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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Posts posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. The photography and the art in that supplement is on point. I maintain that a single evocative image, one that tells a story, can be all it takes sometimes to capture someone’s imagination and lead to them going all in on a new army. These new orruk sculpts look much more like the avalanche of green that they’ve always been sold as but never quite lived up on the tabletop (in my eyes). 🙌🏻 

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    use the head for an idoneth deepkin conversion on a hero, and model the rest of your force after the great old ones/dagon. actually..im sure someone has already done it. Still a good idea though :)


    Guilty… Although mine aren’t recognisable as aelves anymore 😅 








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    • LOVE IT! 23
  3. 14 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    I never woud've guessed I would see people in 2023 saying "yeah the plastic BoC models need no upgrade

    Agreed; to my eyes, the Gallowfall sculpts blow ANY of the current Beastmen lines out of the water and I can’t wait to see the army updated with even a faction of the awesomeness of those space goats 😍

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  4. 10 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    One of the dogs also has a little buddy:


    Alternate angle of Heady Lamarr:


    Also, this guy seems to be missing from the group shot:


    Is that last guy a Cities elf? I can’t quite tell (but I could believe it).

    In a world of unconstrained fantasy, I almost never go for a straight-up human faction, but I’m really, really digging these Cities previews. Sooo many different ideas and directions you could take them … 

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