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Posts posted by ProbablyBalthus19

  1. Sadly I don't have pistoliers. Wish I did, though! I have Longbeards, greatswords, and Ironbreakers. Hallowheart is what got me in to Cities so trying to stick with that before trying other Cities. I like the magic.  Think I am going to try and throw the Gyrocoptor that I have lying around in to go out and  grab a quick objective while my slow force moves up the board.

  2. So after playing some games with Hallowheart all at A thousand points. It seems that a Celestial Hurricanum is absolutely needed for it's buffs. Against my wives Lumineth, and More importantly Nighthaunt, I cant seem to win. Any of you that are way better than me, can maybe help me with my current list and see if I am missing anything. 


    + Leader +

    Battlemage   Elemental Cyclone,  Ignite Weapons, Aqshy, General's Adjutant

    Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage 
     Celestial Battlemage: Roaming Wildfire,  Pauldrons of Living Flame,  Sear Wounds

    Runelord Crusade, General

    + Battleline +

    Freeguild Handgunners  10 Freeguild Handgunner, Long Rifle (Marksman), Pipers, Standard Bearer

    Ironbreakers  10 Ironbreakers, Drakefire Pistol and Cinderblast Bomb, Drummers, Standard Bearers

    Irondrakes  10 Irondrakes, Grudgehammer Torpedo, Hornblowers, Standard Bearer

    + Other +

    Phoenix Guard [160pts]: 10 Phoenix Guard, Honoured Retinue

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 1000 Points - Vanguard

    ++ Total: [1,000pts] ++

    My main problem with any list currently at this point level is speed. Everything is very slow. I know there is the bridge, and Lauchon but it's hard to bring in at 1000 points and I feel more bodies are important. I also went Ironbreakers over Longbeards for now so losing out on the +1 to wound grumble. 

    Phoenix guard are an absolute must as well for their ability to not die.  So there you have it. Any help is appreciated.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Uziel said:

    Maybe you could convert some Kairic Acolites, or other models and use them as freeguild.


    I for example, use my old bretonnian men at arms as Freeguild Guard with halberds.

    That's an idea. I've been trying to find conversions but failing. The old sculpts are just so bad. My current 1k list is:

    Celestial Hurricanum



    10 Longbeards

    10 ironbreakers

    3 evocators on dracoline.

    Looking to pick up 20 irondrakes, and was looking to get 20 handgunners to fill out battleline but they just look terrible :(

  4. 7 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    @ProbablyBalthus19 they hit pretty hard on the charge particularly with empower up. It's a shame they can only cast empower as they'd be really sweet in Hallowheart without that restriction. I probably wouldn't use them in builds that are intended to be at the top of the competitive spectrum but they're far from bad!

    Makes sense. Don't know if I'll ever play competetively, but right now it fills points in my army. I'd love some freeguild..but they look terrible lol.

  5. 23 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    Not keen on sharing the details quite yet but suffice to say I've been playing around with builds that are very different from the "classic" Hallowheart lists. No bridge here!

    Keep fighting the good fight, Swarm!

    Anyone have any success with running 6 evocators on dracolines? 520 points is a big investment, but they seem really good. I've run 3 in a 1k game and they did some work against Lumineth. Just trying to see if anyone has any better experience with them.


    25 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    Personally I don't think the tauralon is a good option. He has 3 spell casts but his signature spell is not very good and his abilities are mostly irrelevant. You can take a Knight-Incantor and a Lord-Arcanum on foot for 270 points and get 4 spell casts, two cycle of the storm activations, 1 extra wound, 2 signature spells that are actually good, access to a marginally useful command ability and a single use auto-unbind. For me that's a slam dunk of the tauralon.

    The tauralon is mobile, but if nothing else in the army is you won't be able to protect him adequately. If you make him the general you lose access to the bodyguard and adjutant rules (plus any other battleline benefits which are often really important, especially if you are trying to avoid using freeguild units).

