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Posts posted by Brad999

  1. 6 hours ago, Paniere said:

    Correct, they succeded in faqing up a ruleset before its official launch. Anyway this means that every pink that flees can still take petty vengeance , even though I'd rather remove a blue

    You don't get to choose to remove blues before pinks anyway? 


  2. On 6/26/2021 at 2:58 AM, Sinfullyvannila said:

    Keywords have absolutely nothing to do with Faction selection anymore. Your faction is now the pitched profile list you pick at the start of the game, units that you pay for on that list have access to your allegiance abilities. Allies do not. Right now there are references to a mechanic called Coaltitions that needs to be clarified. If you can take the units from BoC they wont benefit from your faction abilities(Destiny Dice, agendas).

    The Soulblight book is worded the way it is because otherwise it would simply not have functioned in 2e. Dominion warscrolls are irrelevant because literally every single warscroll unit size is overwritten in their matched play profiles.

    I agree the BoC units shouldn't be taken as cheaper but the allegiance ability states tzeentch unit, which is what they still are on their warscroll. So if you took tzaangors as an ally they still can have DD dice used with them.

  3. Guild of summoners

    Kairos - 435, Skyfires x6 - 420, Acolites 2 x 10 - 250,  Blue scribes - 135,  Belakor - 360,  Pink horrors - 215, Emerald lifeswarm - 60, Cogs 45, Shackles 65 (Total 1975) 

    Host arcanum ( 6 free screamers

    Kairos - 435,   Skyfires x6 - 420,   Screamers 3 x 3 - 300,   Magister - 125,   Belakor - 360 Enlightened on disc  - 200,   Emerald lifeswarm - 60,   Shackles - 65  (Total 1965)

  4. 10 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    Cogs might single handedly carry guild of summoners up a bit. You could probably get enough spells to get a second LoC on t2 now.


    Slaanesh was already dead.

    This is true, take kairos, blue scribes and belakor and if all spells go off, with reroll spells, you get a LoC on turn 1 which is a huge amount of points. Then by turn 3 you are around the point of another.

  5. 2 hours ago, Sinfullyvannila said:

    Dead on arrival is a pretty huge stretch. We can still mob the board with horrors people cant retreat from. I dont think flamers hit as badly seeing as we can unleash hell and in some cases still hit on 3s.

    OK, I must admit dead on arrival is a bit extreme. I know a big faq due and horrors will get changed but currently cant go above starting models, fleeing is not killed and way too many ways to stop inspiring to force a battleshock. You also cant zone as much with them

  6. 4 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    I assume it's worded that way because the opponent might get to control it like normal endless spells. Super risky if you're up against a combat army. 

    Same with the simulacrum. Since the vast majority of the tzeentch army will be wizards it'll be super risky to have on the board. You get 3 mortal wounds on an enemy unit, then the opponent turns it around next turn and puts 5 into the wizard that cast it. Kind of like a chaos player bringing the quicksilver swords actually. 

    I dont think it is predatory so wont move and wont be controlled by oppo it will just pulse the ability in your phase.

  7. 1 hour ago, mmimzie said:

    Honestly fold + new Pink's would be ridiculous. That like +35 wounds to a unit. 


    Honestly think the spell will be scrapped, but the new locus and pink splitting are great trade off, and that combine with gaunt summoners that come pre packed with free units of Pink's makes the Pink's quite strong.


    A gaunt near the line summons a unit of Pink's that can be placed within 9" and then cast from there is a very powerful first move, and sort of turn the gaunt summoner into a peuedo tricaster for 260. 

    Although it uses a cast that turn and doesnt look like it counts as  a spell. I would imagine the pinks wont have +1 to cast anymore either.

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