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Posts posted by Reisyo

  1. Detective on the case: This was posted in the DoK thread. Not sure if it was the same Event but there is a 4-1 dok Player who lost in last round. So i guess the winning list played nurgle dp abuse.

    Just came 3rd in a 30 man event this weekend. Lost on table 1 round 5 to a slaves to darkness army that focused on disallowing me to do things using kairos, be'lakor, and a spell that prevents you from moving. Then he just stacked the nurgle daemon prince command ability a few times per turn on one of his 3 units of marauders (who thought that ability should stack?), teleported to whatever unit of mine he wanted to die, nearly autocharged (the only way to fail a 9 inch charge is to roll snake eyes. Again makes me ask who thought of this) and made my unit slap itself to death. Still, game was maybe the closest game I've ever had and I was a single chaos warrior away from winning the event. Other armies I played were a trogg based gloomspite force, beastclaw, berserker swarm and gotrek fyreslayers, and summoning seraphon. But fair warning to everyone out there- until that command ability is faq'd watch out for it! It's absolutely brutal. hallelujah, its been fixed!


    Also, please dont take this as whining. I had a great time and he was a good opponent. Just wanted to share this (unfortunate) discovery I've made. 

    edit: jubilation for a slightly too late FAQ

    Edited Monday at 04:36 PM by Graywate


    • Thanks 3
  2. Yeah you are absolutely right about the chaos lord! If my opponent plays smart it will be hard to utilize its ability.  The easy rerolls into exploding sixes makes sense, too. Thank you for your long and detailed answer, it really helped a lot with my own list building.  Im a Slaanesh player, not by choice tho - my buddies bought me the starter for my birthday - their fault! I like every Chaos god tho so i will need to find another way for having some khorne action ;) . Cheers

  3. 1 hour ago, Wulfrik the Wanderer said:

    Competitively or just as a casual list? Battalion is super situational, I would not take it in Everchosen as it becomes redundant.  I would use it as a way to get Circles outside of playing Everchosen lists. That being said, if you are looking for competitive lists with Archaon and some Varanguard you might have even better luck in Despoilers or Ravagers. That said, Everchosen would still work! Archaon's 18" aura in Everchosen is large, but you would want to cover the rest of the battlefield as your Varanguard are going to need to run in different directions depending on the scenarios. It is a very viable list, but I would augment it with a few things:

    Slaves to Darkness : Everchosen, Realm Aqshy (2000pts)


    Archaon (800pts)- General, Slaanesh Mark, Spell - Spite-tongue Curse

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110)- Artefact - Ignax's Scales, Slaanesh Mark, Spell - Mask of Darkness


    Varanguard (300pts)- Battleline, Slaanesh Mark

    Varanguard (300pts)- Battleline, Slaanesh Mark

    Varanguard (300pts)- Battleline, Slaanesh Mark

    Chaos Warshrine (170pts)- Slaanesh Mark

    Endless Spells: 

    Suffocating Gravetide (20pts)

    82 wounds

    Having another hero besides Archaon gives you flexibility with the aura effects. You don't need to stay under the auras, but exploding 6's on the Varanguard's 18 attacks 3+ 3+ -1 2 (obviously take 6th circle, just do it) is sure to free them up for another charge which you need to keep up the killing power of your army. Having a Chaos Lord to give rerolls to everything to a unit of Varanguard (or Archaon) to get in will pay dividends, and the Warshrine's aura will give your Varanguard a much needed Mortal Wound shrug. Also, your Warshrine can simulate Daemonic power by doing the Unmarked Prayer on a 3+ to another unit of Varanguard (or Archaon). You will have 2 command points a turn with Archaon on the field so one for you to By My Will a unit of Varanguard just incase they take a nasty crack-back swing or to reroll a charge, and one to see who is going next. I would recommend doing the later first. Most important thing about Varanguard I tell people is to almost always do the once per battle double pile in if they didn't quite finish off the unit. Getting them to charge again is going to be the goal of the army and eventually how you will win. I do recomment dropping a unit of Varanguard if you are looking at a tournament, and bringing 40 marauders in Slaanesh Mark. The ignoring battleshock with Everchosen will make it an even more deadly unit moving up the field.

    Are you sure that slaanesh mark is better than the Khorne Mark? even with the Marauders im not sure which one is better.  With Khorne you are also able to ally an Bloodsecrator for extra attacks. A Chaos lord on foot might be a good idea, too. Just for the Archaon double pile in

  4. What do you think about a Bloodsecrator as an ally for the +1 attack in 16 and the Chaos Lord on foot for the Double activation on archaon? Too slow maybe? you can also play archaon + 2×3 varanguard and some more Support in the slaanesh batallion as 1 drop. Thoughts?

  5. Dont you guys think that a Chaos sorcerer Lord for Save rerolls with archaon should be Core? Also a Lord on foot for another archaon activation + a Bloodsecrator for the Deathball.

    smth like:

    archaon - khorne

    2x3 varanguard - khorne



    sorc lord

    leaves 260 for screen /obj grab

    a Lot of drops tho - thoughts?

    Also you Could 1drop archaon with the slaanesh batallion 2x3 varanguard 1 sorc Lord and 3x5 marauder horsemen

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