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Yeurl slachyr wraith

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Posts posted by Yeurl slachyr wraith

  1. 19 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    I don't think anyone actually wanted him dead, but when you end a lore article with the POV character getting murdered for questioning Malekith's existence, mention dark elves who worship a dead shadow god, and don't use him in anything except background lore for 5 years, people start to get a little suspicious.

    Now that we know he's alive in the present day, I'm left wondering what all those hints were supposed to be about

    You are referring to an article on warhammer community which was more of a caricature of a tabloid without proof.

    The pov character was murdered because he dared to claim that Malerion didn't exist. That's all. It's a simple joke.

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