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Posts posted by Rogz

  1. Just wanted to share a list I took to a tournament and did well with (before AoS4 drops and changes everything). It was my first one and I went 2/3 but actually going 4/1 with stuff I know now (fought a couple of new races for the first time) would have been quite easy. 

     - Army Faction: Idoneth Deepkin
     - Subfaction: Mor’phann
     - Grand Strategy: Spellcasting Savant
     - Triumph: Inspired
    Akhelian Thrallmaster (100)*
    Isharann Tidecaster (130)*
     - Spells: Steed of Tides
    Akhelian Thrallmaster (100)**
     - General
     - Command Traits: Lord of Storm and Sea
     - Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
    Isharann Soulrender (100)**
    Lotann (110)**
    Namarti Reavers (160)*
    Namarti Reavers (160)*
    Namarti Thralls (220)**
    Namarti Thralls (220)**
    Akhelian Leviadon (400)**
     - Mount Traits: Reverberating Carapace
    Akhelian Allopexes (150)*
     - Retarius Net Launcher, Barbed Hooks and Blades
    Akhelian Allopexes (150)*
     - Retarius Net Launcher, Barbed Hooks and Blades
    1 x Gloomtide Shipwreck (0)
    *Battle Regiment
    **Battle Regiment
    TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000

    The army castles up with the thralls out front protected by shipwreck wards first turn. The Leviadon (situationally) gives them +1 to hit and +1 to save. Lotann gives them +1 to wound. The thrall masters give them re-rolling 1's and -1 to be wounded, in addition to battleshock immunity from the generals command trait. The Tidecaster's spell gives them -1 to be hit and finally the Soulrenders D3+3 regen every battleshock phase gives them insane survivability. Just feed the big monsters into the centre of the board and the thralls chomp them up!

    Sharks and archers just wander around getting battle tactics and keeping board control up 😄

    A tantalising change could be to swap the second Thrallmaster out for another soulrender now they are the same points, as that regen brought me back in a fair few games so twice that would be insane.

  2. Played a list im pretty happy with last night and will keep going with for a few games -

    Blender king (voidchill, fury, tome, flaming weapon), Thrallmaster, Lotann, Soulrender, Leviadon. 20 Thralls in front of 20 Reavers and then 10 Thralls in front of another 10 Reavers.

    I was Mor'phann and pretty much castled up with characters in the middle for aura reach. I lost 21-17 to blades of Khorne, (playing The Vice but with new battle tactics) but attribute this to my Leviadon failing 4 charges through the game so not really using a quarter of my army to it's full potential! 

    Thralls absolutely rinsed this game - killed Skarbrand and a unit of Skullreapers almost by accident. The king also took out an entire flank on his own but then went down straight away; still working on that "perfect moment" to pop him out! 

    If i played it again i would be more aggressive in turn two as i didn't get to use the king's high tide ability which was rookie. I was letting the army come to me so i could unleash hell and fight the weakened troops with buffed up thralls, but need to practice this a bit more.

    Lastly, i took the rune of surging gloomtide for extra boat wards, but predictably these got in my way, added to the leviadon fluffing charges and got turned off very easily by my opponents melee army, so weren't the game changing element this time round!

  3. I played my second game with IDK last night - Power Struggle vs Gitz, and lost! ☹️

    (List was Eidolon of the sea, Thrallmaster, Lotann, 20 reavers, 2x10 thralls, 2 sharks and a leviadon)

    My opponent did 90% of his damage with the bomb and moon endless spells, which was on me as i didn't know what they did, so blew me up in my deployment zone plus staggered my first turn positioning as i tried to get away. The rest were wounds to my Leviadon which he killed, after i failed 9 2+ saves over a few turns before he turned his MW spells onto it! Pretty much sums up my dice rolling career; with two sharks and leviadon shooting and did around 6 damage the whole game! 

    I did kill 60 grots and 6 trolls, but shouldn't have just gone for the middle objective to "score more" as his scenery buffed these forces too much for rallying and returning. If i played again I'd whizz the thralls and sharks up each flank to take his side objectives while just shooting from the middle ground, but still don't know if i can trust the sharks to do much.

    I'm only two games in so very inexperienced, but with my rolls for their shooting plus the tendency for them to get deleted in one go after they charge and do a little damage, i am starting to swap them out in lists I'm building just now.

    Just thought I'd share (my sad write up!) 😄

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  4. I've just played my first game with IDK vs a cunning tournament player friend and i lost by a couple of points. This is huge as I'm usually an OBR player and get trashed!

    Was really nice to play with a versatile army that packed a punch, plus to actually participate in AoS3 by redeploying, unleashing hell etc!!!

    I found Reavers great and had a block of twenty in the middle of the board, both shooting and unleashing hell for most of the game. Three sharks and a leviadons shooting was underwhelming i thought (?) But i enjoyed the flexibility to then charge etc which isn't offered in OBR.

    I only had a King and Lotann as heroes, which might have added to finding two units of ten thralls too squishy to really use well - maybe they should have been a twenty with a  thrallmaster.

    On the whole i found sharks went down immediately when attacked in melee. I think next game i might be keeping them floating around shooting on the first two turns, and charging to attack juicy targets for turn three rather than any sooner.

    How do you guys keep thralls and sharks alive? As i death player i didn't enjoy just removing thrall after thrall with only one save roll and losing them all to battleshock! Quite a culture change! 😂😭😂


  5. Hello! Just wanted to say hi and thank you for all the tips and suggestions in this thread. I've been buying up Idoneth over the past couple of months having always liked their aesthetic, but am excited to play them having read up on their synergy and tactics here 😄

    Seems an exciting time to get into them with today's announcements too. 

    I had bought a shipwreck, turtle, 3x3 eels, Eidolon, 2 sharks plus and handful of the lesser heroes and was going to paint them up before seeing what else i needed - looks like a decent time to buy the new box set as i love the Namarti models too and wanted to end up with some.

    So yeah, I would class myself as a good painter and modeller but a rubbish and cursed dice roller of a player! Initially i wanted to get into Idoneth as an art project, but am sure the info here will help me enjoy some decent games too, so thank you all 😄

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  6. Hello all - first time poster here. I just wondered if anyone has any tips on playing against Nurgle please? Last game my opponent used an artefact and his tree to force me to re-roll all my 6's to hit AND to wound which i didn't appreciate! I wondered if, apart from my placement, the Epicurean Revellers battalion countered this or still needed re-rolling? 

    My whole army pool is daemonette, seeker, fiend and chariot heavy, with some (5) hellstriders, epitome, syll, enrapturess, masque, shalaxi and a keeper as heroes, just so you know what I'm working with. 

    Atm I'm thinking of a fast list that almost ignores combat, and can chain summon around his slow troops to cap the inevitable objectives, but any advice would be wonderfully helpful 😃

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