agendas do justify the requirement to have a hero as the general . However, this does disfavours to several factions (Grots and Ironjawz and Death in particular) and encourages Age of Sniping. We'll see what happens. I certainly look forward to your account of the event!



    • Like 3
  5. Quote

    Death has gotten its overhaul already. Nagash, the Mortarchs and the Morghasts are the new direction. 

    This isn't ideal given that none of those Warscrolls are competitive in any way pending lore spells (Arkhan and Harbingers are only somewhat overcosted).

  6. Quote

    The prime reason as to why Death will still have to wait is because I can almost certainly confirm that they are in for  a massive overhaul aswell

    Is this overconfident prediction or are you aware of something specific.

    Logically, Death will get a big reinvention at some point.

  7. Quote

    Which Stormcast battalions are in play? Just the ones from new book or are the ones from GA:Order book still legit? Warrior Brotherhood/Skyborne Slayers

    Please don't ban these. There are other Battalions that would be affected which are fun as well. The Order book isn't even very old, so this will set a bad precedent.

  8. We've covered some of these points in our FAQ's for London's #Calling 2017:

    For example, we've ruled that the costs of Skarr and the Phoenix (i.e. more than the Frosty) must have been taken to include the cost of the chance of bringing them back.

    The event is taking place this weekend and we'll consolidate the feedback for the purposes of the GH v 2.0. 


  9. Quote

    Kairic Acolytes and Pink Horrors are well expensive for what you get - maybe other shooty stuff should be increased in points cost to match?

    Kairics are maybe a tad expensive. 6++ ward saves are easy to underestimate though.

    Pink Horrors are not expensive at all*.

    *If the Split rule is FAQed in a manner that makes Pink Horrors junk, then I would revisit my views on this.


  10. Two days to go before London's #Calling.

    We had a great turn out at the South London Legion on Wednesday. Plenty of games of AoS. Some new players! Some praise for the sixth Battleplan in particular. Lot's of enthusiasm for Blades of Khorne and then apparently there are some new Duardin coming along too.

    We've added some clarifications to the FAQ about Garrisoning Buildings (prompted by something apparently mentioned on Facehammer in relation to the SCGT) - which is relevant to the Silver Tower Battleplan; and listbuilding/Allegiance. We're not planning to make any further changes.

    Age of Pew Pew?

    One more significant change that we floated and ultimately after some healthy debate decided against changing (especially just before the event) was an attempt to mitigate moves towards Age of Pew Pew (after seeing various lists involving spamming a long range shooting unit plus a handful of buffing units plus minimum sized Battleline).  In extreme cases, these lists would win the game turn one by trivially killing the only counters to themselves in the enemy army. One would hope that a mixture of Battleplans and opponents would eventually cause problems for such a mono-dimensional list as 18 Skyfires, with 3 x 10 Marauders as Battleline, but signs aren't encouraging. The Battleplan where only Battleline units can score may help.

    What we proposed isn't a nerf, it's removing a random windfall (a massive buff to the amount of damage that such a list can put out turn one) which Age of Pew Pew lists sometimes (far too often) receive:

    Amend "Damned" in the Scenery Table as follows:

    "Damned: If any of your units are within 3" of this terrain feature in your hero phase, you can declare that one is making a sacrifice. If you do so, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, but you can add 1 to all hit rolls in the combat phase for the unit until your next hero phase."             

    Here's an example of where Damned terrain made a game incredibly one-sided from the moment that the Kunning Rukk player had won the roll off for sides:

    Anyway, we'd love to hear your feedback about this suggested change for the future; and separately the FAQs. 

    Be lucky.

    • Like 1
  11. Quote

    I'd shoot off a single pink horror to force a battleshock test with destiny dice to claim an objective at the end of a turn. Good call Nico!

    From a unit that was already depleted you mean? Interesting. that could backfire as you need to allocate the shots before you roll any dice; so killing exactly one model isn't trivial; and you might roll a 1 on the D6 for the number that come back.

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