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Posts posted by LeopoldKamirov

  1. 20 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    No news is good news I guess?

    At least Tamurkhan could easily be a Karkadrak lord, unless he's too huge (haven't seen in real life).  I wish I still had my plague toads and nurglings.  Those are good Azgorh allies.

    At least they seem to be an army that can still be transferred to other roles like Cities of Sigmar of the worst happens. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    What's he rumored to be doing in his new rules?  I always liked him and what he could do but thought it was a few too many points.

    I'm definitely getting a psychic cat!  I hope those are only like 140-160 points.

    Ooh, that's a bunch of Fireglaives!  They'll certainly be able to prevent Nighthaunts from deepstriking from the Underworld if you position right.  Protect the cannons as they'll be your main hope of nuking those pesky support heroes, whithout whom they fold pretty quickly in my experience.

    Not sure about what Legions of Nagash do besides having a bunch of skeletons who maybe can be resummoned?  Nagash is nasty though, I've not beaten him yet.

    Have you considered getting a pet cat, and bitsbashing a pet Skullcracker?

    I've asked a couple people and they kept saying to get more Fireglaives but nothing concrete about building the list. This would be my first AoS army so I'm not sure what's standard.  I know the leaders and K'daai are popular choices but other than that it's up in the air. A skullcracker looks fun but I think I will hold off on kitbashing for the game yet.

  3. Would you say this is a fair list for a first time with the army? I'm not looking for something overpowered but something that will be able to hold its own against armies like Nighthaunt and Legions of Nagash in semi-casual/semi-competitive play.

    It's a perfect 2000/2000 list.


    Bull Centaur Taur'ruk w/ Grotesque and Armour of Bazherak the Cruel

    Daemonsmith w/ Darkforged Weapon


    Infernal Guard Fireglaives (30)

    Infernal Guard Fireglaives (30)

    Infernal Guard Fireglaives (30)


    Magma Cannon

    Magma Cannon


    K'daaai Fireborn (12)

    Endless Spell

    Soulscream Bridge

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