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Posts posted by Moleculeaxium


    So some time in the future there will be a dubbles Tornament. Close by where I live. So just playing around with some Ideas. 

    What would you say? Chance anything? 



    Allegiance: Beasts of Chaos

     - Greatfray: Gavespawn


    Beastlord (90)

    - General

    - Command Trait : Unravelling Aura

    - Artefact : Mutating Gnarlblade

    Grashrak Fellhoof (140)

    Great-Bray Shaman (100)


    10 x Bestigors (120)

    10 x Bestigors (120)

    10 x Ungors (60)

    - Spears & Half-Shields

    10 x Ungors (60)

    - Spears & Half-Shields

    3 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (180)

    1 x Chaos Spawn (50)

    5 x Grashrak's Despoilers (0)



    Wildfire Taurus (80)

    Herdstone (0)

    TOTAL: 1000


    WOUNDS: 77 

    LEADERS: 3/6 

  2. Had my first game today. 

    list was 

    Bullgor leader two hand weapons 

    Dragon Oger Glaive 

    5x Gors with two hand weapons 

    4x Ungor Raiders 

    995 Points

    He had sth like 

    1 very expensive Hero

    and 14 Chaos Barbs. half half  with flails and shields. 

    Mission was. 

    One Treasure whoever holds It at the end of turn 3 wins. 

    He wins the role of  and places the T. 

    Puts 6 Barbs on it. I got the Bull two Gors and one R. on the field. 

    Rest is turning up at the second turn. 

    He starts fails to block my way.My Bull charges in with a quadruple. I kill the one holding the treasure. Game over. 

    Basically the Bull murders every one around using some doubles. 

    Everything else does nothing except blocking the rest of his army. 

    THE DRAGON OGER GETS THE ONLY OTHER KILL. Murders his Boss with 6x6 😅 felt a little bit bad at this point. So we decided to end the game. 


    Fazit: I really like was the BoC play. Like the Untamed but with monsters. 

    Great fun

    Will try to get in more games




  3. 2 minutes ago, Maddpainting said:

    Oh, battlescribe people don't know the rules a lot of the time, but you can actually build your own and share it. Why not use the free website army builder from GW?

    Yes you can use Enlighten on Disks in the battalion, as its the same warscroll for us.

    Thanks a lot. 

    I guess I will check out the GW army builder website then. 

  4. Phantasmagoria of Fate is not able to have Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs, it is spelled out plainly in the battletome. If it had listed TZAANGOR ENLIGHTENED instead of Tzaangor Enlightened it would be keywords, and the disced version would be valid.


    So I don't understand the resoning here. As Tzaangor Enlightened /Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc are the same warscroll. 



  5. Hey guys some questions 

    Are the Tzaangor Skyfires worth taking? 

    Normally I play with Bestigors combined with Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc.


    Also what would you say to my list? 

    Nothing too competitive as it is supposed to be a fun campaign


    Normally I bring sth like this



    Great Bray-shaman

    10x Bestigors

    10x Bestigors

    10x Bestigors

    1x Chaos, Chaos Spawn

    3x Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch

    3x Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch

    10x Ungor Raiders


    Just to get exactly 1000 Points. also running Gravespawn 



    For summoning I normally take some Ungors, Chaos Spwan, Bestigors and Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc 

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