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Posts posted by Grimskul25

  1. Thanks for the input guys! I had my game with that list this past Saturday, and it did pretty well. The Maw Krusha performed as he usually does, and was a missile of doom for a Keeper of Secrets who thought it was safe behind his blobs of daemonettes. The Plate of Protection is probably one of the few new realm artefacts worth taking, as it saved my Warchanter's bacon when he got jumped by an unexpected pack of daemonettes. 

    I agree with Jabbuk's assessment of taking larger brute units. I thought MSU would be good if I went for choppas because of their command ability, but they're not tanky enough to deal enough damage in 5 man units. 

    I guess my main question would be if going warclan-less is better than going for Choppas at this point, since if I don't leverage the command ability, then I'm really just taking it for the potential charge rerolls and the +2Ld bubble for the brutes.

  2. Hey everybody, 

    Trying to figure out the best way to use IJ with the new points changes and I'm glad Brutes are more interesting as a choice versus Ardboyz now. I'm in a 2v2 game (teamed with OBR) with 1500 points per player. Here's my list so far:

    Warclan: Choppas, Realm: Chamon

    Megaboss on Maw Krusha with Gore Hacka and Choppa - 460

    • Artefact: Metalrippa's Klaw
    • Mount Trait: Mean 'Un

    Warchanter, General - 110

    • General Trait: Checked Out
    • Artefact: Plate of Perfect Protection 
    • Fixin Beat

    Warchanter - 110

    • Get Em Beat

    5 Brutes with Pair of Brute Choppas  - 130

    5 Brutes with Pair of Brute Choppas - 130

    6 Gore Gruntas with Jagged Gore Hackas - 320

    Ironskullz Boyz - 80

    Ironfist Battalion  - 160

    I've been debating if I should change my Ironskullz Boyz into regular 5 man unit of Ardboyz and changing 3 of the Gore Gruntas into another 5 man Brute unit. I would however be around 1490 points then rather than on the dot with 1500. Do you guys think it's worth having more bodies, particularly Brutes given that it's a Choppas warclan list? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    The designer's commentary in the Core Rules FAQ says that if two abilities are contradictory, then the ability that was applied second takes precedence.  So Get'em Beat would supercede the OBR terrain effect.

    Thanks! I just found it, we kinda ignored it for that game since we didn't want to get bogged down looking things up, good to know I have a potential built in counter though!

    • Like 1
  4. Need some feedback on a rules conundrum that came up in my recent game. I was facing against an OBR army and his big terrain piece chose to activate his Curse of Lethargy on me, which basically prevents me from running and only allows a single D6 for charge moves. If I was to successfully apply the Get Em Beat! chant, would that override the debuff altogether or negate the OBR terrain effect to make it back to a 2D6 charge move? I vaguely remember something like this being brought up with regards to how Hedonites of Slaanesh originally worked, so I just wanted to know which takes precedence.


    3 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Not necessarily, with the brutefist you want as many in 1" after the charge as possible so...

    Thing is you currently have 5 units and 2 warchanters, so 3+2 is 2CP, if you merge 2 units you get 3+1 so you can buff them all with 1 cp if you want.

    That's a good point. And the bigger units would also be more efficient to use Smashing and Bashing given that its more likely I'll wipe out a unit that big a size. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    With the buffs we have now it's more beneficial to have some larger units as the target of them. I'd suggest running at least 1 squad of 10.

    That's fair, I thought that given the Choppas Warclan Command Ability, its more efficient to MSU to get the multi-damage buffs across my units. I'm guessing for 10 man units I want the Jagged Gore Hackas so I can get the 2" reach for 2 ranks of combat?

  7. Unfortunately, I don't. I'm already technically proxying for 2 squads of them with Meganobz because they are quite expensive (though thankfully not gore-grunta expensive). I was considering running bigger units, but I figured I would try to make the most of Smashing and Bashing. 

  8. So after using both Ardboyz and Gore Gruntas extensively, I want a bit of a change of pace with using a more Brute-oriented list. I know they're sub-optimal in comparison, but I do want to try and make it work. I'm probably aiming for a 1500 list for Triumph and Treachery game against Cities of Sigmar (likely Tempest's Eye or Greywater Fastness) and Daughters of Khaine.

    Allegiance: Ironjawz
    - Warclan: Da Choppas
    Mortal Realm: Hysh
    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
    - General
    - Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
    - Trait: Checked Out
    - Artefact: Metalrippa's Klaw
    - Mount Trait: Mean 'Un
    Orruk Warchanter (110)
    - Warbeat: Get 'Em Beat, Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch
    Orruk Warchanter (110)
    - Warbeat: Fixin' Beat
    5 x Orruk Brutes (140)
    - Pair of  Brute Choppas, 1 Gore Choppa and Boss Klaw and Brute Smasha
    5 x Orruk Brutes (140)
    - Pair of  Brute Choppas, 1 Gore Choppa and Boss Klaw and Brute Smasha
    5 x Orruk Brutes (140)
    - Pair of  Brute Choppas, 1 Gore Choppa and Boss Klaw and Brute Smasha
    5 x Orruk Brutes (140)
    - Pair of  Brute Choppas, 1 Gore Choppa and Boss Klaw and Brute Smasha
    5 x Orruk Brutes (140)
    - Pair of  Brute Choppas, 1 Gore Choppa and Boss Klaw and Brute Smasha
    Brutefist (120)

    Total: 1500 / 1500
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 104

    The main question for me is if I should drop the Maw Krusha boss for a regular foot Megaboss to have some other mobile elements like Gore Gruntas on the flanks, or if I should bother pushing for the Brutefist and go for the tried and true Ironfist instead. Any suggestions? Do Brutes only work best under the Choppas Warclan or do they do well in Big WAAAGH! lists too?

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