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Posts posted by Nico

  1. I'm planning to run a largely Forgeworld list. If FW don't release points on or before Saturday, could I please go ahead with SCGT costs x 20. I'll submit the list over the weekend. Any later than that and it's going to be hard to adjust.

    Thank you

  2. Quote
    17 hours ago, Nico said:

    Similarly, the points (and categories - battleline etc.) for Wanderer Units and Wood Elves would be really helpful.

    Thank you very much.

    File sent

    Thanks Daedalus. 

    Thank you very much - this gave me the Wanderer points.

    Sorry to be a pain, as the Wood Elves are not in there. They should be right at the back in the Compendium bit. How much are the Glade Lord on Forest Dragon and the Shadowdancer? Might need someone who has access to a book.  



  3. All good observations.

    Nothing left standing is the anti-Sylvaneth rule - I gather it would remove the ability of Sylvaneth to teleport to a wood (as it would lose all its scenery rules). However, it's very situational.

    Wild Fury is poor compared to Bellowing Tyrant as you could always pick the general himself as the target of bellowing target as he is within D6 inches of himself.

    Big and Brutish is junk.

    • Like 1
  4. Apologies if this has been asked already, but I understand that if you satisfy the GH requirements for (say) both Stormcast and Order allegiances, you must pick between these allegiances. If you choose Stormcast, then you get the choice of extra battleline unit options (and nothing more). If and only if you choose Order, you get the Order Battle Trait, Command Trait and 1 Artefact.


    It seems that there's no reason to go Stormcast Allegiance at the moment (pending the release of Stormcast Traits and artefacts). I think it's worth highlighting this at forthcoming tournaments, as otherwise people will be shooting themselves in the foot by committing to an allegiance when building a list and jettisoning the traits.

  5. The rules of one are big nerfs to Death. The proc one is too harsh on Tomb Kings as Righteous Smiting is their raison d'etre (SCGT hit the sweet spot there).

    The no double casting spells cripples Nagash and makes Arkhan pointless - their ability to double cast other Wizards' spells is integral. At least Nagash will be cheaper, but more fun to have him at full power at higher cost.

    Stormcast are already the number 2 army and aren't affected negatively by the rules of one - they could "cast" 3 Warding Lanterns automatically while enemy can only "try to cast" mystic shield once - big imbalance.

  6. It's decent for its cost.

    It synergises well with an army of Morghasts and big heroes. It synergises especially well with Settra as it will then pump out 4 mortal wounds minimum in melee.

    The Coven Throne is pretty average. The reroll is handy. Again it synergises well with Settra. The spell is good against low bravery (hello Ogres). The Command Ability is simply bad though.



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