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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Posts posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. How are they explaining/handling mortal lifespans in the lore these days, btw? Is there a (solid) lore justification for how Thanquol is still bopping around when Skaven have infamously short lifespans, for example, or could there have been a cooler, more over the top AoS way of explaining how he’s still around, if he should even be around at all? 

  2. 26 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    I really hope that the AoS Design studio reconfigures how it approaches Narratives going forward. I would much rather see a Grand Narrative campaign book released every 6 months or so throughout an edition and for the end-of-edition narrative to be reduced to 4 books (One centered on each Grand Alliance) 

    I think that 6 books for Dawnbringers is too long. Trying to squeeze in 6 books in what is basically the last 6 months of an edition feels crushed narratively and in terms of faction support. 

    Having a Grand Narrative Campaign book every 6 months or so would divide an edition's 3-year cycle into 6, 6-month Epochs that could be narratively framed around a specific race, faction, event or realm etc. 

    The last 6 months or so of an edition should see releases that help people prepare for the next edition. (Release a specific "type" of unit for each faction that will be influential in the following edition, like Warmachines, or cavalry or monsters


    This. The story should feel like a natural part of the setting, not something contrived for the purposes of an end-of-season campaign. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, bethebee said:

    in my opinon Slaanesh breaking free, without something equally or more interesting at play, would be one of the worst lore decisions they could make.  pretenders is the coolest part of Slaanesh in every sense and it honestly feels like it'd just make him blend in with the others more.  with the GHR rising as a fully fledged chaos god For Real this time i see no reason for the prince to make his return to the dinner table since that spot is already taken and he's arguably the most compelling of all the chaos gods where he's at right now.

    Could the case even be made that Slaanesh is enjoying their extended stint languishing in bondage? 😅

    • Haha 3
  4. Presumably less “here is a very small niche army” that they then struggle to expand in a convincing or compelling way, leading to them mashing up said small niche armies in ways that lack synergy on the tabletop,

    and more “here is a broader, less pigeon-holed interpretation of said faction” that allows them to go deeper into its lore, expand it more naturally, and create rules than don’t even really need as much internal synergy on the tabletop because the whole faction is more unified to begin with. (My guess!)

    Example 1: Orruk Warclans becomes much easier to run with lots of different types of orruks. You are less restricted by what you can take and what you can take interacts more naturally/effectively together. 

    Example 2: DoK and Malerion’s lot. Instead of adding another shadowy aelven faction to the setting with arguably finite design space they introduce it as a natural extension of DoK, adding variety and depth and perhaps internal conflict and all the juicy narrative hooks and character dynamics that come with that into a faction that it could otherwise be argued has been pretty one-note up to now (AELVSS BUT SNAKES). I’m exaggerating but you get the idea! Their lore becomes richer and on the tabletop you have a bigger, more unified and cohesive army to play, and it’s just one faction for GW to support. 

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  5. 28 minutes ago, Swooper said:

    Why is everyone so certain recently that BoC are getting cut? Various iterations of that rumour have been going around since 1st edition, it's never been true and I don't think it's true this time either. They literally got a new miniature just over a year ago. I think it's far more likely that they're the next big range refresh after Skaven, maybe even as early as Q1 next year.

    I might be mistaken but I was under the impression that Whitefang has strongly implied it through their post reactions. I don’t put much stock in general rumours either, but Whitefang’s track record is pretty good.

    (Perhaps someone else can confirm if I’ve imagined this? It’s hard to keep up with everything on here sometimes 😅)

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Baz said:

    I'm thinking a mixed warband of aelves, forest spirits and satyr/ centaurs like in the dawnbringer short story. 

    This would be VERY cool and super evocative of how I’ve always imagined the Wild Hunt, sweeping up all manner of woodland denizens in its sublime call 

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  7. Rumour-mongers, soothsayers, children of the Fanged One:

    Have there been any whispers about other OOP Forgeworld kits returning with the Old World, in the same vein that we have the Troll Hag confirmed as coming back?

    I would really like to pick up some Forgeworld Fimir for a painting project, but they go for the craziest prices.


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