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Posts posted by Nico

  1. These abilities do look strong. The issue for Matched Play then becomes whether the Death or Destruction one is materially weaker (in which case they have a big problem as they have no choice). While the last two abilities have been very strong, they are about as strong as each other. One of them also deters alpha strikes, which is not the end of the world.

  2. Quote

    Great. Knocking my choice of units after I only played one game and just started to use them....I planned to paint my army as Urbaz, the guy with alchemists buffs...still going too but this will hurt.

    I hate to say it, but if you're going KO in a competitive event, you need to go Zilfin.

  3. Surely the Clown Car is frequently full of 10 Cannon Thunderers, otherwise why not just take a Frigate and pack that full of Balloons. It's deepstriking just as well as the Ironclad.

    The small number of KO lists have tended to float into the top 5 at events. 


  4. Actually a huge change to shooting. Thunderers have been hit with a big nerf - no 5 Cannons or 5 Thunderers - a great change in my view. This makes Khemist Spam far less efficient (as a 50% buff to pure rifles, not a 100% buff to pure Cannons). Also deletes Mortar spam! A great change.

  5. The Order article is now up on the Community site.


    Stormcast can be allies of any other faction (I hope the reverse is not true).

    There's still no mention of any lores.

    Fyreslayers seem to be the big winners in terms of what we can see regarding traits. They have 6 once per game, army wide buffs and have to choose a different one each battleround. One of them is extra rend on melee weapons!

    Dispossessed look like the losers at the moment as one of their traits duplicates their only Battalion.

    Ominously there's no mention of new lores. Hopefully, that's because Soulblight and Darkling Covens (they are led by Sorceresses!) are getting lores, which is why they are getting specific articles on them. 



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