    I think if you want a mobile hero you want to make him as tough as possible, which typically means an Anointed on Frostfire Phoenix. A frostie can actually operate independently to a degree, whereas the tauralon will be a sitting duck.

    If you want more magic just take more foot wizards, and if you want a mobile hero take a frostie.

    Well that settles that :D I'll keep using my hurricanum and battlewizards/knight incantor for now and start building up my duardin.

  7. 17 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:


    Just about every competitive Hallowheart list is built around a core of wizards and a Celestial Hurricanum. Right now the mix of Wizards is probably looking like the CH, a Knight-Incantor, a Sorceress, and then maybe 1-2 other wizards (possibly a Battlemage, possibly a second Knight-Incantor, possibly a Lord-Arcanum).

    Beyond that core of wizards you've got a number of ways of approaching it. Some lists go completely ranged, usually with a mix of crossbows and handgunners. Others take some melee, typically Phoenix Guard.

    If you want to stick to wizards and duardin, then your best bet is probably a core of wizards plus a Runelord, some Irondrakes and Longbeards. Irondrakes can function in the place of crossbows/handgunners, but keep in mind that their range is a bit short. They hit really hard though. You will need the Runelord to be your general for battleline reasons most likely. You will definitely want to take Soulscream Bridge in this list.

    Another option is to focus on melee, in which case you will want a Warden King and some Hammerers plus Longbeards for screening. The problem here is that your army will be very, very slow. Anything your Hammerers touch will disintegrate though.

    Thank you very much for this info. It's extremely helpful. I have a lord arcaum on Tauralon as well. With him being able to cast three spells think he'd be a good general? My only concern with him and the hurricanum is 540 points tied up in just 2 units.

  8. Hi all, just diving into AoS and Cities of Sigmar. I like wizardy stuff and have played maybe 5 games with Stormcast eternals. They are ..not good right now. I am starting a Hallowheart Army but struggling on where to go with it. I like dwarfs, and I like magic. I realize the two don't go together but this is what I have so far =:

    Celestial Hurricanum with Mage. 

    4 battle wizards 

    Tons of SCE heroes to choose from: Arcanum on gryph, incantor, Arcanum on tauralon


    Battleline and Other are where I am struggling. I currently have 10 Longbeards, and 10 Ironbreakers. I'd like to stay away from the terribly ugly Freeguild models, and was thinking of getting 10 irondrakes. 

    Stormcast models I have 10 evocators, 3 on dracoline (I like these). Some longstrikes etc etc

    I still need to buy endless spells etc, but that's what I got to work with. Any suggestions? Tons of hammerers etc?

  9. 1 minute ago, dekay said:

    Nope! Stormcasts gain Hallowheart keyword, making them legible for all the special rules. Tauralon might be actually worth considering.

    I agree. I might work him in with my hurricanum once I can actually muster even a 1k force. Currently I have a hurricanum, some ironbreakers, some longbeards and some wizards lol.



  10. Hi all,

     I am a 40k player but love fantasy and have had the soul wars box set sitting around for ages. I decided to add to it after reading Soul wars because Balthazar gelt is who i used to run with waaaaay back in fantasy. I am firmly in the camp of play what you enjoy but after getting absolutely trashed by Slaves to Darkness in 4 games I am a bit disheartened. Below is my list. Any tips to play the list better would be appreciated.


    Anvils of Heldenhammer

    Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger

    Soulthief relic/Deathly Aura

    Celestant Prime


    10 Sequitors

    5 Liberators

    5 Liberators


    6 Longstrike Raptors

    1 Unit of Evocators

    2 Celistar Ballista

    Endless spell Balewind Vortex


    I've only played 4 real games after learning the rules, not counting the games with my wife against nighthaunt while learning. But all 4 games I was generally done by turn 3. Demon princes casting a spell making the terrain blocking so I couldnt see anything, as well as chaos knights and the new lord having tons of different attacks.. I just felt very week. The prime died in 1 turn. I was told I just need to learn to use him better, but I don't feel like any of the list truly "Worked."

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